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Inventory Time> What GPS Units Do You Own ?


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What GPS units do you have now, and what ones did you used to OWN ?


GPS units I have:

eXplorist 600 (2)

Meridian Color (2)

Meridian Platinum (2)

SporTrak map (My first gps)

Map60CS (2)



I have extras so that when the grandkids and kids go along I don't have to worry anyone not having a GPS it just makes things better

Edited by Contryguy
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So Far We HAVE:


GPS 315 = 3

GPS Companion for Visor = 1

SporTrak Map = 5

SporTrak Pro = 2

SporTrak Topo = 1

SporTrak Color = 4

Meridian basic = 4

Meridian gold = 1

Meridian Platinum = 5

Explorist 100 = 1

Explorist 200 = 1

Explorist 400 = 3

Explorist 500 = 7

Explorist 600 = 2

Explorist XL = 2

RoadMate 300 = 1

RoadMate 700 = 1

> Magellan Total = 44


12XL = 3

Map60C = 8

Map60Cx = 5

Map60CS = 9

Map60CSx = 7

Map 72 = 1

Map76S = 3

Map76CS = 3

Rino 120 = 2

Rino 530 = 1

iQue 3600 = 2

iQue M5 = 2

StreetPilot i3 = 1

Streetpilot 2610 = 1

Nuvi = 1

Etrex Yellow = 8

Etrex Summit = 1

Etrex Venture = 1

Etrex Legend = 5

Etrex Vista = 5

Etrex Vista C = 2

Quest = 3

Quest2 = 1

Geko 101 = 2

Geko 201 = 1

Forerunner 201 = 1

Forerunner 301 = 2

Foretrex 101 = 1

eMap = 1

GPS 45 = 1

GPS IIplus = 1


GPS IIIplus = 2

GPS V = 3

> Garmin Total = 92


Expedition = 1

AirMap 500 = 1

AirMap 1000 = 1

Eagle Expedition = 1

LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

Ifinder H2O = 1

> Lowrance Total = 6


GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Delorme Earthmate = 1

Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Haicom HI-204E = 1

Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Trimble geo Explorer II = 1

ITrek M3 bluetooth = 1



Total 151 GPS units

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Been wanting to take this pic of the family before they're split up soon.




Magellan Meridians - 2

Magellan Explorist 500

Magellan Explorist 100

Magellan Roadmate

Magellan Sportrak Map

Magellan GPS Companion for Handspring Visor

Rand McNally Streetfinder GPS for Palm III

TravRoute Co-Pilot GPS


Ths insanity must end. Only two purchased new - one won in Magellan contest.


Thanks for the inspiration Got GPS, forgot I had a couple of these around.


Send me the 500 :P

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I own: Magellan Explorist 600, Explorist 100, O2 XDA 11i with destinator 3 and bluetooth reciever, Nokia N70 with TomTom 3 Mobile and TomTom bluetooth reciever.


My 6 yr old daughter owns a Magellan Explorist 100.




Edited by Jacko65
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Have been using Lowrance iFinder Pro


Had Lowrance iWay 350 portable/unit, that didn't do what I wanted so I took it back and

traded up for a new


Garmin Qwest 2 :P


I like it so far! I seems to be the best of the auto/portables and it is waterproof! I am sure I will still use the Lowrance iFinder too though. So that makes one Lowrance and one Garmin Quest 2 for me.

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I have and use Garmin Etrex Yellow

Garmin Legend Color

Magellan Gold


I like them all for different reasons. All bought from someone else. The Extrex yellow I let my grandkids use with me, and the other 2 are for me. Really like the Legend C, very easy to use. Like the Magellan Gold better in thick cover. I just keep looking for deals on them and adding to the collection.


Tehy don't eat anything, why not have a flock of them......



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So Far We HAVE:


GPS 2000XL = 1

GPS 315 = 3

GPS Companion for Visor = 1

SporTrak Map = 5

SporTrak Pro = 3

SporTrak Topo = 1

SporTrak Color = 5

Meridian basic = 4

Meridian gold = 2

Meridian Platinum = 6

Explorist 100 = 2

Explorist 200 = 1

Explorist 400 = 3

Explorist 500 = 7

Explorist 600 = 4

Explorist XL = 2

RoadMate 300 = 2

RoadMate 700 = 1

> Magellan Total = 54


GPS 12XL = 3

Map60 = 1

Map60C = 8

Map60Cx = 6

Map60CS = 10

Map60CSx = 9

Map 72 = 1

Map76S = 3

Map76CS = 3

Rino 120 = 2

Rino 530 = 1

iQue 3600 = 2

iQue M5 = 2

StreetPilot i3 = 1

StreetPilot c320 = 1

Streetpilot 2610 = 1

Nuvi 350 = 1

Etrex Yellow = 10

Etrex Camo = 1

Etrex Summit = 1

Etrex Venture = 1

Etrex Legend = 7

Etrex Legend C = 1

Etrex Vista = 5

Etrex Vista C = 2

Quest = 4

Quest2 = 2

Geko 101 = 2

Geko 201 = 2

Forerunner 201 = 2

Forerunner 301 = 2

Foretrex 101 = 1

eMap = 2

GPS 45 = 1

GPS IIplus = 1


GPS IIIplus = 2

GPS V = 3

> Garmin Total = 109


Expedition = 1

AirMap 500 = 1

AirMap 1000 = 1

Eagle Expedition = 1

LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

iFinder Pro = 1

Ifinder H2O = 1

> Lowrance Total = 7


GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Delorme Earthmate = 1

Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Haicom HI-204E = 1

Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Trimble geo Explorer II = 1

ITrek M3 bluetooth = 1

TomTom 3 Mobile-Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

TomTom Go 300 = 1

Destinator 3 on Win Mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Fortuna GPSmart = 1

BMW integral Satnav = 1



Total 184 GPS units


Excel Spreadsheet was used


EDIT: fixed total from 151 to 184

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Garmin GPSMAP60C


I started with a Legend that I bought on impulse but then discovered how few extra $$ would buy colour and returned it. I then discovered how much more memory the GPSMAP60C had, plus a few other things so I bought it instead of the Legend. I only had the Legend for four days so that probably doesn't count.

Edited by G & E
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Garmin 60CSx. I almost bought an Explorist as my brother-in-law has a Magellan SporTrak Color and it never lost its signal under heavy tree cover and always brought us right to the cache, but I couldn't resist the new sirf chip and I read about lots of Explorist problems and poor customer service here in the forums. I'm still curious to play around with an Explorist sometime though. This is my first gps...

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So Far We HAVE:

Explorist 100 = 2

Explorist 200 = 1

Explorist 400 = 3

Explorist 500 = 7

Explorist 600 = 4

Explorist XL = 2

GPS 2000XL = 1

GPS 315 = 3

GPS Companion for Visor = 1

Meridian basic = 4

Meridian gold = 2

Meridian Platinum = 6

SporTrak Map = 5

SporTrak Pro = 3

SporTrak Topo = 1

SporTrak Color = 5

RoadMate 300 = 2

RoadMate 700 = 1

? Meridian XL

? Original Magellan

?="No exact Model number"

> Magellan Total = 56


eMap = 2

Etrex Yellow = 11

Etrex Camo = 1

Etrex Summit = 1

Etrex Venture = 1

Etrex Legend = 7

Etrex Legend C = 1

Etrex Vista = 6

Etrex Vista C = 2

Forerunner 201 = 2

Forerunner 301 = 2

Foretrex 101 = 1

Geko 101 = 2

Geko 201 = 2

GPS 10 bluetooth = 1

GPS 12 = 1

GPS 12XL = 3

GPS 45 = 1

GPS 72 = 1

GPS IIplus = 2


GPS IIIplus = 4

GPS V = 4

iQue 3600 = 2

iQue M5 = 2

Map60 = 1

Map60C = 12

Map60Cx = 7

Map60CS = 12

Map60CSx = 10

Map76S = 3

Map76CS = 4

Map76CSx = 2

Nuvi 350 = 1

Quest = 4

Quest2 = 2

Rino 120 = 3

Rino 530 = 1

StreetPilot i3 = 1

StreetPilot c320 = 1

Streetpilot 2610 = 1

> Garmin Total = 129


AirMap 500 = 1

AirMap 1000 = 2

Eagle Expedition = 1

Expedition = 1

Expedition C = 1

iFinder Pro = 1

Ifinder H2O = 1

LMS-350 Marine GPS = 1

> Lowrance Total = 9


BMW integral Satnav = 1

Delorme Earthmate = 1

Destinator 3 on Win Mobile bluetooth PDA = 1

Fortuna GPSmart = 1

GlobalSat BT GPSr = 1

GlobalSat BC-337 CF = 1

Haicom HI-204E = 1

ITrek M3 bluetooth = 1

Pharos IGPS-CF = 1

Rand McNally Streetfinder = 1

TravRoute Co-Pilot = 1

Trimble geo Explorer II = 1

TomTom 3 Mobile-Nokia N70 bluetooth = 1

TomTom Go 300 = 1



Total 206 GPS units


Excel Spreadsheet was used

Edited by GOT GPS?
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When do you know when you have a problem? I might have missed a couple.



1)MAGELLAN – 330





6) MAGELLAN – 315

7) MAGELLAN – 330


9) PHAROS - i360 CF






13) PHAROS - i360



16) GARMIN - 60C

17) GARMIN - 60CS

18) GARMIN - 60C

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