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Counties Bug

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Posted (edited)

This is my 20th and final POSTING BUG (until some complete their missions.)


I would like this bug to travel to every county of mainland UK, all you have to do is write your caching teams name on your counties page tell me what your county is famous for and maybe stick in a scenic photograph of your area, (if you put in a photograph please print it on paper so the book does not become too heavy.)


This will be on a first come first served basis I only need one caching team from each county.


I will put a caching teams name next to each county as they are signed up.


All our usual nutters welcome.


(There may be more counties or some of these might not exist any more as i used an old map, please let me know if there are more, or IF some of the counties are no more or if any are off the mainland.)



Bedfordshire..................................................Beds Clangers








Devon ........................................................Wadders



Essex .........................................................qichina


Greater Manchester.......................................Bob UK

Hampshire ...................................................The Wilkerson Family


Hertfordshire ................................................Alibags


Kent ............................................................Silver Fox







Northamptonshire ..........................................milvus-milvus

Northumberland..............................................Longfram Kev


Oxfordshire ...................................................Helen in Mustarland


Shropshire ....................................................The Bolas Heathens

Somerset .......................................................Al & Tracy Smith


Suffolk ..........................................................MasqueradeUK





Wiltshire......................................................... macroderma



North Riding

East Riding

West Riding

York(within the Walls)








Flintshire.........................................................................Mancunian Pyrocacher










Angus/Forfarshire ..........................................................Team Clova










East Lothian




Kinross-shire (Kinross, Milnathort)



Midlothian/Edinburghshire .................................Crazy Druid




Perthshire........................................................Perth Pathfinders






West Lothian



M :ph34r:

Edited by Us 4 and Jess
Posted (edited)

Why no Greater Manchester

seeing that we dont live in Lancs no more :ph34r:




Ps....'who's that geocacher?' arrived with me today..

Edited by bobuk

is merseyside a county ?


M :ph34r:


Yes Mandy!!


Now, us Wirralians would rather just have a county for Wirral, but since that aint going to happen, I'll have Merseyside please!

Posted (edited)

Why no Greater Manchester

seeing that we dont live in Lancs no more :ph34r:




Ps....'who's that geocacher?' arrived with me today..


Bob i have put you down for greater manchester..........you did want it didnt you? :lol:


M :ph34r:

Edited by Us 4 and Jess
Posted (edited)

Go on then....i'll have Devon, i

've only seen one of the bugs that i have put my name down for so far!!


Thank God... a posting bug that I now don't need to see, hehe ;) Cheers Terry!

Edited by Stuey

Glamorgan in Wales please(although the county was split a few years ago so it can be shared if any other local cachers want to join?????)

This seems easier than your alphabet TB!!!!!!! ;)


Put me down for Midlothian

D A M N! I was going to bag that. ;)


any chance of doing me the next county across dave :P just pop into the next county for the day and take a picture and tell me some info on it


M :P


Go on then....i'll have Devon, i

've only seen one of the bugs that i have put my name down for so far!!


Thank God... a posting bug that I now don't need to see, hehe ;) Cheers Terry!


any chance of doing me the next county across stuey :P just pop into the next county for the day and take a picture and tell me some info on it


M :P


if your county has gone would it be possible for you to do the next county to you, just take the book with you when you are caching take a picture and tell me about this other county


i know when we are caching up here in durham we often cross borders into northumberland and north yorks ect


M ;)


Ok......I've finally cracked and wouldn't mind having a go at one of these postal bug thingy’s. ;)

So if you like we can take on Somerset or if someone else really wants it I can think of a couple of others we regularly visit that we could do instead. As requested being a postal bug newbie will email you our contact details.


Put me down for Midlothian

D A M N! I was going to bag that. :P


any chance of doing me the next county across dave ;) just pop into the next county for the day and take a picture and tell me some info on it


M :P

Can't I'm afraid, don't have any Counties up this neck of the woods, I will hang off however and see if anyone takes up the surrounding Regions, and then see how we go.



Can't I'm afraid, don't have any Counties up this neck of the woods, I will hang off however and see if anyone takes up the surrounding Regions, and then see how we go.



County/Region? - think we have an idea of what is required for this TB, to visit as many 'Areas' around the UK as is possible.


Although I live in Perth, my mail varies from Perthshire to Perth & Kinross to Tayside, most people don't seem to know the correct terminology anymore.


Still plenty of 'Areas' to choose from, Look forward to this TB arriving, sounds fun. :D:D

Posted (edited)

I'll take Middlesex


What's it famous for: well being on your list but not existing. One of those counties that persists at the Post Office and even on some maps but was abolished long ago.


So lets give a big CHEER for MIDDLESEX


In the arcane world of postcodes TW is a MIDDX postcode except where we live which is SURREY, though we live in the London Borough of Richmond - but I promise to drive down to Twickenham with the bug!


I knew I'd get lumbered with the difficult one :D

Edited by kewfriend

Stick me down for Berkshire - the kids will enjoy coming up with something to write in the book.


I'll try to remember to email you my address...


The old "Regions" were rent asunder at the last local government reorganisation. Giant outfits such as Strathclyde, Central, and the Lothians were split up into their current constituent parts.


There are still some vestiges of the old Regions, in the form and layout of some of the Polis forces. Strathclyde Polis, Central Polis and L&B are still pretty much as they were under the old "Regions" regime, but for local government and most other adminstrative purposes the Regions are a dead duck.


These endless reorganisations are a pain for mapmakers. Looking back over the many editions of the OS maps for my local area I can see lots of different and completely incompatible counties being assigned to this area. At various times it has been part of Linlithgow, Stirling, Lothian and Falkirk. The postal codes and BT STD codes too are bonkers. The confusion is endless. Try calling the Polis or the Fire Brigade in this area and you can forget a response within the first hour. Each of the responsible authorities convinces themselves that this place is in the other guys' county.


The post office's (formerly Consignia when the wretched thing was cobbled together) database of postal addresses is a mess at the margins of the two counties. Housenames are mispelled or just plain wrong or are listed as being on the wrong side of the dividing burn. If it wasn't for the fact that Postie knows all the people in the community by name and knows where letters should go, we'd never get any mail at all. He knows that Chris lives here; Sandy lives there; Ian lives over there and Rab owns the unoccupied farm yonder, so all the mail gets delivered to the right places. Pity the poor sods from FedEx, UPS, TNT et al. They have the duff database on their PDA/GPSs and they are reduced to calling in at the first handy household to ask where they should deliver their packets to.


The problem is widespread. Even the Muiravonside Country Park, which actually belongs to Falkirk Cooncil for heavens sake, has the problem of being an EH postcode and has an 0131 phone number. For the past five years West Lothian Social Work Dept has been bringing a group of special needs people to the park once or twice a week to do some voluntary estate work. They love the work; the work ethos has done them all a great deal of good, physically and intellectually and emotionally; and they've done great things and have learned a lot about such things as how to build and maintain paths and flights of steps, how to plant and prune trees and how to look after a riparian landscape. Sadly, it has recently ended in tears when some numptie in West Lothian Cooncil 'discovered' that Muiravonside, despite being substantially further East than much of West Lothian, is actually part of Falkirk's patch. They've put the kybosh on those special people doing what they've loved doing for the past five years.


As for the "Core path Plan" of the two counties, don't get me started!!


Blame the fools in the triple numptaria of Leith, St Andrews House and Halitosis Hall at Holyrood for the ongoing foolishness of the endless incompetence of the endless rearrangement(s) of the local government furniture.

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