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Signal Geocoins.....


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It's time for me to eat some humble pie!


I offer my apologies to the gang at "The Club".


I received my coin that I traded for today. Although I can't get a nice crisp picture of the coin the way the proof came out, I can get the right reflection off of the coin to make the edges and lettering appear bronze. So, my insinuation that there is no way the actual coin has the same finish was in error, and I aplogize for adding any fuel to the fire.


I must also say that the coin has a very hefty feel to it, and for whatever reason, that always makes me feel better! ;)


The manufacturer seems to have a problem with flashing in their process, and it appears they took a wire wheel, or some type of sander to the back side of the coin. The edge is very rough, and the black nickel finish really highlights it.


Last, they definately have a cleanliness issue in their paint department. There are a LOT of inclusions in the enamel finish on both sides of the coin. (I actually pulled a hair off of one side...DNA testing will be done to see if it is animal or human!) ;)


So, while I do see some issues that need to be addressed, please accept my aplogies for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

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Has anyone received a Signal geocoin in the last couple of days? I still have not received my January coin and a message to the info address got an automated reply that they were swamped but gave another address to send to if it was an "emergency." Now, I can't imagine what would constitute an "emergency" in this situation but, perhaps, getting what I paid my 12 bucks for might qualify.


If the coin is, as they say, "in the mail" then I'll wait a bit but if they all should have been delivered then I'll start to see if I can get a real response.


Bill W.

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Has anyone received a Signal geocoin in the last couple of days? I still have not received my January coin and a message to the info address got an automated reply that they were swamped but gave another address to send to if it was an "emergency." Now, I can't imagine what would constitute an "emergency" in this situation but, perhaps, getting what I paid my 12 bucks for might qualify.


If the coin is, as they say, "in the mail" then I'll wait a bit but if they all should have been delivered then I'll start to see if I can get a real response.


Bill W.


Be patient - they are handling a ton of outgoing coins right now. There are several different shipments due out at the beginning of the week, plus they stated all CITO coins mail out w/in 4 days of the sale. On top of this the same people handle Geocoinclub coins and they usually mail out on/around the 20th.


Give them a few days to catch up and perhaps try emailing again towards the end of the week.... :lol:

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Fingers crossed. I have six Jan. Coins coming. Will update after recieving them.

I feel better (misery loves company?) that someone else hasn't received theirs. Keep me posted, either here or by PM?


If they don't show up I have a few extra I'm very willing to get rid of......


....not sure if that makes you feel any better though.... :mad:

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Yay! Mine finally arrived and perhaps it was because I was late in the cycle that mine came through looking very nice. It has a nice heft to it and while there are a few imperections in the finish it looks quite good. Good enough that I'm looking forward to the February coin and am likely to buy the March also.


Bill W.

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Well, I got my first three Jan. geocoins and I think they look good.


You can see some imperfections in the black enamel but nothing too serious. Black enamel is very hard to get perfect under the best conditions so for a $10 coin it's acceptable to me. The package it came in was a plus for me. A soft plastic reusable pouch with all the important info printed on it. It makes it that much easier to give as a gift.


The detailed enamel work is perfect. No bleeding in to the other colors and well defined. You do have to tilt the coin a bit to read all the text but that isn't a issue with me at all. The effect works for me plus it's just the natural effect you'll get with a dark metal and dark enamel background.


As others have stated, the heft of the coin felt nice too.


The tracking number was a bit small. I didn't have a problem reading it but I could see how others would.


Overall, I'm happy with the coin. I, of course, would love to have a U.S. mint quality coin but that is very unrealistic in a commercial product. For the price and the quality I recieved. I'd give it a solid 4 out of 5.


Just my expierence and two cents. :rolleyes:

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If these aren't the dickens to open up. I pull up to my mailbox, excited to find a package inside and try to open that little puppy. If the cursing don't begin. :rolleyes: I like the packaging and think it is a great idea but I want to get to that little sucker out to enjoy and fondle and that just slows me down.

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I like the packaging and think it is a great idea but I want to get to that little sucker out to enjoy and fondle and that just slows me down.

Do you mean the bubble-wrap envelope or the little micro purse the coin came in? I just ripped the outside envelope off as I walked to the car, being carefull not to discard any codes that might be (but weren't) on the outer wrapper. That litle purse was a bit slower to yield because I didn't want to damage it but I really like the idea. Now when the coins hang out in the drawer they aren't going to get all banged up.
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What is the story with the signal coins??? I am still waiting for my Feb coins to come in and it is now nearly April. March has been ordered and nothing from the last month. Getting to be the same way the other club is going as well. Coins are seeming to be delivered later and later now.

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I am talking about the plastic envelope that the coins come in, the outer wrapper. I notice that if it is cold it comes open but if it is warm outside, that sucker won't come open without a blow torch.


They ARE very hard to open. Most of them seem to stick tight. I use a small letter opener and slip it gently under the tab and then along the short strap. Once it starts to loosen up, I use a pencil and slip it along the fold until it slides out.

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What is the story with the signal coins??? I am still waiting for my Feb coins to come in and it is now nearly April. March has been ordered and nothing from the last month. Getting to be the same way the other club is going as well. Coins are seeming to be delivered later and later now.


I got my January on March 10, so there's still time left. I'd imagine it won't be that much longer!



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They should be in today and start shipping immediately.


The coins are a challenge to coordinate on time, but we are moving the schedule up steadily. March coins (which started selling 3/20) should start shipping April 15.


We hope in the next 2 months to move the sale date up to the middle of the month or beginning with deliveries (gasp) actually in that same month.

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I am talking about the plastic envelope that the coins come in, the outer wrapper. I notice that if it is cold it comes open but if it is warm outside, that sucker won't come open without a blow torch.


Does your refrigerator come equipped with a freezer? Try five minutes in there and see if it opens.

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I am talking about the plastic envelope that the coins come in, the outer wrapper. I notice that if it is cold it comes open but if it is warm outside, that sucker won't come open without a blow torch.


Does your refrigerator come equipped with a freezer? Try five minutes in there and see if it opens.


I never thought of that.... :laughing:

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I am talking about the plastic envelope that the coins come in, the outer wrapper. I notice that if it is cold it comes open but if it is warm outside, that sucker won't come open without a blow torch.


Does your refrigerator come equipped with a freezer? Try five minutes in there and see if it opens.

Eartha, <big sucking sound> That is right bloody brilliant. </big sucking sound>


Same technique also works for cubing butter and grating mozzarella.


On topic: Believe I'll wait for the Feb. as well.



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They should be in today and start shipping immediately.


The coins are a challenge to coordinate on time, but we are moving the schedule up steadily. March coins (which started selling 3/20) should start shipping April 15.


We hope in the next 2 months to move the sale date up to the middle of the month or beginning with deliveries (gasp) actually in that same month.


Did they come in? Are they being shipped out? Checked my account and it says "Not Shipped". What is the order they are shipped? By order number (which I would think would correspond to who ordered when), geographical area, number of coins ordered, last name?


Slow production is one thing, but the lack of information and a true customer service department is about to kill any interest in this product . My intent was to get 3 of the series - one for me and two for Christmas gifts; but it is looking like I need to start rethinking this.

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I haven't received January or February either. I did receive 2 CITO coins I didn't order. I've contacted the "store" and am working with them to resolve the problem.

After I had ordered my one January coin and it came I decided to order another, which I did. But the second came quite quickly. If you ordered January more than a couple of weeks ago then I think you need to be concerned.


Bill W

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Got my Jan coin via trade and I'm pretty happy with it. Minor flaws in the pain but with that much on there on a flat surface, it's to be expected. Still think it should have been left without the paint so the black nickel showed.


Anyway, anybody received Feb yet? Anxious to see a pic.

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Feb is in, should ship late this week. (I know) (March is scheduled to arrive/ship next week...) (I know.)


What a relief. I was reading the other posts and getting worried. I ordered January and February at the same time and got my January. I also ordered the March coin, and was just thinking today it's almost time to order April and I still only have my January coin...Thanks Mike!

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Feb is in, should ship late this week. (I know) (March is scheduled to arrive/ship next week...) (I know.)


But they haven't shipped. I just logged in and shipping on my coins are still "NO" So here we are approaching when you said, in another thread, March would ship and Feb still in lmbo. I think that others are getting frustrated, I know I am. Where is the incentive to buy these as they appear in the store. I for one am only going to buy ( pending positive reponse on coin design) when I see others are recieving them in the mail.


For those sellers with coins coiming out, I am also thinking very seriously for never buying from the store again. I just find them very slow, with the exception of the CITO coin, and unreliable. My money can do alot more sitting for months in my bank accout, than it can do in theirs.


My $0.02 worth

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February arrived today - a lot nicer than January. Seems to me, with the theme of the coins so far being so season-dependent, the schedule really needs to tighten up a LOT more even than the store is talking about. Even if the store was to ship when orders were placed, it seems really silly to get the February coin in March, given the theme this year. As the calendar moves on, it might not seem so ridiculous.


Debating a March now. I only ordered one Feb as a FTF prize, after ordering two Jan, one to keep and one for a finder prize. I thought the January coin would likely sell out and then be resellable as a collectors item like First Finders Dance or Selective Availability, but when it arrived, I thought it didn't look as collectible, so I cut down on the February order, especially as all months are still available for order.

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I got my February coins, but still no January. During the time I would have thought I'd receive the two January coins, I received two CITO coins instead. I'm trying to work with the Powers That Be to correct the situation, but they are so SLOW on e-mails.


Anyone else have that problem? With the e-mails, I mean?

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FYI - March Signals are shipping tomorrow & Saturday for all orders placed through today. March is the best yet, very cool coin.


Jan & Feb were shipped yesterday for all orders through Monday.


All versions will ship again next week.


PS: January is ALMOST sold out so if you might want one don't wait.

Edited by Rusty & Libby
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Today I received the March Signal Geocoin! :)


The first of the Signal Geocoins series with an acceptable quality for $10 USD!

Agreed! Although I am not as critical of the other two than has been expressed here.


Seems like that there were so many complaints about the amount of ink on the January coin that they went the other way. But it IS a very nice coin.


Bill W

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