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Inventory Time> What GPS Units Do You Own ?


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Here is what I have as of today but don’t tell my wife.


GPSmap 76CS

GPSmap 60CSx

GPSmap 60CS

GPSmap 60C

GPSmap 60

GPS 60

eTrex Legend

eTrex yellow

Geko 201

Geko 101


I do have to share these with the kids.

Hope you find what you're looking for... :lol:

Edited by Neo_Geo
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Magellan =115

Garmin =321

Lowrance =15

Other =32

Total GPS units Owned=483


GPSMap = 132

eTrexes = 83

eXplorists =43

Meridian = 30

SporTraks =20

OTHER =175


Models sorted by popularity:


Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 37

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 28

Garmin eTrex Legend = 24

Garmin GPSMap60C = 21

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 19

Garmin eTrex Vista = 17

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 16

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 13

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 12

Garmin GPS V = 10

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 10

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 9

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 8

Garmin GPS 12 = 8

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 8

Garmin GPSMap76S = 8

Magellan Meridian Basic = 8

Garmin Geko 201 = 7

Garmin eMap = 6

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 6

Magellan GPS 315 = 6

Magellan Meridian Gold = 6

Magellan SporTrak Map = 6

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 5

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 5

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 5

Magellan eXplorist XL = 5

Other Delorme Earthmate = 5

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 4

Garmin Geko 101 = 4

Garmin GPS Iiplus = 4

Garmin GPSMap60 = 4

Garmin iQue 3600 = 4

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 4

Garmin eTrex Camo = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS III = 3

Garmin Rino 110 = 3

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 2

Garmin GPS 10 = 2

Garmin GPS 72 = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance Eagle Explorer = 2

Lowrance Expedition C = 2

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 2

Magellan GPS Companion - Handspring Visor = 2

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 2

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Garmin eTrex Mariner = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 45XL = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS10 with iPaq = 1

Garmin GPS60 = 1

Garmin GPSmap162 = 1

Garmin GPSMap276C = 1

Garmin GPSMap376C = 1

Garmin GPSMap76C = 1

Garmin GPSMapCSx = 1

Garmin Nuvi = 1

Garmin Quest 2 = 1

Garmin Rino 520 = 1

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2720 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot IIIplus = 1

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance iFinder = 1

Lowrance iFinder GO2 = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan eXplorist 300 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 3000 = 1

Magellan GPS 310 = 1

Magellan GPS 320 = 1

Magellan GPS Companion for Palm m500 = 1

Magellan GPS Tracker = 1

Magellan Map330 = 1

Magellan Map330x = 1

Magellan Meridian XL ? = 1

Magellan Original Magellan ? = 1

Magellan SporTrak = 1

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart Bluetooth = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Holux GR-230 Bluetooth = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman 4420 Bluetooth GPS = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other Sony Etak = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TomTom Go w bluetooth PPC = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Other Trimble Navigation Ensign GPS = 1


The GPS units no longer Owned(Lost, Stolen, Sold, or given away)

Garmin eTrex Legend=10

Garmin GPS V=5

Garmin eTrex Yellow=4

Magellan Meridian Gold=4

Magellan Meridian Platinum=4

Garmin eMap=3

Garmin GPS 12=3

Garmin GPS IIIplus=3

Garmin GPSMap76S=3

Magellan eXplorist 600=3

Magellan GPS 315=3

Magellan Meridian Color=3

Garmin GPS 12XL=2

Garmin GPSMap60C=2

Garmin GPSMap76=2

Garmin StreetPilot ColorMap=2

Garmin StreetPilot III=2

Lowrance Eagle Explorer=2

Magellan ColorTrak=2

Magellan Map 330=2

Magellan SporTrak Map=2

Magellan Sportrak PRO=2

Garmin eTrex Camo=1

Garmin eTrex Legend C=1

Garmin eTrex Mariner=1

Garmin eTrex Venture=1

Garmin eTrex Vista =1

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx=1

Garmin Forerunner 201=1

Garmin Geko 101=1

Garmin Geko 201=1

Garmin GPS 128 (Fixed Mount)=1

Garmin GPS 38=1

Garmin GPS 40=1

Garmin GPS 45=1

Garmin GPS 48=1

Garmin GPS III=1

Garmin GPS12CX=1

Garmin GPSMap168=1

Garmin GPSMap60CS=1

Garmin iQue 3600 PDA=1

Garmin Legend C=1

Garmin Quest=1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610=1

Garmin StreetPilot c330=1

Lowrance Eagle AccuNav Sport=1

Lowrance Eagle=1

Lowrance iFinder=1

Lowrance iWay 350 portable=1

Magellan Blazer=1

Magellan eXplorist 100=1

Magellan eXplorist 200=1

Magellan eXplorist 400=1

Magellan GPS 2000=1

Magellan GPS 320=1

Magellan GPS 4000XL=1

Magellan Meridian Basic=1

Magellan RoadMate 760=1

Magellan Sport ?=1

Other Fortuna X=track CF GPS=1

Other Pharos - i360 CF=1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Magellan = 116

Garmin =325

Lowrance = 15

Other = 32

Total = 488


GPSMap = 135

eTrexes = 84

eXplorists =44

Meridian = 30

SporTraks =20

OTHER =175


Garmin eMap = 6

Garmin eTrex Camo = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend = 25

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 8

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 3

Garmin eTrex Mariner = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista = 17

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 5

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 19

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 4

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 2

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 4

Garmin Geko 201 = 7

Garmin GPS 10 = 3

Garmin GPS 12 = 8

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 45XL = 1

Garmin GPS 60 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 2

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 3

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 5

Garmin GPS IIplus = 4

Garmin GPS V = 10

Garmin GPSmap162 = 1

Garmin GPSMap276C = 1

Garmin GPSMap376C = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 4

Garmin GPSMap60C = 21

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 29

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 40

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 16

Garmin GPSMap76C = 1

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 8

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 5

Garmin GPSMap76S = 8

Garmin iQue 3600 = 4

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi = 1

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest = 4

Garmin Quest 2 = 1

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 110 = 3

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Garmin Rino 520 = 1

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 6

Garmin StreetPilot 2720 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot IIIplus = 1

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Eagle Explorer = 2

Lowrance Expedition C = 2

Lowrance iFinder = 1

Lowrance iFinder GO2 = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 5

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 2

Magellan eXplorist 300 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 13

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 11

Magellan eXplorist XL = 5

Magellan GPS 2000 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 3000 = 1

Magellan GPS 310 = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 6

Magellan GPS 320 = 1

Magellan GPS Companion - Handspring Visor = 2

Magellan GPS Companion for Palm m500 = 1

Magellan GPS Tracker = 1

Magellan Map330 = 1

Magellan Map330x = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 8

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 6

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 12

Magellan Meridian XL ? = 1

Magellan Original Magellan ? = 1

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Magellan SporTrak = 1

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 6

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 9

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 5

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart Bluetooth = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 2

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Holux GR-230 Bluetooth = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman 4420 Bluetooth GPS = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other Sony Etak = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TomTom Go w bluetooth PPC = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Other Trimble Navigation Ensign GPS = 1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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I started out with a Garmin 3+. I upgraded to a V which got stolen. I then bought a used V, but it was not as promissed, so I returned it. My wife then bought my a Quest and I picked up a Geko 301.


I also bought 10 yellow etrexs that I gave as presents at my wedding. I technically owned them for a bit.


Edit: Am I the only one with a Geko 301?

Edited by sbell111
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Foretrex 101 chosen after endless research. Budget could have managed a 60csx, so came in well under it! No mapping, but not really needed for geocaching. If I want to go somewhere by car, I take the destination and/or route waypoints UTM coords off the street directory, punch them into the little guy (or upload from my MAC), and off we go! Amazed to find it works in my car and also on the railway. When I need a bigger screen (like in a vehicle) I slave my Palm Pilot III to it, using either Cache Nav or Cetus software - a neat program with an averaging function. No downside yet; but I'd love to find a way to power it from an external source.


This is my first personal GPSr.

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I have a Garmin Map 60CS and have the City Select software loaded to make use of the autorouting feature. Love it for use geocaching and for navigating in my vehicle-comes in handy as well when I want to locate the closet food source for a quick lunch. BTW there is a brand new model out- Map 60CSX which is supposed to be even better under heavy tree cover than the CX and has an sd card for extra memory.

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New to the hobby, been in it a couple weeks now. Started with a SporTrak Map, saw a good deal and bought an Etrex Yellow the next day and have finally settled on an iFinder M&M.


I hope.


This is getting expensive fast, I just ordered the Mapcreate kit last night. :huh:


your all rich

My Ebay Fu is very strong, I picked all these up at half the retail cost.

Edited by PrimaryCache
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The TOTAL GPS units so far:


Garmin eMap = 6

Garmin eTrex Camo = 3

Garmin eTrex Legend = 25

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 8

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 4

Garmin eTrex Mariner = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista = 18

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 5

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 21

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 4

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 101 = 4

Garmin Geko 201 = 8

Garmin Geko 301 = 1

Garmin GPS 10 = 3

Garmin GPS 12 = 8

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 12Map = 1

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 45XL = 1

Garmin GPS 60 = 1

Garmin GPS 72 = 2

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPS III = 3

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 6

Garmin GPS IIplus = 4

Garmin GPS V = 10

Garmin GPSmap162 = 1

Garmin GPSMap276C = 1

Garmin GPSMap376C = 1

Garmin GPSMap60 = 4

Garmin GPSMap60C = 21

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 30

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 41

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 17

Garmin GPSMap76C = 1

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 8

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 6

Garmin GPSMap76S = 8

Garmin iQue 3600 = 6

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi = 1

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest = 5

Garmin Quest 2 = 1

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Garmin Rino 110 = 3

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Garmin Rino 520 = 1

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 6

Garmin StreetPilot 2720 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot IIIplus = 1


Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance Eagle Explorer = 2

Lowrance Expedition C = 2

Lowrance iFinder = 1

Lowrance iFinder GO2 = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance iFinder Map & Music w/MP3 player = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1


Magellan eXplorist 100 = 5

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 4

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 2

Magellan eXplorist 300 = 1

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 13

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 11

Magellan eXplorist XL = 5

Magellan GPS 2000 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 3000 = 1

Magellan GPS 310 = 1

Magellan GPS 315 = 6

Magellan GPS 320 = 1

Magellan GPS Companion - Handspring Visor = 2

Magellan GPS Companion for Palm m500 = 2

Magellan GPS Tracker = 1

Magellan Map330 = 1

Magellan Map330x = 1

Magellan Meridian Basic = 8

Magellan Meridian Color = 3

Magellan Meridian Gold = 6

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 12

Magellan Meridian XL ? = 1

Magellan Original Magellan ? = 1

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Magellan SporTrak = 1

Magellan SporTrak Color = 3

Magellan SporTrak Map = 7

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 10

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1


Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Delorme Earthmate = 5

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart Bluetooth = 1

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 2

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Holux GR-230 Bluetooth = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman 4420 Bluetooth GPS = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other Sony Etak = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TomTom Go w bluetooth PPC = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Other Trimble Navigation Ensign GPS = 1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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First ever personal, non-survey GPS, Magellan 315; kept 1 week before returned.


Second GPS, Garmin eMap, love it and still have it.


Third GPS, Magellan Sportrak Map; returned also.


Fourth GPS, Garmin Etrex Vista, purchased to replace Sportrak Map.


So eMap & eTrex currently.

Edited by Shawnct
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Magellan =129

Garmin =358

Lowrance =16

Other =33

Total =536


GPSMap =145

eTrexes =96

eXplorists =48

Meridian =32

SporTraks =24


Number of Different GPS Models =134



Sorted by Popularity:

Garmin GPSMap60CSx = 45

Garmin GPSMap60CS = 31

Garmin eTrex Legend = 27

Garmin eTrex Yellow = 23

Garmin GPSMap60C = 21

Garmin eTrex Vista = 20

Garmin GPSMap60Cx = 18

Magellan eXplorist 500 = 14

Magellan eXplorist 600 = 12

Magellan Meridian Platinum = 12

Magellan SporTrak Pro = 11

Garmin GPS V = 10

Garmin eTrex Legend C = 8

Garmin Geko 201 = 8

Garmin GPS 12 = 8

Garmin GPSMap76CS = 8

Garmin GPSMap76S = 8

Magellan Meridian Basic = 8

Garmin eMap = 7

Magellan GPS 315 = 7

Magellan Meridian Gold = 7

Magellan SporTrak Map = 7

Garmin GPS IIIplus = 6

Garmin GPSMap76CSx = 6

Garmin iQue 3600 = 6

Garmin StreetPilot 2610 = 6

Magellan eXplorist XL = 6

Garmin eTrex Legend Cx = 5

Garmin eTrex Vista C = 5

Garmin Quest = 5

Garmin Rino 110 = 5

Magellan eXplorist 100 = 5

Magellan eXplorist 200 = 5

Other Delorme Earthmate = 5

Garmin Forerunner 201 = 4

Garmin Geko 101 = 4

Garmin GPS IIplus = 4

Garmin GPSMap60 = 4

Garmin Rino 120 = 4

Magellan Meridian Color = 4

Magellan SporTrak Color = 4

Garmin eTrex Camo = 3

Garmin Forerunner 301 = 3

Garmin Foretrex 101 = 3

Garmin GPS 10 = 3

Garmin GPS 12XL = 3

Garmin GPS III = 3

Magellan Explorist 400 = 3

Garmin GPS 12Map = 2

Garmin GPS 72 = 2

Garmin iQue M5 = 2

Garmin Nuvi 350 = 2

Garmin Quest2 = 2

Lowrance AirMap 1000 = 2

Lowrance Eagle Explorer = 2

Lowrance Expedition C = 2

Magellan eXplorist 210 = 2

Magellan GPS 310 = 2

Magellan GPS Companion - Handspring Visor = 2

Magellan GPS Companion for Palm m500 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 300 = 2

Magellan RoadMate 700 = 2

Other GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 2

Other GlobalSat BT338 = 2

Garmin eTrex Mariner = 1

Garmin eTrex Summit = 1

Garmin eTrex Venture = 1

Garmin eTrex Vist C = 1

Garmin eTrex Vista Cx = 1

Garmin Foretrex 201 = 1

Garmin Geko 301 = 1

Garmin GPS 12CX = 1

Garmin GPS 45 = 1

Garmin GPS 45XL = 1

Garmin GPS 60 = 1

Garmin GPS II = 1

Garmin GPSmap162 = 1

Garmin GPSMap276C = 1

Garmin GPSMap376C = 1

Garmin GPSMap76C = 1

Garmin Nuvi = 1

Garmin Quest 2 = 1

Garmin Rino 520 = 1

Garmin Rino 530 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot 2720 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot c320 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot i3 = 1

Garmin StreetPilot IIIplus = 1

Lowrance AirMap 500 = 1

Lowrance Eagle Expedition = 1

Lowrance iFinder = 1

Lowrance iFinder GO2 = 1

Lowrance Ifinder H2O = 1

Lowrance iFinder Map & Music w/MP3 player = 1

Lowrance Ifinder Pro = 1

Lowrance LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Lowrance Lowrance 100m = 1

Lowrance Lowrance Expedition = 1

Magellan eXplorist 300 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000 = 1

Magellan GPS 2000XL = 1

Magellan GPS 3000 = 1

Magellan GPS 320 = 1

Magellan GPS Tracker = 1

Magellan Map330 = 1

Magellan Map330x = 1

Magellan Meridian XL ? = 1

Magellan Original Magellan ? = 1

Magellan SporTrak = 1

Magellan SporTrak Topo = 1

Other BMW integral Satnav = 1

Other Destinator 3 on Win mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Other Fortuna BT SiRF II mouse = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart = 1

Other Fortuna GPSmart Bluetooth = 1

Other GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

Other Haicom HI-204E = 1

Other Holux GPSlim 236 w TomTom = 1

Other Holux GR-230 Bluetooth = 1

Other iBlue GPS for PPC = 1

Other Itrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Other Motorola Oncore Ipaq navagation = 1

Other Navman 4420 Bluetooth GPS = 1

Other Navman iCN 510 = 1

Other Pharos - i360 = 1

Other Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Other Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

Other Sony Etak = 1

Other TomTom 3 Mobile on Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

Other TomTom Go 300 = 1

Other TomTom Go w bluetooth PPC = 1

Other TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Other Trimble Geo Explorer II = 1

Other Trimble Navigation Ensign GPS = 1

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Garmin etrex Legend.


Anybody have good or bad feedback on explorist 400 and 500. Wondering especially about if it is worth getting one since it is advertised as being able to download directly for geocaching and about battery life. Also if it is worth spending the extra money for colour?



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Garmin etrex Legend.


Anybody have good or bad feedback on explorist 400 and 500. Wondering especially about if it is worth getting one since it is advertised as being able to download directly for geocaching and about battery life. Also if it is worth spending the extra money for colour?




Search the forums...there are lots of posts about the eXplorist series. I have an eXplorist 500 and love it. Color is definitely good. Battery life is good for me and extra batteries can be obtained for relatively cheap.

Edited by Guitar4Him
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Won my first GPSr in a raffle -- a Garmin GPS12x. I sold it for the price of a GPS12 (I didn't want the xtra features). That GPS12 is still my only one. Screen is cracked but doesn't affect visibility. Used it in -50F weather in Alaska with no problems. Have been looking at the Rhinos -- like the radio feature. Any advice?

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