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Easy As Sunday Morning...

MT CatRancher

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OK, we have seen threads on the hardst, most bizzar,most unusal etc. etc., now I want to know about your easyest (SIC?) cache find ever. I will post a picture of an easy one (the prelude to a harder one I'm doing) a little later in this tread.


I just did 2 new micros today that were extremely easy. They seemed so easy to me at least. One was in a stop sign and the other was at a cemetary in one of those metal hideaway flowerpots next to a headstone of the family member of the cache hider.


Sometimes on a Sunday afternoon in a really busy parking lot, a micro hidden in one of the landscaping islands in the parking lot can be the hardest thing to find. Especially if the island has lots of shrubs and other plants!


Apparently it's the thing to do down in Alabama because I have found several hidden that way!


We have found a number of easy ones. Off the top of my head, I remember finding one in Nebraska that was a decon container sitting by the base of a fence post by the side of the road. It was all flat grassy fields here and absolutely nothing to conceal any kind of container. Once I saw the GPSr arrow pointing down the fence line I already knew it would be at the base of one of the posts, and it was. I also remember finding an ammo can underneath a ramp to a visitor's center for a plantation house just outside New Orleans. It had no cover at all and was in plain sight if one were just to stand to the side of teh ramp rather than go right up the ramp and into the gift shop. Also, there was a cache at the visitor's center in northern Oklahoma City.... go inside and ask the lady at the desk for the geocache - she pulls it out from behind the desk and hands it over - easy peasy!

OK, we have seen threads on the hardst, most bizzar,most unusal etc. etc., now I want to know about your easyest (SIC?) cache find ever. I will post a picture of an easy one (the prelude to a harder one I'm doing) a little later in this tread.


I did a cache, I believe it was two weekends ago, with my wife and kids. (Mom's Golf View) Apparantly the previous finders forgot to rehide the cache as from about 100 ft. down the road I said to my wife "There's a white bucket sitting there, that can't be the cache can it?". It was sitting in the grass about 10 ft. from the woods. maybe 15 ft from the road. Sure enough, it was the cache. We, of course, moved it back into the woods and covered it up.


I've had some easy finds and some REAL hard ones (DNFs as well), but this is the only cache I've ever done that could probably be seen clearly on an aerial photo if the resolution was high enough.


Haha that would be an interesting find Catrancher.


I found a pretty small event cache in my car, driving towards it at about 100 - 150 feet away on Saturday. It wasn't an easy cache, but it was an easy find for me. I guess since the caches are gone now, I can say it was a fake electric plate.


I haven't found anything too big yet, this area is pretty micro-saturated.


I also remember finding an ammo can underneath a ramp to a visitor's center for a plantation house just outside New Orleans. It had no cover at all and was in plain sight if one were just to stand to the side of the ramp rather than go right up the ramp and into the gift shop.


That one was hidden by a 7th grade class, and it's not supposed to be in plain sight. It belongs under the side of the building, still easy but not as easy as THAT. (5 minutes from my house and my first find!)

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