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Very Strange Log

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So, I was out looking for a cache Saturday with my wife, and when we found it, we noticed that it was sticking out of it's hidey hole and very visible. It was a micro, and bright red. Anyway, when we unrolled the log, the last page was signed by three children who signed their first and last names, the date, and their ages (12, 12, and 13). Underneath the logs, they took up almost a whole sheet with this message:


We all signed our names, you UGLY M***** F*****S!!! We hate you and yet we don't even know you!!


The actual cache location is elevated from the surrounding terrain. Turning around, I realized I was now in direct view from about 4 backyards on a nearby street, which were strewn with evidence of adolescent habitation. Being a saturday, I knew it was very possible that the offenders were watching me right now.


While slightly peeved at being called ugly (not to mention the other implication), I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I tore that log sheet out of the book. I mean, who signs their last names onto something like that, then dutifully puts it back in the hiding spot? Don't get me wrong, I am glad that they replaced the cache and didn't steal it, but signing the last name?


I did entertain the possibility that the kids who signed it were not the ones who wrote the message, but the handwriting was a dead-on match to one of the girls who signed the log. All three log entries were dated with handwriting that matched the respective name, and all the dates were the same.


That just strikes me as humorous, and kind of sad at the same time. Obviously these children are in desperate need of attention. I saw the entry as a dare to call the parents, which was my first gut reaction. There might be 2,000 people in this entire town, it wouldn't be hard to track them down. I decided that it wasn't my business though, so on the way home, I dropped off the page to the cache owner. She can take whatever action she deems necessary.


I'd say you did the right thing, BWT. I'd probably have done something similar (plus, if I'd been able to find the parents of the prats who did that, I'd let the parents klnow, too).


That kind of behavior is rude, crude, and socially unacceptable (unless you happen to be a foul-mouthed little prat, in which case it's the norm).

Posted (edited)

Tech! Had some teenagers muggle a cache of mine after I ripped out their log which was neo-Nazi trash. Hope you don't have a similar experience.


BTW, I replaced it with a different hide, nah, nah, nah...



Edited by ATMouse

Am I a sexist simply because the only thing that surprised me was this part?


...but the handwriting was a dead-on match to one of the girls who signed the log


I assume you mean because you are surprised that a girl would talk/write like that? It doesn't make you sexist...just naive :anibad:


Am I a sexist simply because the only thing that surprised me was this part?


...but the handwriting was a dead-on match to one of the girls who signed the log


I assume you mean because you are surprised that a girl would talk/write like that? It doesn't make you sexist...just naive :anibad:

To live in a world where twelve year old girls do not use those words is worth aspiring to. I'll blame their parents and remember to keep an eye on the friends of my children.


To live in a world where twelve year old girls do not use those words is worth aspiring to. I'll blame their parents and remember to keep an eye on the friends of my children.


Must be nice. I live in a world where 12 year old girls swear, smoke, wear belly shirts, and shorts with "hot stuff" written across the butt. When I was a young kid, we didn't have that crap. And you could get a soda for 50 cents. Yes, I know that still makes me younger than a lot of people.


Must be nice. I live in a world where 12 year old girls swear, smoke, wear belly shirts, and shorts with "hot stuff" written across the butt. When I was a young kid, we didn't have that crap. And you could get a soda for 50 cents. Yes, I know that still makes me younger than a lot of people.

The girls in your world will never live in my house.


thru the years I have found that the actions of kids usually reflects the attitude of the parents. If you were to call the parents you'd probably be called the same or worse for accusing their wonderful children of such heinous crimes


We found a cache that was a toolbox that had been originally filled with useful items and tools. It had been broken and plundered.


The people who muggled it wrote the most vile homophobic stuff in the log, I couldn't believe it. :anibad:


We tore those pages out of the logbook, signed the log, and replaced the cache, what was left of it. We then posted a "Needs Maintenance" log.


The young people who wrote that vile stuff in the logbook need a lot of Maintenance on their attitude.


If the cache is still there, consider it lucky. I have one cache that was found my a group of 3 girls, they signed their names and placed the matchbox holder back where they found it.


Some ammo cans have been filled with deer guts.


If the cache is still there, consider it lucky. I have one cache that was found my a group of 3 girls, they signed their names and placed the matchbox holder back where they found it.


Some ammo cans have been filled with deer guts.


Some caches are filled with worse than that! :D<_< Out of the 600 finds I have, I've only found one in this condition, but that was one too many. I was glad it was me that found it (alone) instead of a family with young kids. I wouldn't want to have to explain to little ones why someone would pee in a cache.


The world is changing, not always for the best. And I have become curmudgeonly. If I use one of those inappropriate words, everyone knows to run and hide. The only value that they have is when they are used seldom. But, society devolves to the least comon denominator. I shudder when I hear twelve-year olds use these words. Okay, so I didn't know what they meant when I was twelve. And Lucy and Ricky slept in separate beds. And the world was nicer then.

I have a cache that was obviously not hidden well enough. It started getting love notes (numbered consecutively with the geocaching logs). The cache is now hidden better. Few geocachers have any problem finding it, but the muggles have stopped professing their eternal love.

I am glad that they replaced the cache and didn't steal it, but signing the last name?


I did entertain the possibility that the kids who signed it were not the ones who wrote the message, but the handwriting was a dead-on match to one of the girls who signed the log. All three log entries were dated with handwriting that matched the respective name, and all the dates were the same.


or maybe they signed names other than their own... you know... to get them in trouble.

who would do that <_<




just hope they don't do a return trip to damage the cahce again... but then that's up to the owner to think about. you did the right thing.

these kids aren't exactly mensa material.and in a few years they'll be allowed to vote!!!


I have a cache that was repeatedly visited by some (I'm guessing) pre-adolescent kids. Like your girls, they signed their full names. It was a trading cache and they traded. Good swag for rocks and snakes skins. Eventually when the cache was full only of their stuff they potty mouthed a log entry. I replaced the trading cache with a camo'ed micro - though the cache page contains a complete description.


In your case, I expect there are some territorial issues. One of the reasons I'm not fond of neighborhood caches, even in public parks. Those spaces are the hang-outs of the neighborhood kids, and the geocachers are intruding. Hey, it's their 'clubhouse' and KEEP OUT. I know this isn't the legal truth, but it's the emotional truth.


One of our caches - the oldest remaining cache in the area - has been found numerous times by geo-muggles. We pull the cache in every fall for maintenance, and to read the logs.

One young lady who comes every summer to stay with her grandmother found the cache three years ago while walking the dog. She opened it, read the instructions, took an item and traded a dollar for it. She excitedly signed the log.

The following summer she returned, and wrote that the high point of her summer was finding the cache still there. She didn't trade anything this time, but she wrote in the logbook (obviously). She logged her visit again the following summer. This last summer she wrote that she'd asked for a GPSr for her birthday. Gawd, I hope she gets one! Each year she signs the log she writes that her mother has moved her to a different state. Think of the fun she could have hunting!


I repeatedly found caches which teens and sub-teens have found, and did similar things (signed log and cussed at those who hid it), and in which the trade items are usually trashed or gone. (knocking on my wooden desk) I have yet to find one with fecal matter, body parts or waste of any kind other than just trash or gum (pre-chewed), but I live in a relatively remote area of the world. I'm sure that my education isn't complete, but I can always pray otherwise... sheesh.


You did the right thing, but I think it would be a blast to present the signed log to their parents, even if only to embarrass the parents... sick Biatch that I am.


The girls in your world will never live in my house.




Ditto. When dating time comes for my daughter, her big brother will be ~20 and will get his butt thumped by me if he isn't the protective older brother I expect him to be...and her 'dates' will get to come in the house and meet Dad, along with an array of weapons, each being explained in the context of how far away I could shoot him if he treats her wrong, and what some .00 buck will do to his...stuff if ever tries to use it with her.


My son will get a similar speech in just a few short years, except the .00 buck comment will be directed at him if he does something stupid, and will have the understanding that if he gets himself into something, I'll hand him a shovel and he can make the choice to either keep digging or save himself.


just hope they don't do a return trip to damage the cahce again... but then that's up to the owner to think about. you did the right thing.

these kids aren't exactly mensa material.and in a few years they'll be allowed to vote!!!

From behind bars too!!!!


Yuppers - all over.




"Go away GPS Geeks" was about the nicest thing they had to say...


But then, on the flip-side, I have found caches where the muggles just effused about how cool the hobby seemed, etc. I bought a GPSr for one teen muggle (with their parents permission) that I caught *maintaining* a cache - not theirs. The teen explained that he wished he could go out and find more, but his parents thought it was "kinda weird". So I explained it, took them out once, then bought him a GPSr. Hey - any teen out caching is one not hanging out in front of the local shop-and-rob!


there was on in ourarea at a rest area that is a micro that someone stuffed full of doggie poopoo gross!! and I cant believe someone would actually take the time to touch the CRAP!


I can totally picture finding that cache with my teo-year-old and then at our next cache visit watching him anxiously pulling down his diaper to contribute his newley found idea of a "trade-item"! That's horrible...so why can't I stop giggling!?


One of our caches - the oldest remaining cache in the area - has been found numerous times by geo-muggles. We pull the cache in every fall for maintenance, and to read the logs.

One young lady who comes every summer to stay with her grandmother found the cache three years ago while walking the dog. She opened it, read the instructions, took an item and traded a dollar for it. She excitedly signed the log.

The following summer she returned, and wrote that the high point of her summer was finding the cache still there. She didn't trade anything this time, but she wrote in the logbook (obviously). She logged her visit again the following summer. This last summer she wrote that she'd asked for a GPSr for her birthday. Gawd, I hope she gets one! Each year she signs the log she writes that her mother has moved her to a different state. Think of the fun she could have hunting!


I repeatedly found caches which teens and sub-teens have found, and did similar things (signed log and cussed at those who hid it), and in which the trade items are usually trashed or gone. (knocking on my wooden desk) I have yet to find one with fecal matter, body parts or waste of any kind other than just trash or gum (pre-chewed), but I live in a relatively remote area of the world. I'm sure that my education isn't complete, but I can always pray otherwise... sheesh.


You did the right thing, but I think it would be a blast to present the signed log to their parents, even if only to embarrass the parents... sick Biatch that I am.


I LOVE that story. Very cool. I'm rooting for her to get one too.


You think what those kids said were bad, I've heard worse from 1st graders, now the issue itself is just another reason why there needs to be more prem. only ammo cans somewhere off in the woords.


Having a younger sister and being in the teaching education it is sad to see how much the "young society" has changed in the 10 years or so since I was that age.


So, I was out looking for a cache Saturday with my wife, and when we found it, we noticed that it was sticking out of it's hidey hole and very visible. It was a micro, and bright red. Anyway, when we unrolled the log, the last page was signed by three children who signed their first and last names, the date, and their ages (12, 12, and 13). Underneath the logs, they took up almost a whole sheet with this message:


We all signed our names, you UGLY M***** F*****S!!! We hate you and yet we don't even know you!!


The actual cache location is elevated from the surrounding terrain. Turning around, I realized I was now in direct view from about 4 backyards on a nearby street, which were strewn with evidence of adolescent habitation. Being a saturday, I knew it was very possible that the offenders were watching me right now.


While slightly peeved at being called ugly (not to mention the other implication), I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I tore that log sheet out of the book. I mean, who signs their last names onto something like that, then dutifully puts it back in the hiding spot? Don't get me wrong, I am glad that they replaced the cache and didn't steal it, but signing the last name?


I did entertain the possibility that the kids who signed it were not the ones who wrote the message, but the handwriting was a dead-on match to one of the girls who signed the log. All three log entries were dated with handwriting that matched the respective name, and all the dates were the same.


That just strikes me as humorous, and kind of sad at the same time. Obviously these children are in desperate need of attention. I saw the entry as a dare to call the parents, which was my first gut reaction. There might be 2,000 people in this entire town, it wouldn't be hard to track them down. I decided that it wasn't my business though, so on the way home, I dropped off the page to the cache owner. She can take whatever action she deems necessary.


Unfortunately you failed to list the waypoint name of the cache. <_<:tired:<_<

You did the right thing, but I think it would be a blast to present the signed log to their parents, even if only to embarrass the parents... sick Biatch that I am.


It's s small town, right? Find thier address and send the log sheet to them. Let the parents do what they will.

If the cache goes missing because of it, it's only a micro and can easily be replaced.


I would be surprised if the parents actually do anything. They would probably be offended at YOU for accusing their darlings of such nastiness...

I have unfortunate exposure to some really small children (4-5yrs) that are allowed to do vile and deliberately mean things to the siblings, with mere threats of consequences. Speaking with meanness and threats (like out of movies they are allowed to watch without supervision) to adults, not using manners, oh, and my FAVORITE, not repsecting others' property.


I mentioned in a post a long time back (about following the rules of a park's opening is not setting a good example for our kids) that what we do affects our children. There is your example of the final product. Kids are allowed to speak rudely and trashily, act without shame or fear of consequences and have no regard for anyone else or their rights or property. They will turn into adults who will breed and raise the same kind of young...Scary thought!

Posted (edited)

now the issue itself is just another reason why there needs to be more prem. only ammo cans somewhere off in the woods.

You know, every response in this thread has made sense and dealt with the issue at hand till this one. :D Why would a "Premium Only" cache make any difference? I seriously doubt that these kids got the coordinates for the cache off the GC website. Had this been a Member's Only cache, it would have made absolutely no difference, other than the fact that a huge number of legitimate cachers would have been locked out. But I digress, that is a completely different issue (which is kinda why I can't figure out why it was brought up in this thread)., so to get back to the issue at hand:


I definitely would've sent a copy of the log to the parents, just for GP, along with a note letting them know that if the cache is further vandalized, legal action could be forthcoming (yeah, I know, it wouldn't really be possible, but...) :D


Thing is, perhaps they are a product of their parents, in which case sending the log to them would accomplish nothing. However, there's probably just as good a chance that they are simply "sowing their oats" so to speak, and really need to be called on it. I know that I did some stupid things when I was a kid, and it wasn't because I was raised wrong or my parents didn't care. On those occasions where I was caught doing something stupid and my parents were told, it made a huge impression on me (in more ways than one!!).

Edited by 4x4van

To live in a world where twelve year old girls do not use those words is worth aspiring to. I'll blame their parents and remember to keep an eye on the friends of my children.


Must be nice. I live in a world where 12 year old girls swear, smoke, wear belly shirts, and shorts with "hot stuff" written across the butt. When I was a young kid, we didn't have that crap. And you could get a soda for 50 cents. Yes, I know that still makes me younger than a lot of people.


The Parents just need to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with them. Then, :D

Take a 2 x 4 (with a nail in it) to them, until they get the message. :D

Just kidding.... but, they would never live in my house either.....

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