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Wyoming Coins?


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.... wipes my brow ....


Boy am I glad I just got into collecting coins or else I'd be in here steaming with the rest of you guys. I'm sure I would have bought one of these too. Well, if they ever arrive I'll have to try to get one, but I think people might wanna high value for them for their troubles. Definately don't feel like contacting the seller for any left-overs. :laughing:


... well... I'm gonna run now before all the stones start flying at me ...


In all seriousness, I wish you guys the best of luck. I have been in your shoes over an E-bay item before and I know how frustrating it can be.


But... I am serious about wanting one. :unsure:

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nuts ... I'd sure like to see what the mailman's collections look like.


Well if his collection is not worth at least his annual salary times the amount of years he has to retirement plus the $250,000 and 5 years in the Federal prison, I doubt his collection is anything to shout about.


If you contact the Postal Inspectors the person who has collected your money and not delivered the goods has committed at least two felonies so far, mail fraud and wire fraud. If Groundspeak can't get him to make good they can sure make his life a living hell.

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nuts ... I'd sure like to see what the mailman's collections look like.


Well if his collection is not worth at least his annual salary times the amount of years he has to retirement plus the $250,000 and 5 years in the Federal prison, I doubt his collection is anything to shout about.


If you contact the Postal Inspectors the person who has collected your money and not delivered the goods has committed at least two felonies so far, mail fraud and wire fraud. If Groundspeak can't get him to make good they can sure make his life a living hell.


Yeah. I think anyone is well within their rights to bring this to some sort of closure as they see fit, and I think this has to get resolved somehow if for no other reason than to help ensure it is less likely to happen again. I'm just not sure how many of us that only ordered one or two will follow up on this with some sort of legal action. I think it's probably more likely that the clubs who have purchases with totals on the hundreds of dollars will pursue legal action should any of them deem it necessary.


ummm - just to be clear (so no one thinks I'm accusing the USPS of something ... I like mail carriers. They are my friends. They bring me shiny things in cushy packaging. ) that comment I made to Shilo is about a separate trade we have. It looks like the coins we sent each other have both been delayed in the mail. It was a bit OT, but when I wrote the post, I was just wondering if there are piles of coins that have fallen out of envelopes, dropped off conveyors, or have otherwise become unclaimed merchandise in stacks at the post offices around the country.


I recently heard of a place in Alabama where all of the unclaimed baggage from several major airlines goes. It is opened, sorted, priced and put on sale (yes - the clothing is dry cleaned). Back on topic - now I'm wondering if the Wyoming coins are in Alabama? HA!

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nuts ... I'd sure like to see what the mailman's collections look like.


Well if his collection is not worth at least his annual salary times the amount of years he has to retirement plus the $250,000 and 5 years in the Federal prison, I doubt his collection is anything to shout about.


If you contact the Postal Inspectors the person who has collected your money and not delivered the goods has committed at least two felonies so far, mail fraud and wire fraud. If Groundspeak can't get him to make good they can sure make his life a living hell.


Yeah. I think anyone is well within their rights to bring this to some sort of closure as they see fit, and I think this has to get resolved somehow if for no other reason than to help ensure it is less likely to happen again. I'm just not sure how many of us that only ordered one or two will follow up on this with some sort of legal action. I think it's probably more likely that the clubs who have purchases with totals on the hundreds of dollars will pursue legal action should any of them deem it necessary.


ummm - just to be clear (so no one thinks I'm accusing the USPS of something ... I like mail carriers. They are my friends. They bring me shiny things in cushy packaging. ) that comment I made to Shilo is about a separate trade we have. It looks like the coins we sent each other have both been delayed in the mail. It was a bit OT, but when I wrote the post, I was just wondering if there are piles of coins that have fallen out of envelopes, dropped off conveyors, or have otherwise become unclaimed merchandise in stacks at the post offices around the country.


I recently heard of a place in Alabama where all of the unclaimed baggage from several major airlines goes. It is opened, sorted, priced and put on sale (yes - the clothing is dry cleaned). Back on topic - now I'm wondering if the Wyoming coins are in Alabama? HA!


My comments were to let people know that they do have options when it comes to this sort of thing, Also all undelivable, lose or damage mail will sooner or later end up in Atlanta's dead letter office. If you contact your local office and put in a tracer inquiry with the information about your package (it has to be the sender that makes the inquiry) they will check at all the points between where the item entered the mail stream and where it ends. Then if they cannot find it they will tell you to contact the dead letter office and list the contents and see if they are there. It's a long progress (two or three months) but if it helps recover your property it's worthwhile. I worked on several inquiries and things are found this way believe it or not. I just don't think people should be so quick to write it off as a loss when theres other options

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Also all undelivable, lose or damage mail will sooner or later end up in Atlanta's dead letter office.


Wonder where in Atlanta since I'm just west of there. I could go look for both of us :(


OK back on topic. I'm glad to see at least 1 Wyoming coin got sent. I should see mine monday or tuesday then :( (keeping fingers crossed)

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My glass of beer is still half full...


Looks like the half full guys won on this. :huh:


Actually I think we all won since it ACTUALLY looks like people are finally getting the Wyoming coins! :tired:


Now Marky on that Beer ... maybe an RCGDS event???? ;)

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