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Wyoming Coins?


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A travelbug search for Wyoming geocoin shows a dozen activated, (some in February).

So they do exist. B)


This information ought to really get some people fired up. Still NO coins here in PA and I've received my mail already today.

Posted (edited)

10 out of 12 of those are activated by the person who started the coin (which by the way I found a forum post from July 2005 when this coin originally got off the ground).

Edited by The Blind Acorn

B) I think the Wyoming coin and Kinzua Coin are the only coins we are waiting for B)

Well the only ones that don't have an update B)

HMMMM.... Wonder what is going on with these B)B)B)


they aren't the only two I'm waiting for, but they are two of the three I've been waiting for the longest. Spinning coin is the third.


WY - 12/28/2005 (yes 2005 - this is March 2006)

Spinning - 1/14/06

Kinzua - 1/19/06


Sad sad sad.


This is one reason I'm fronting the money for my personal coin and will not sell them until I have them in hand.


No coins in Seattle, either.


The PCC coin club is probably one of the largest customers for this coin, with a payment of around $400 on my Paypal account. I agree, the excuses have become thin, the lack of communication is inexcusable, and he could be flirting with escalations and/or legal action if coins are not delivered soon. It's especially eggregious that he has told us they are mailed (where are they?), activated several coins (feels like he's taunting us), and has time to attend fun GC gatherings, when he's got long-suffering customers waiting for the paid-for coins he apparently has in his possession.


On behalf of PCC, if these coins are not on my doorstep next week, I will have to assume my $400+ is in jeopardy, and will be glad to partner with other customers on next steps.


Yeah, this one definitely is at the TOP of the Wall of Shame list. I think the thing that irks me the most is when sellers of these coins seem to think that because "they're busy," it's ok to make a "customer" wait. Sellers such as this had plenty of time to accept the money and in doing so should put everything else on hold in their life to DELIVER what was paid for. It's part of the process.


Yeah, this one definitely is at the TOP of the Wall of Shame list. I think the thing that irks me the most is when sellers of these coins seem to think that because "they're busy," it's ok to make a "customer" wait. Sellers such as this had plenty of time to accept the money and in doing so should put everything else on hold in their life to DELIVER what was paid for. It's part of the process.


No kidding. I echo what you're saying AG. I don't know about you, but I work at least 40hrs/week most of the time a few more, try to keep up with housework, enjoy mountain biking, caching etc. He's used the excuse of being busy, the box got busted (yes beyond his control, but an excuse none the less), on vacation and yet he's activate 10 coins and attended an event. Poor planning on his part in my opinion - I'd ask for a refund, but I'd likely never get an email back. I've asked for updates time and again with no response so I doubt asking for a refund would bring any response.


Does anyone know this person? Can Groundspeak help with this? I can see why they wouldn't want to get involved.


Can Groundspeak help with this? I can see why they wouldn't want to get involved.


From the guidelines:

Those choosing to participate in an exchange on this board take full responsibility for any consequences of that exchange. Groundspeak is in no way involved in the sale or trading of items on this board and will not be held responsible or liable in any way for quality issues, fraud or any default of transfer on the part of the buyer or seller.


Sorry gang, I feel your pain but this isn't something that Goundspeak can help out in resolving.


Best of luck.

Posted (edited)
:mad: I just checked this guys profile, and I see he has activated 10 of these coins! and the earliest date is FEB. 9TH !!! What's up with that?? :mad: Edited by Jagman714

:mad: I just checked this guys profile, and I see he has activated 10 of these coins! and the earliest date is FEB. 9TH !!! What's up with that?? :mad:


Please see the previous posts - we're wondering the same thing.


How many are you in for? I bought 2.

Posted (edited)

If you purchased them and the seller didn't send the merchandise, would that be considered fraud? Especially since there are numerous people not getting coins they have paid for. I wonder what kind of dollar amount this involves. I know in Missouri anything over $500 is a felony.

Edited by 57chevy

This one wasn't a club order but I personally was in for 4 and remember lodging a complaint when I got a 3rd invoice from somebody I had never heard tell of. 1st invoice was for regular..2nd was for LE I had been on the waiting list and 3rd????????? Howevver in the forum posts at the time there was a response about it. So he wasn't working alone on the project. He had at least one other person helping him (maybe a partner/spouse) but I too am angry over it. The other longest awaited coin supposedly shipped two weeks ago and as I am not in the USA, I have to allow time for the mail. I bet that one was also sent parcel post so could take another 4-6 weeks. After paying in November.............go figure



Posted (edited)

After thinking about it for about 2 seconds, I decided to post this message. The only thing I have removed are the names. Earlier today I sent the seller an email stating I wanted a refund within 24 hours or I would file a complaint with PayPal. This is the reply I received just a while ago:



I sorry, but that is not going to happen, you order went out today, as did most of them. Sorry for the long delay, as it wasn't my fault, and if you still feel that you have to file a complaint with Pay Pal, go ahead.



No, the delay in getting the coins wasn't your fault. And when they arrived, the box was damaged. Also not your fault. And when they arrived, you were away on vacation - can't be helped. No problem with that either. But by choosing not to communicate the situation over such a LOOOONG period of time in the forums or to respond to regular requests for updates from your CUSTOMERS, you have facilitated a situation that lets some of your CUSTOMERS move from a position of being inconvenienced yet understanding to one of being angry.




And for heaven's sake, take some ownership for your own (in)actions.

Edited by ScoutingWV
... you order went out today, as did most of them.

The question is, have ALL the coins been mailed?


Only if there wasn't an event today.....


Ouch :mad:


But true


OK, I just checked my records: I ordered Wyoming coins on Nov. 15 - 4 months ago! 42 coins that I paid $251 for through Paypal on behalf of PCC.


I think it's time to take action....




Glad I didn't buy these when they were offered!! :mad:


These were offered right as I started getting interested in geocoins and remember almost buying them. :D:)


Good Luck Guys! :mad:


D-man :D

Posted (edited)

It's kind of funny. I thought "most" went out on March 1st. I'll believe it when I see it.


< inserts tongue firmly in cheek >


Maybe the coin money is paying for the upcoming moving expenses?



Edited by AtlantaGal

Hey- does anyone want to buy some cheap land in Florida? How about some snakeoil? I got a nice bridge over here too... This sounds like you've all been victims of a scam and/or mail fraud. Maybe some of you should consider taking legal action.


Hey- does anyone want to buy some cheap land in Florida? How about some snakeoil? I got a nice bridge over here too... This sounds like you've all been victims of a scam and/or mail fraud. Maybe some of you should consider taking legal action.


I have a bridge in the Tacoma Narrows I'll sell you. You will have a stunning view of the local octopi, the new bridge, and the middle-aged bridge, all the boat traffic, and NO WIND.


Call 1-888-G-GERTIE


March 1st he allegedly sent out most of the coins. Two weeks later, nobody has gotten them yet? He's obviously lying about shipping them out when he said he did, or he's still using the pony express. Glad I missed out on this one.


Sounds like you guys shoudl just go through PayPal and report the sale.


If I recall right, you only have 30 days to deliver, right?


3-4 months on average certainly would warrant something being done.


Good luck gang.


Paypal requires you file your complaint within 45 days of a transaction (at 45 days I was giving him the benefit of the doubt). I went ahead and filed a complaint anyway today. This is the automatic response I got from Paypal.




Filing a Buyer Claim - Thank You




Thank you for filing a buyer complaint.


Unfortunately, this complaint has been closed because it does not meet PayPal's complaint policy guidelines. However, your complaint has been noted in the record of the PayPal member whom you reported.


We encourage you to continue to work directly with your seller, as we have found that many misunderstandings reach amicable solutions through communication.


To learn more about PayPal's complaint policy guidelines, please go to the 'Help' link of the PayPal website and click on the Protection Policies category link.


Sorry to read about the problems. My guess is that this character took the money and paid for a nice vacation and/or used the money toward moving expenses. It's evident he's been lying to you.


I would suggest contacting the Wyoming Attorney General and file a fraud report. It wouldn't hurt if everyone here who has paid this guy file together. One of you could write the letter and add everyones name, address, phone number, the amount sent and the date paid.


Good luck!



Sorry to read about the problems. My guess is that this character took the money and paid for a nice vacation and/or used the money toward moving expenses. It's evident he's been lying to you.


I would suggest contacting the Wyoming Attorney General and file a fraud report. It wouldn't hurt if everyone here who has paid this guy file together. One of you could write the letter and add everyones name, address, phone number, the amount sent and the date paid.


Good luck!



That may be a problem. If I'm not mistaken he lived in Mass. when he sold the coins and was moving to Wyoming.


Does anybody know how many were minted?


Also this is part of his OP back on November 14, 2005:


1 coin = .60

2 coins = .83

3 coins = 1.06

4 coins = 1.52(not sure why there was such a big jump)

5 coins = 1.75


Postage has gone up since then I'm sure he didn't take that into consideration.


This morning I got a round about figure on the profit he made using 500, 750 and 1000 coins and trust me he made money but not enough to fund his entire move. On the other hand he did make enough profit to compensate for the postal rate hike.


I moved cross country last year and I know what it costs!


I'm not taking up for the feller I'm just stating the facts. I have no idea what this old boys situation is, but if he didn't hang onto enough money for shipping out the coins to his customers it could be creating a problem for him.


Obviously he received the coins so we know for a fact he didn't run with all the funds. So that concept can be trashed.


Watching all the threads on these Wyoming coins got me to thinking and I wonder when the day will come that all the folks in geocoin land do get duped! I think it's bound to happen. So I say to myself Pepper don't spend more money than your willing to loose!


Ok I'm done I'll go back into lurking mode now.



Posted (edited)

Sorry to read about the problems. My guess is that this character took the money and paid for a nice vacation and/or used the money toward moving expenses. It's evident he's been lying to you.


I would suggest contacting the Wyoming Attorney General and file a fraud report. It wouldn't hurt if everyone here who has paid this guy file together. One of you could write the letter and add everyones name, address, phone number, the amount sent and the date paid.


Good luck!



That may be a problem. If I'm not mistaken he lived in Mass. when he sold the coins and was moving to Wyoming.



As of a 2 weeks ago he bought coins :


1) I recieved $ from his PP account with a Casper WY address


2) the coins were mailed to a Chicoppe MA address


3) the coins where activated within 4 days of shipping. And show in MA

Edited by GA Cacher
Posted (edited)

Postage has gone up since then I'm sure he didn't take that into consideration.


This morning I got a round about figure on the profit he made using 500, 750 and 1000 coins and trust me he made money but not enough to fund his entire move. On the other hand he did make enough profit to compensate for the postal rate hike.


I moved cross country last year and I know what it costs!


I'm not taking up for the feller I'm just stating the facts. I have no idea what this old boys situation is, but if he didn't hang onto enough money for shipping out the coins to his customers it could be creating a problem for him.


Obviously he received the coins so we know for a fact he didn't run with all the funds. So that concept can be trashed.


Watching all the threads on these Wyoming coins got me to thinking and I wonder when the day will come that all the folks in geocoin land do get duped! I think it's bound to happen. So I say to myself Pepper don't spend more money than your willing to loose!


Ok I'm done I'll go back into lurking mode now.




Pepper brings up some good points. We know he had the coins made because they are activated (all be it mostly under his account). I at least felt better knowing that they actually exist. I hadn't thought of the postage delimma,but I feel certain with bulk orders etc he made enough extra off of individual and small order coins to cover the postage. I'm in the process of funding my personal coins, I will not make a dime on mine, in fact will likely lose money, but at least I am willing to communicate with my customers/consumers - this is one of his biggest flaws in my opinion. He's been nonresponsive to most requests by individuals and honestly he's never answered me one time. This is an ideal place to address questions and concerns of most people, has he been here, NOPE.


Thanks for lurking and sharing your thoughts Pepper - you're right the day will come when people get duped, so I hope people will spend carefully. I know I am. :lol:

Edited by The Blind Acorn
Posted (edited)

Well I never thought to look at his profil and as of today the 19th the old boy has signed into GC.com.

I'm sure he knows everybody that ordered a coin or two is upset at this point.


Maybe he's just to embarrassed to come here and appoligze for his lack of actions ie: mailing out coins and/or explanation!


em·bar·rass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-brs)

tr.v. em·bar·rassed, em·bar·rass·ing, em·bar·rass·es

To cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; disconcert: Meeting adults embarrassed the shy child.

To involve in or hamper with financial difficulties.

To hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede.

To complicate.


anyway i'm finished and i have no idea why i felt compelled to comment on this



Edited by Pepper

Well, here is the perspective of a person who has at least met Ross and what my impressions are. I too am very disappointed with him and his not responding to his customers. I met Ross at an event last summer in Casper, WY where the idea of this coin was first brought up. We were all enthusiastic about the coin and many of us told him we wanted coins on the spot. My impression of him was he was a young man (maybe 27, 28 years old) who was personable, friendly and seemed knowledgeable about geocoins and geocaching. He told us he was from Casper but had moved to Massachusetts after getting out of the Navy. In the next few months, I waited for notificiation from him that the coins had been made and how to pay (he told us at the event that Wyoming people would be 'guaranteed' coins and would certainly have first shot). I was completely ignorant of these forums so did not know to check here. Somehow, I got word in late January that the coins were being produced so I wrote Ross. He responded by telling me the coins would be shipped in late February. Then I discovered these forums and learned that he had received the first shipment and then watched as he completely trashed the minter on these very forums. I once again got nervous so wrote him and he assured me I would be getting my coins. A couple weeks later, I see that he is 'shipping' coins and I don't get mine so I write him again. He once again assures me that I will get my coins! I, like everybody else am still waiting. I did a favor for him by moving a TB of his to it's final destination so he told me he would give me my coins for doing the favor. So I don't have money invested but I still want the coins as they look beautiful and they mean something to me, being from Wyoming. Somewhere along the line, I was told that Ross was moving back to Wyoming but don't know that for a fact (I've been fibbed to on several occasions to date). My take on all this is that Ross is a good enough guy but has gotten caught up in this whole mess and does not know how to get out. If you read this, Ross, do the right thing and get these coins sent out. We are all forgiving and will let bygones to bygones. If you don't, not only is it unethical, it might even be illegal. I wrote an e-mail to a close friend of Ross' in an effort to see if she can have some influence and get him to do the right thing. I guess time will tell.


Here's what I *think* is going to happen.


Everybody will get thier coins at some point.


Look at the facts:

1) He colleced money via Paypal so there is a "paper" trail. He'd have to be an idiot to collect money through a method such as this (versus cash) and try to make off with the money


2) I'm no lawyer, but referring to fraud - I *believe* that selling via the Internet (much like mail order) would be a Federal offense if in fact he didn't deliver. Again, I don't think anybody is that stupid seeing as how a lot of people know who this person is and where to get a hold of him


3) I agree that he probably got in over his head and now is just trying to quietly get all the coins out without coming in here and getting bashed


I'm not defending him - I don't know him. But, I do think the coins will get to everybody eventually.


I'd be surprised to see him show up here again, but I think a lot of damage could be undone and forgiven with a simple statement from him apologizing and letting everybody know what he's doing.


Let this also be a lesson to future geocoin creators and sellers -- DELIVERY IS PART OF THE PROCESS and a timely delivery is expected. If you can't live up to that responsibility, then don't sell a coin edition in the first place.

Posted (edited)

I am very, very glad I didn't order this coin. I also know some who have made trades and already have the coin they traded for in hand but nothing to send out. :lol: The funny thing here is that Ross wanted in on my recent Compass Rose order. I'm now glad that he was too late. All of those coins were sent out within 5 days of their arrival and it was close to 200 coins.....


I thought this coin was cool but now I don't even want to trade for it. Maybe one of you can trade him a Compass Rose :P

Edited by LadyBee4T

I am very, very glad I didn't order this coin. I also know some who have made trades and already have the coin they traded for in hand but nothing to send out. :lol: The funny thing here is that Ross wanted in on my recent Compass Rose order. I'm now glad that he was too late. All of those coins were sent out within 5 days of their arrival and it was close to 200 coins.....


I thought this coin was cool but now I don't even want to trade for it. Maybe one of you can trade him a Compass Rose :P

I wouldn't trade him a piece of wood out of my back yard at this point.


Let this also be a lesson to future geocoin creators and sellers -- DELIVERY IS PART OF THE PROCESS and a timely delivery is expected. If you can't live up to that responsibility, then don't sell a coin edition in the first place.

I think lack of communication is the worst part of all this.


Here's my 2 cents worth, since I too have some money wrapped up in this.


At this point, he needs to do 3 things:

1: Get all the coins mailed out NOW!!!

2: Get on this forum and tell buyers -again- that he has mailed them out. That won''t mean diddily squat right now, but he needs to communicate.

3: Several days or a week after people begin reporting the receipt of the coins, he should write the forum again and apologize. Sincerely, with no excuses.


A similar thing happened on another forum I belong to, where a guy offered to make up some hats for the forum members. He took the money, ordered some hats, stalled and stalled, and finally mailed out a little over half of them. Then he disappeared from the forum, but he couldn't disappear entirely, especially from those forum members who lived locally to him. Now he can't show his face to these people or attend events related to that hobby. If he had just made it right, his life would be a little less complicated.


You know that they were made, so why not ship them?

Maybe he is going to sell them again!?


I wonder if any will start showing up on eBay for sale?


You know that they were made, so why not ship them?

Maybe he is going to sell them again!?


I wonder if any will start showing up on eBay for sale?



If he does start to sell them again that will

be one coin that I will not put my name in that "HAT"

Not after all I have read about it.

Posted (edited)

Ross: PLEASE - speak up !


BTW - I want to make sure that everyone is aware that the Wyo-Neb Area Geocachers ARE NOT involved in this coin.

Edited by dblrngr

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