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Need Help With New Cache

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I want to make a sorta virtual cache but I know they are not allowed. The problem is I don't want to spoil the site with a physical cache.

The spot is a monument from 1755 having to do with the Acadians of Nova Scotia. The finder would have to find the site and then do research and tell me who unveiled the monument and when. This would give them right to log a find.

Do you think this would be approved as it stands or is it a virtual? From my interpretation of the guidelines the research is the kicker that makes it a mystery type cache.

Any hints other than placing a micro?

Here's a pic of the monumentfrenchx1945.jpg

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The spot is a monument from 1755 having to do with the Acadians of Nova Scotia. The finder would have to find the site and then do research and tell me who unveiled the monument and when. This would give them right to log a find.


That sounds like a virtual to me and it wouldn't be approved.


I see a plaque at the bottom. Surely there is some info there you can use to provide an offset to a real cache nearby.


It could be as simple as "count the words in the first sentence. If there are 4 words go to Nxx.xx.xxx, Wxxx.xx.xxx, if there are 5 words go to Nyy.yyy.yyy, Wyyy..yy.yyy, if there are six words go to...."


Or it could be something like "Subtract the year the monument was placed from 72045677 to give you your W coord and add the number of letters in the last word on the plaque to 3346543 to give you your N coord."

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being new to caching ..can someone explain why virtuals were banned? What a great way to bring people to history.

If Waymarking had a hold here I would list it there but it doesn't so would be a waste of a fantastic site. I'll think about a micro but really don't want to, I think it would take away from the reason for being there.

Thanks for the replies, sure would like a way to do it without a physical cache

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being new to caching ..can someone explain why virtuals were banned? What a great way to bring people to history.

If Waymarking had a hold here I would list it there but it doesn't so would be a waste of a fantastic site. I'll think about a micro but really don't want to, I think it would take away from the reason for being there.

Thanks for the replies, sure would like a way to do it without a physical cache


There were a number of reasons for the ban. First off things were getting out of hand with people posting every roadside marker, no matter how mundane as well as fence posts, flag poles, manhole covers and even a sneaker in the woods ("send me the brand to log the find") and a rotting animal carcass.


Second, when negotiating with land managers to get them to allow geocaches in their parks, they would often point to virtuals as an acceptable alternative. This endangered traditional geocaching in many areas, so by taking virtuals off the table, we could focus on their formulating a geocaching policy that allowed physical containers.


Finally, and foremost, the people who run this site wanted to get back to the essence of this sport, which is finding caches. No matter how you define it, a virtual is not a cache.


As you see here, there are ways to bring people to history and include a real cache in the process. And you don't have to hide a micro on the monument either.


Hmmmmmmm...there's a really beautiful rock beach just down the road. I could place a physical cache there, even a large one. Still makes it all about the cache instead of the monument though.


For some people its always about the cache. If you made it a virtual, half the finders would get there and jot down the required info and not pay a whit of attention to the monument other than getting the info needed to log it. The other half would say "wow, this is really cool" and take in the history of the site. That won't change if you involve a real cache.

Edited by briansnat
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being new to caching ..can someone explain why virtuals were banned? What a great way to bring people to history.

If Waymarking had a hold here I would list it there but it doesn't so would be a waste of a fantastic site. I'll think about a micro but really don't want to, I think it would take away from the reason for being there.

Thanks for the replies, sure would like a way to do it without a physical cache


People were getting out of control and making virtuals out of stupid things like manhole covers.

While I suppose there might be something cool about an old manhole cover dated 1865 (or something) it was getting out of hand and TPTB wanted to get 'caching back to it's roots of 'a container with a logbook'.

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