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Rednecks Vs Ammocan

Jamie Z

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One of my caches is in what some people might call a high risk area, in every sense of the word. A few months after it was placed, a finder reported that it had been shot up. So today I finally had the chance to go out and check it out. Here's what I found:








Inside, my ziplock bags were shredded, the logbook had a small hole and the cache camera had been nicked, but I think most of the stuff came through pretty good. Unfortunately, due to the long elapsed time since the shooting and when I got out there, and the intervening rain and snow we've had meant that most everything was beginning to mold, rust, or liquify. Here's the cache cam:




And the bullet fragments from inside the can (there were lots more smaller pieces that I couldn't pick up.




The box seemed to take the shotgun blasts pretty good, but it's no match for a rifle. We'll see how my new low-profile container holds up.






Can you tell me about the combination lock mount on the ammo-can...how did you do it, and how does it work?




LOL, I'd have shot off the lock and pilfered the contents if I was going to gun-muggle a cache.




I'm surprised they just didn't take the whole thing home with them and then cut the lock off to see what was in it. I guess this is a good reason to use camo paint schemes on ammo cans to make them more invisible. I'm planning on placing some ammo can caches soon in some remote areas. Guess I'll need to take some extra care in hiding those.


Do you have any plans to replace this cache? What are your thoughts on improving it so this doesn't happen again? Just curious.



Can you tell me about the combination lock mount on the ammo-can...how did you do it, and how does it work?




The combo lock is simply academic. It could probably be broken into with a swift yank, but I only wanted to keep out the honest cachers. It's a multi, and the combo is part of another leg. With that in mind, all I did was get a length of fairly thin cable (regular electrical wire would probably work fine), two crimp-on ring electrical connectors, and two small nuts and bolts.


I crimped the electrical connectors to the cable, then bolted the cable underneath the latch. To lock it, just pull the cable through the small hole on the latch and put your lock on. Be sure the cable isn't too long, otherwise it can be opened even with the lock.


Like I said, someone with a screwdriver or a stout stick could probably just pry it apart, but I wasn't worried about that.


LOL, I'd have shot off the lock and pilfered the contents if I was going to gun-muggle a cache.

Note. This cache wasn't muggled. All the contents were completely intact. The cache was closed and locked the whole time.


I'm surprised they just didn't take the whole thing home with them and then cut the lock off to see what was in it.


Do you have any plans to replace this cache? What are your thoughts on improving it so this doesn't happen again? Just curious.

Let's just say this cache is in a highly inaccessible place, but makes for a fun target. I considered the possibility of gunfire. The cache was bolted down. Like I said, the intent of the shooters was not to muggle the cache, but simply to shoot it up.,


The cache was replaced with a smaller container that (hopefully) makes a smaller target.


At least they didn't call it in as a bomb and get it blown up. Can you tell if they tagged it with a 22? I'd like to think the ammo can is proof agasint the most common caliber.

It's impossible for my untrained eye to determine if a .22 was used against the ammo can. The size of the fragments inside the can indicate otherwise, but I'm not that experienced.



I know the layout for this cache, and it makes me nervous that people were shooting at it given the angle of the trajectory. Those things have to come down somewhere...

Crim, me too. That's most of the reason why I didn't figure it'd get shot. I figured, "What idiot would shoot in this direction? And what idiot would shoot at concrete?"


There you have it.




I know the layout for this cache, and it makes me nervous that people were shooting at it given the angle of the trajectory. Those things have to come down somewhere...


After reading Jamie Z's post on difficult access I was thinking the same thing.

Is the film still good? They sure did a number on that one.

Don't know yet. Taking it to a photo processor today to see what they can do. I haven't dissassmbled the camera one bit. I'll leave that to someone more experienced, but from what I can see, the shell just grazed the film casing. I don't think it was breached. It's likely still light-proof, but I wonder about the ability to remove the film without physically damaging it. We'll see what the film guy has to say.




Oh, for crying out loud...




Sorry about your cache, Jamie Z! If you decide to replace it, the new container will be the zombie-version of the original! (Brains...) Hmmm, could make for a fun cache theme:


"Revenge of the Ammocan" in 3D!




At the very least, it makes for an interesting bit of history for your cache. Hope the next one fares better!


Looks like the ammo box took a pretty good beating. From the look of the box, no rifle was used. A centerfire round would blow out the back of the box. A 22 would either dent or punch a smaller hole.


The lead fragments are from a 38 or 357 revolver lead semi wadcutter. The fact they are fairly intact indicate a low velocity target load.


The copper jacketed rounds are a bit more deformed. They were moving a lot faster. I can't tell from the picture which cailiber was used, but definitely caused the larger holes with more metal deformation. They could be from the same gun, or a 9mm or larger semi-auto.

Posted (edited)

Your title whiffs of Redneck Profiling :) . How did you know their necks were red? Their necks could have been black, brown, purple, blue, etc.


Sorry about your ammo can.

Edited by Kit Fox
Posted (edited)

Amen ^


I'm still trying to figure out the subject line's implication that a person who owns firearms must be a redneck.



excellent sig line, Kit Fox :)

Edited by Marcie/Eric
I'm still trying to figure out the subject line's implication that a person who owns firearms must be a redneck.

What are you trying to figure out? You're reading stuff that isn't there. Read my post, look at the pretty pictures. That's all it is.



I'm still trying to figure out the subject line's implication that a person who owns firearms must be a redneck.

What are you trying to figure out? You're reading stuff that isn't there. Read my post, look at the pretty pictures. That's all it is.




Your title is Redneck Vs Ammocan. How could we possibly "read into it?"

I'm still trying to figure out the subject line's implication that a person who owns firearms must be a redneck.

What are you trying to figure out? You're reading stuff that isn't there. Read my post, look at the pretty pictures. That's all it is.




Your title is Redneck Vs Ammocan. How could we possibly "read into it?"


The proper term is "Earnhardt-Americans."



I'm still trying to figure out the subject line's implication that a person who owns firearms must be a redneck.

What are you trying to figure out? You're reading stuff that isn't there. Read my post, look at the pretty pictures. That's all it is.




Your title is Redneck Vs Ammocan. How could we possibly "read into it?"


The proper term is "Earnhardt-Americans."




I own firearms, and I just thought it (subject line) was a little prejudicial. Not that I would shoot at an ammocan in the middle of the woods, but I know people that would...


Manmade objects get shot up in the woods. It's just the way the world works. Maybe banning guns would make it all better. :blink:


Sorry about your can. It must need better camo :blink: [don't hit me]


I suppose I could continue to just let the conversation run its course...


You're right, I was half-expecting the ammo can to be shot. If you read the early logs from the cache, several people wonder aloud how long it will be before it's shot. I was prepared for it, so the loss of the box is not an issue, and somewhat amusing.


You're also right that things left out in the wild have a chance of being shot.


This ammo can was placed in a wooded area, probably a quarter mile or more from the nearest homes, but it was high above the ground, sitting on top of a concrete structure. My initial thought was that nobody would be dumb enough to aim their weapon that high, not to mention shooting at concrete and risking a richochet.


If you look at the pictures, you can actually see the angle required to hit the can. This means that someone(s) aimed their gun up, and took a shot. Many shots. With several different types of gun.


As pointed out by Criminal and Renegade Knight, this is pretty irresponsible behavior. So, I could have said redneck, or I could have said dumb@ss.


I apologize if I've offended any rednecks. I guess it only takes one bad apple, eh?



Posted (edited)

When that hapens out here, we disable and archive the listing so that no real cachers will go near it. We then replace the ammo can with a fresh one, and pack it full of old, aged dynamite which is "sweating" gel-like nitroglyerine from the inert porous filler, along with some nuts and bolts from the hardware store. The leaking nitroglycerine is VERY sensitive to shock and very unstable, and will explode from the shock of a bullet hit on the ammo can. We then place the container back out in the field, in an obvious place. Next time an idiot comes along and shoots at the can, they end up immediately exterminating themselves, and that is the end of the story. We useta, until late last year, employ military surplus nuclear warheads obtained from the local surplus store, with the firing/trigger mechanism jury-rigged to fire on detection of impact/shock (such as from a bullet hitting the can), but we found that the radioactive crater and the kill zone were just too large to be practical -- the method ended up alienating land managers, who appreciated the removal of the idiots but who disapproved on the massive destruction of the landscape. Many of them also objected to the 10,000+ year half-life of many of the radionulcides (i.e., radioisotopes of cesium, strontium, etc.) left in and near the blast zone, feeling it was "overkill". So we had to return to the use of aged dynamite. That was too bad in a way, because the mushroom cloud formed by the little nuke devices sure was pretty. Our kids always said that the explosion was way better than Fourth of July fireworks.

Edited by Vinny & Sue Team
[...]We useta, until late last year, employ military surplus nuclear warheads obtained from the local surplus store, with the firing/trigger mechanism jury-rigged to fire on detection of impact/shock (such as from a bullet hitting the can), but we found that the radioactive crater and the kill zone were just too large to be practical -- the method ended up alienating land managers, who appreciated the removal of the idiots but who disapproved on the massive destruction of the landscape. Many of them also objected to the 10,000+ year half-life of many of the radionulcides (i.e., radioisotopes of cesium, strontium, etc.) left in and near the blast zone, feeling it was "overkill". So we had to return to the use of aged dynamite. That was too bad in a way, because the mushroom cloud formed by the little nuke devices sure was pretty. Our kids always said that the explosion was way better than Fourth of July fireworks.[...]

Great idea. You can then use the center of the radioactive crater of wreckage as another cache location.
When that hapens out here, we disable and archive the listing so that no real cachers will go near it. We then replace the ammo can with a fresh one, and pack it full of old, aged dynamite which is "sweating" gel-like nitroglyerine from the inert porous filler <snip


HAHAHAHAHA! That was so much better than my idea of jury-rigging a "Bouncing Betty" type device and placing a concrete filled ammo can on the trigger. I was going to give them a slim chance of surviving to tell warn their friends. Now the burning question. What department does Wal-Mart keep the unstable dynamite in?

Posted (edited)
When that hapens out here, we disable and archive the listing so that no real cachers will go near it. We then replace the ammo can with a fresh one, and pack it full of old, aged dynamite which is "sweating" gel-like nitroglyerine from the inert porous filler <snip


HAHAHAHAHA! That was so much better than my idea of jury-rigging a "Bouncing Betty" type device and placing a concrete filled ammo can on the trigger. I was going to give them a slim chance of surviving to tell warn their friends. Now the burning question. What department does Wal-Mart keep the unstable dynamite in?


To my best knowledge, Wal-Mart and KMart do not carry dynamite of any kind, much less aged unstable dynamite. The best place to find old unstable and "sweating" dynamite is in old mining shacks out West which have been abandoned for about 40 years, or in old episodes of the MacGyver TV show, or in old cowboy movies set in abandoned mining towns or near abandoned mines. I also sometimes see old sweaty dynamite offerd real cheap on e-bay. Problem is that Fedex, UPS and DHL all refuse to ship the stuff...

Edited by Vinny & Sue Team

I know the layout for this cache, and it makes me nervous that people were shooting at it given the angle of the trajectory. Those things have to come down somewhere...


Gotta love it. We had several rounds hit the ground 25-50 feet from us on the Taylor River road last summer. Bothered me more than last month's tripple homicide less than a block from me in T-town.


Amen ^


I'm still trying to figure out the subject line's implication that a person who owns firearms must be a redneck.



excellent sig line, Kit Fox :laughing:


The subject line is implying jack. The post is flat out stating that some rednecks shot up an ammo can.


Owning a gun doesn't make you a redneck. Randomly shooting up something just might.



If youuuu see a locked ammo can and decide to use it for target practice...


You just might be a redneck




The subject line is implying jack. The post is flat out stating that some rednecks shot up an ammo can.


Owning a gun doesn't make you a redneck. Randomly shooting up something just might.





Speaking on behalf of the Southeastern Ohio chapter of Rednecks, I say this. We like our large 4 wheel drive machines, though you cant tell by the way we treat them. We like beer and fire and Hank. We like huntin, fishin, and tellin jokes. We dont like wastin ammo on an ammo box that we could take home and cut the lock off of and fill full of fishin tackle, or lima beans. We have a name for people like that round here. We call em a**holes. Thank you fer yer time, and........GET ER DONE.





Sorry, had to. I'll pull my collar back up now.

We dont like wastin ammo on an ammo box that we could take home and cut the lock off of and fill full of fishin tackle, or lima beans.
Then this may have been you. As I've said a couple of times in this thread. The ammo box was not easily accessible. The person(s) who shot it were likely never closer than 50-100 feet from the cache. They didn't have the option of taking it home and cutting the lock off. Not to mention the thing is bolted down. Didnt anybody wonder why the ammo box didn't move when it got hit countless times?




...The ammo box was not easily accessible. The person(s) who shot it were likely never closer than 50-100 feet from the cache. They didn't have the option of taking it home and cutting the lock off...


Just for curosities sake, if it was fairly inaccessible, how were geocachers supposed to get to it (or is that part of the mystery of finding that cache)?


Cool pics by the way. Sorry that the can ended up as target practice!


TXKnight :)

Just for curosities sake, if it was fairly inaccessible, how were geocachers supposed to get to it (or is that part of the mystery of finding that cache)?

It's a 5-star terrain cache, and if you scrutinze the pictures above, you can probably figure out why.



Just for curosities sake, if it was fairly inaccessible, how were geocachers supposed to get to it (or is that part of the mystery of finding that cache)?

It's a 5-star terrain cache, and if you scrutinze the pictures above, you can probably figure out why.




Wow, that does look hard to get to. Sorry about your ammo can.


It's a 5-star terrain cache, and if you scrutinze the pictures above, you can probably figure out why.




Cool, I've definately got to try one of these level 5 terrain caches one of these days!


TX Knight :)

I'm still trying to figure out the subject line's implication that a person who owns firearms must be a redneck.

What are you trying to figure out? You're reading stuff that isn't there. Read my post, look at the pretty pictures. That's all it is.




Your title is Redneck Vs Ammocan. How could we possibly "read into it?"


The proper term is "Earnhardt-Americans."




They's actually Appalachin-Americans.

Ya'll hold ma beer an' watch this!


I just gotta say, seeing those pics of the view and everything from up there, that cache looks simply awesome, I just wish I lived closer to it!

Posted (edited)
Is this the cache?
Good guess.



:laughing: Looks like a lot of fun. You must be good at hiding caches. Wish I could get a couple of them. Maybe someday.


Funny, I don't remember how I came across this cache page.

Edited by Dew Crew

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