SteveThePirate115 Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 I'd just like to say a big thank to all those at Geochat who have wished me well for my deployment to Iraq, especially to Liane and Helen, who came to wish me well at Brize last night (at very short notice), and watched me get rather drunk! You may well be pleased to know that I'm currently sitting in the departure lounge at RAF Brize Norton with a crackin' hangover! Hopefully I can stay in touch on Geochat while I'm away, but if not I'll sent out an email every now and again. Once again, a massssssssssive thanks for all your support. See you all in the summer, Ratty (Steve-o) Quote
Ben Pid Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Fair play old chap, hope all goes well for you. Good Luck! Quote
+Old B Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Hi Our thoughts are with you. May your hangover be short and your tour be uneventful. Quote
+webscouter. Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 From the other side of the pond, thank you for your service towards peace. God speed and God bless. Quote
+Brenin Tegeingl Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Hopefully the most exciting thing of your tour will be arriving home. Dave and Nette Quote
+third-degree-witch Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Good luck Ratty,Both to yourself and ALL our men and women out there in the field.Difficult job in difficult times thats appreciated by the majority. Quote
+FatGaz Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Best wishes mate - may you be back home soon! Quote
+Haggis Hunter Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Good luck!! Remember to pack your GPS, there are a few caches to be found out there. But on a more practical note, if you find yourself out and about keep it switched on with it set to the Iraq grid system. If you come into Contact you won't be flapping about trying to read your map for a grid reference, you will just be able to read it straight off the GPS. Lets hope you don't come into contact though!! Quote
+rutson Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Best of British mate, sure all will be well, #geocaching's collective thoughts are with you. Oh yeah, just one thing, can we have a more recent photo for the gallery, make the rest of us look better Quote
+The Hokesters Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 All the very best Ratty mate! Sorry couldn't be with you last night but since you had a couple of the top GeoChat birds to see you off I am sure it wasn't all that bad Look forward to speaking to you again soon. Si Quote
+rutson Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 You're only jealous Simon! I'm not, of course, at all, not in the least, not even a tiny weany bit.... Convinced? I'm not! Quote
+Eckington Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 All the very best of luck kidder, and keep your powder dry Quote
+The Cache Hoppers Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 (edited) Liane and Helen, who came to wish me well at Brize last night (at very short notice), and watched me get rather drunk! We did .... and he was .... here's photographic evidence!! (He's far enough way now that he can't whack me for it) Edited April 28, 2006 by The Cache Hoppers Quote
+Cave Troll and Eeyore Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 We would like to wish you an uneventful tour of duty and may you return home safe and sound to your loved ones. Quote
+Stuey Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Liane and Helen, who came to wish me well at Brize last night (at very short notice), and watched me get rather drunk! We did .... and he was .... here's photographic evidence!! (He's far enough way now that he can't whack me for it) Who's the bloke on the Geochatters Rogues Gallery then? hehe Quote
+Moote Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 Safe journey and return, looking forward to seeing you in GeoChat often Moote Quote
+The Hokesters Posted April 28, 2006 Posted April 28, 2006 (edited) D'oh! Sorry wrong post. Edited April 28, 2006 by The Hokesters Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted April 29, 2006 Author Posted April 29, 2006 Many thanks for all your support. You'll be pleased to know that I arrived safely in theatre VERY early this morning. As for Liane, be afraid, very afraid. I'm only here for a couple of months... just you wait 'till Manx. And how did you find the time in your busy schedual to make me look so bad? That must have taken some time with Photoshop! And I'm sure there is a better picture of me on that camera somewhere... I'll stay in touch chaps, HaPpY cAcHiNg! Ratty Quote
+Learned Gerbil Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Glad to hear you arrived safely - I hope you have the same good fortune on your way back! Quote
+macroderma Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Any caches in Iraq? I guess you have to be very careful Quote
+The Hokesters Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 YAY! Great to know you can get online to say Hi Ratty - looking forward to your next missive ASAP! Simon Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted April 30, 2006 Author Posted April 30, 2006 (edited) Well the firewall on the British internet system strictly forbids IRC server access, which is a bummer. They quite happily allow msn messenger and chat sites like Yahoo though. Odd people. So, if it's OK with you lot, I'll post an occasional note here for you all. Anyone wishing to carry out the ritual abuse that I have come to expect from some people (Liane) may also carry this out here! Maybe my next destination will allow me to use IRC! Laters, Ratty P.S. If you wanna see the OTHER photos that Liane decided not to share with us, check em out here Nice! Edited April 30, 2006 by Critical Mass Inc. Quote
+Haggis Hunter Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 Any caches in Iraq? I guess you have to be very careful Yep, look here. Quote
+Haggis Hunter Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 (edited) Well the firewall on the British internet system strictly forbids IRC server access, which is a bummer. They quite happily allow msn messenger and chat sites like Yahoo though. Odd people. I take it this means you can't access whilst you are out there? How are you going to manage to do the caches that are in any of the bases that you may visit? Should you just hang up the GPS until you come back? Well I may have the solution for you? If the computers access is anything like it was whilst I was in Afghanistan then you can't print off cache instructions that someone may want to email you? So you have two options get someone back home to print the cache pages and post them out, but that will take ages for you to recieve them. So how about getting someone to cut and paste the instructions into an e-bluey and get them to send it to you. If your post office is good you could have the instructions within the matter of minutes to a few hours. Voila fast and effective printing of cache instructions when you can't access the site or a printer!! If the person sending the information to you has access to your account? You can send back a typed log within an email and they can cut & paste it for you onto the cache log? I hope that helps. Edit: P.S. Anyone that has Ratty's contact details can send him emails through the e-bluey system. He will receive the email in a typed letter form. For anyone that has been on tour they will know that getting mail in the written form is such a moral booster. Although I liked getting emails, I prefered the e-bluey and plain bluey system. Even better is getting a parcel. Edited April 30, 2006 by Haggis Hunter Quote
+The Hokesters Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 Well the firewall on the British internet system strictly forbids IRC server access, which is a bummer. They quite happily allow msn messenger and chat sites like Yahoo though. Odd people. I take it this means you can't access whilst you are out there? No HH, I think is is just GeoChat Ratty can't get onto - I'm investigating another way which may be available to him - it's an addiction don't you know. The Hokesters Quote
+Haggis Hunter Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 No HH, I think is is just GeoChat Ratty can't get onto - I'm investigating another way which may be available to him - it's an addiction don't you know. The Hokesters That's still a good way to get the info in paper form, if he doesn't have access to a printer. Quote
+macroderma Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 Any caches in Iraq? I guess you have to be very careful Yep, look here. More than I expected! I think I'll stick to Wiltshire Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted April 30, 2006 Author Posted April 30, 2006 Thanks for all your advice chaps. I am able to access all aspects of GC, just the IRC that is cut off, even here at my new place on the yank system. Oh well, will let you know if I can find any caches to do while I'm here! Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted May 1, 2006 Author Posted May 1, 2006 is just GeoChat Ratty can't get onto - I'm investigating another way which may be available to him Cheers for the efforts dude! Also, those who want to send me a bluey, ebluey or maybe a parcel (I'm clutching at straws here, maybe assuming that I have more friends than I really do), send me an email through my profile and I'll wirte back with my postal address. CHEERS PEEPS! Ratty Quote
+The Hokesters Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 Can you drop me an email Ratty, so we can discuss. Quote
+Laughalot Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 Glad you arrived safely - All the very best while you are there. Laughalot [] Quote
+Bruin47 Posted May 3, 2006 Posted May 3, 2006 Good luck out there. I did Basrah 3 years ago and am halfway through a tour in Kandahar at the moment. And I've found 2 caches here Quote
+The Hokesters Posted May 3, 2006 Posted May 3, 2006 Darn - due to MOD rules even though we have the technology to get Ratty into the chat room we have decided that it would be dangerous to go against MOD policy. Back to Forum, Blueys, eBlueys and prezzies I'm afraid Si Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted May 7, 2006 Author Posted May 7, 2006 (edited) Chaps, Just to let you know that everything here is OK. It's bloomin hot though! Only 42 days to go... Wohooooo! Liane has my address here if anyone wants to log onto the eBluey website and send me some mail! I've really wanted to see if there are any caches to do here, but without typing my current co-ords in, there's really no way of finding out. And being the nature of my work (SSSHHhhhhhhhh) it would be a pretty serious breach of operational security to start inputting my location into a web page. Oh well! Later all! Edited May 8, 2006 by Critical Mass Inc. Quote
+rutson Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 I can't belive no-one replied to this especially given how worried the geo-babes have been about you! Looking forward to having you on British soil again soon. Quote
+rutson Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 Email: yup, familiar with that.... Bluey: as in movie ? Quote
+Haggis Hunter Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 Bluey: as in movie ? Go into your local post office and ask the lovely lady behind the counter if she would be so kind to give you a few bluey's. I bet she gives you a generous smile and turns her back for you!!!! To pick up the bluey's of course. Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 Hello! Anyone who would like to write me a bluey (morale boost required urgently), Liane has my postal address, or email me and I'll send it to you! If not, I'll be able to log back on to #geocaching in about 38 days... When I get the hell out of this god-forsaken hell-hole of a country ! Later all! Ratty Quote
+The Cache Hoppers Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 If anyone would like Ratty's (aka Critical Mass inc aka Steve!) please email me via my profile and I will oblige. Cheers, Liane Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted May 20, 2006 Author Posted May 20, 2006 Hi all. Just letting you know that I'm OK. However, I have only managed the pool twice this week! Many thanks to Liane, Hokes, Helen, Rutson and TDW for your blueys. We do have some luxuries here, but being away from your family, and your friends (as I know some of you are more than aware) is really hard, even for only a couple of months. Getting your letters was a much needed morale boost and put a big cheesy grin on my face! It'll be great to catch up with you all again soon. Take care all, and happy caching! Ratty P.S. Liane - I can't find your bluey so I have no reply address. Please send me another ebluey with the words 'You crazy a** fool' as the content and I'll write back. Oh, and say hello to the rest of your clan for me! Quote
+Team Maddie UK Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 Good to hear that you're OK Ratty. Take care. Martin & Lynn Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted May 23, 2006 Author Posted May 23, 2006 OK, who edited my post? There's me thinking the word 'a**' was indeed a donkey and therefor perfectly acceptable language for the Groundspeak forum. Is this not a little pedantic? Quote
+wizard1974uk Posted May 23, 2006 Posted May 23, 2006 (edited) OK, who edited my post? There's me thinking the word 'a**' was indeed a donkey and therefor perfectly acceptable language for the Groundspeak forum. Is this not a little pedantic? The filters aren't that flexible so it looks like we'll have to put up with it, you can't even use dadgum which I don't see as being offensive. Edited May 23, 2006 by wizard1974uk Quote
SteveThePirate115 Posted May 26, 2006 Author Posted May 26, 2006 Ah well. What a pain in the a**! (Poor donkey)! Quote
Lactodorum Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 (edited) As has been said, there are some filters on the Groundspeak forums which are designed to catch words that might "offend". Unfortunately these words are all American so anything in English that means something else in that language gets caught So while you can't say "That dadgum a** is eating the carrots", you can slightly edit to say "That damned is eating the carrots" Interestingly it's probably OK to say "You silly arse" whereas you couldn't say "You look like an a**"!!! Edited May 26, 2006 by Lactodorum Quote
+Geo-Kate Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 As has been said, there are some filters on the Groundspeak forums which are designed to catch words that might "offend". Unfortunately these words are all American so anything in English that means something else in that language gets caught So while you can't say "That dadgum a** is eating the carrots", you can slightly edit to say "That damned is eating the carrots" Interestingly it's probably OK to say "You silly arse" whereas you couldn't say "You look like an a**"!!! Should you really be swearing and showing us how to bypass the language filters?! What kind of standard are you setting as a moderator of theses dadgum forums? Oh, and good luck on your posting, critical mass inc.! Quote
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