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What Happened To Http://www.lostoutdoors.com?


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I had been using http://www.lostoutdoors.com to get USGS aerial photos and Topographic map coverage over Benchmarks (& othere things where I had GPS coordinates). I am no longer able to use it. Does anyone know anything about this? What other options might I be able to use to get aerial photo & Topographic map coverage over a point with known geographic coordinates? :rolleyes:


I asked this same question recently and received the following reply.


According to another thread. the owner of LostOutdoors.com planned to close the site for good back in July 2004. Anything after that has been borrowed time, I guess.


Hey happycycler,buddy where in the world have you been?

I think it shut down from what I have heard.


I know it may be too much for some but The GPS Trackmaker can do a lot more.

It is a freeware program ang uses several of the free topographic and other maps even user defined.

It is found at.



In the left columb get the GPS Trackmaker download.

It is awesome once you figure it out.

You can eventually get to see your tracks and points in 3D imagery with a little work.


Let me know if you need help with it.


Welcome back,


We have been using Google Earth and the county archives from the NGS. We run the county files through BMGPX and then just drag and drop that file on the Google Earth screen.


When you see a benchmark icon that you want to know more about, just click on it & there is the link to the GC.com benchmark page. Of course you need to be on-line at the time for it (both Google Earth and the link) to work.


The screen can be tilted to show the 3d view.



Posted (edited)

Yes I too do Google Earth advanced.

But the 11 decimal points of the trackmaker are highly accurate.

And can also be intermingled.


Welcome back,


We have been using Google Earth and the county archives from the NGS. We run the county files through BMGPX and then just drag and drop that file on the Google Earth screen.


When you see a benchmark icon that you want to know more about, just click on it & there is the link to the GC.com benchmark page. Of course you need to be on-line at the time for it (both Google Earth and the link) to work.


The screen can be tilted to show the 3d view.



Edited by GEO*Trailblazer 1
USAPhotomaps is another option. It downloads pieces of aerials or topos from Terraserver, but is a much better front end. It's free also. It also up & downloads waypoints & tracks to / from GPS units. You need wideband to get the aerials / maps, but once you have them, you don't have to be on-line always like Google Earth. I have pretty much moved to Google Earth.

Sniff, sob...I wish I could get Google Earth to download on my computer.... this thing is just too darned old...


When I go out hunting, I never know what I'm going to encounter other than what Street and Trips tell me. It adds to the fun!



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