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Geofood Coin

Better Half

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GeoFood Coin


Limited Edition: (100) SOLD OUT

Polished Copper

Epoxy Coating



Regular Edition:


Epoxy Coating



Price per coin: $8.00 plus shipping

Coins will be trackable at geocaching.com

If the coin reaches a certain number, there will be an icon.


Invoices will be sent out when the coins go into production.



To get your name on the reservation list, please do the following....


Send an E-mail to: geofoodcoin@gmail.com


Subject Line: GeoFood Coin Order


Include the following information in your e-mail...

Geocaching Nickname:


Shipping Address:

Number of Regular Edition coins:

Limited Edition: (Limited 2 per person)

Paypal email address: (If different from above)


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thanks and Happy Caching

Edited by Better Half
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The LEs are all spoken for.


I am keeping a seperate list for those that want on a waiting list. Figuring that some people will back out and I will just go down the list and offer in the order that emails were received.


There are still plenty of the Regular Editions left.


I will post the official dieart for the coin as soon as I get it back.


Thanks and Happy Caching,


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I sent confirmations out for those that have reserved coins. If you didn't receive a confirmation email, then I didn't get an email reserving coins


The invoices will be sent out when the coins go into production.


I am also considering adding a gold version of this coin, but like I said, considering at this point.



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Do you mean the confirmation that came the day we emailed you originally or do you mean something sent today?


The one you received when I recieved your reservation for the coin. The next thing will be invoice time.

When the puzzle coins arrive, and are shipped out... The invoices for the GeoFood coin should go out.


I didn't want to take money for this coin if it was going to be a while before they went into production. I wanted the shortest amount of time for the coin to arrive in your mailbox. Hope this is okay. I am still accepting reservations for the coin.


I think that I am going to also do a gold version of the coin. If you have reserved coins, and which to add gold or substitue gold coins, you need to let me know that you have already made reservations for the coin when you contact me.






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I guess I should have added....


If you are making reservations and haven't reserved any of the coins.


To get your name on the reservation list, please do the following....


Send an E-mail to: geofoodcoin@gmail.com


Subject Line: GeoFood Coin Order


Include the following information in your e-mail...

Geocaching Nickname:


Shipping Address:

Number of Regular Edition coins(Chrome):

Number of Gold Coins:

Limited Edition: (Sold Out)

Paypal email address: (If different from above)




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Thanks AG for the update! :D:D


Yes the coins are going to be made but we are putting everything off until after Geowoodstock. It seems like everyone is trying to save a little woodstock cach right now and we understand that too. Nobody has been invoiced for the coins yet so don't worry.

The invoices will go out when we have a shipping date on the coins.

There are still coins left that are not spoken for if anyone wants in.

Thanks and any questions, give us a shout.

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