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Newest Cachers Arrive Safely


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England's newest cachers arrived early this morning!


Rebecca and Adam (Skippy and Pingu) had twins earlier this morning.

Emily weighed 6lb 3oz, Matthew weighed 6lb 1oz


The twins already have caching names registered as Pinga and Roo, and I'm told are already looking forward to doing their 1st cache, which has been planned for a while now!!

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Congratulations to Adam and Rebecca! :)


Adam, one thing you might want to check up on is your geocaching friend Cheeseyfeet who registered for the Big Move event just before you, claiming that his wife was also pregnant with twins that were due soon and their caching names were also going to be Pinga and Roo. I think he may be a stalker so I should be careful. ^_^

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Well done folks! Sounds like a rather painful way to get extra cachers in your area though. I'd start by talking about it to friends at work if I were you ^_^

Good luck with what they call the joys of parenthood. I hear the first 20-odd years are the worst...


Identical twins? Since one's Matthew and the other one is Emily, I rather hope not!

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Just to let you know your latest caches have had a positive review and can be allowed to fly free ^_^


Many congratulations :)^_^:):D


PS Can you make sure you have entered the final waypopints through the waypoint editor accessed through the navigation bar, I assume you had all neccesary permissions before placing the caches :D:D:D

Edited by Eckington
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Thanks to everyone for your kind messages, mother and babies are doing well. ^_^ There is already a cache planned by Skippy and Pingu for them to FTF in mega quick time!!! :)


Oh and Chas, we had planned to have them on friday but they thought they would give the other FTF hunters in the area a chance by leaving things alone for 2 days!! ^_^

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