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Category Proposal: Schools (or Rural Schools)

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I'd like to propose a new category for listing schools.

Actually, I'm interested in listing rural schools (schools far apart from any town - a.k.a. in the middle of nowhere). Schools were children will appreciate the visit of anybody.



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You mentioned in the other thread:


This summer I had the chance to visit some rural area schools, usually located quite far away from any town. For example, the road to one of them does not appear in any map I checked. Children in these schools don't have the chance to speak with people coming from cities. Speaking with the headmaster, who also is teh single teacher of the single class (...) asked me how to promote visits to these schools. Visitors would go and just have a few minutes chat with the children. That would be of big help to them.


First I thought of placing a cache but then I came across waymark.com and I think this is more appropriate.

I would like to post these places becasue usually getting there is a very nice trip (I visited schools in Patagonia, Argentina) and also because visitors will be helping children without too much effort.


I can see the nice side of this. On the other hand, I can see some schools discouraging visitors. If this becomes a category, I would think that school permission should be required and the category name modified to reflect that this isn't a list of ALL schools, just the ones that would like visiters.


Have you considered adding a mailing address & inviting people to send post cards or letters? It would fit well with your goals.

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Another aspect of this category could be old one-room schools. There are lots of those still used for community centers and even schools in rural areas.


Actually the schools I visited were one-room schools. Good point.

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