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It's All About Me, Me, Me!

Simply Paul

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Posted (edited)

Replying to an email from Omally just now, it got me wondering if anyone's found all my 122 (inc. two set with Dan 'Rocky' Wilson in Oxford under his name, and two of the Hornet's which I adopted) caches, and if not, who's found the most. This is clearly a self-indulgent thread, targeted at cachers 'local' to me, so feel free to ignore it if it means nothing to you. With my blessing :laughing:


This link to a list of my caches will help - The two not included are 'Punters' Cache #1 and #3' on the Isis. You'll remember them if you've done them :lol:





Edited by Simply Paul
Posted (edited)

1st Geocaching

then cache type icons

then Trigpointing

then County Highpoints

then CoTM

then the county league table

then the FTF league table

then yellow jeeps

then white jeeps

then coin icons

now SP caches!!!!! Oh boy. I'm safe until there's a league table to suck me in.


Which reminds me - "Ye olde survey monuments"


EDIT - Consecutive Number Plate Game


I'm not addicted to any of the activities, it's the competition that gets me.

Edited by Kitty Hawk
Moote: Found 1 so just 119 to go then I can claim this title


Snap! It was the rude one - found whilst playing gooseberry to a young courting couple. :laughing::lol::lol:



are they still 'courting'?



Posted (edited)

1st Geocaching...

...now SP caches!!!!! Oh boy. I'm safe until there's a league table to suck me in.


Sorry KH, thanks to Gary of Gary & Jane... A League Table of found-SP-caches by finder. There seems to be something 'up' with the 'most in a day' table (as I know Andybug&Ladybird found 25 or more on their 'Ridgeway Run in a Day' walk) but when that's fixed*, we'll have two league tables for the price of one! :D


Edit: Note these stats are for live caches only. Archived ones still count, so no one's been telling porkies on this thread - yet!


*Update: It's now fixed, thanks to Gary's bug hunting skills. Excellent :D


P.S. Since I have 4 caches based on it in one way or another, I need to say The Wicker Man is free on DVD with this Saturday's Guardian (I think) More info when I have it. If it's not in your film collection, and you're over 18 (does this mean they'll be vetting who buys the paper?) it's one freebie offer you shouldn't miss.

Edited by Simply Paul

Blimey - just counted and your caches take up a fair proportion of the caches we've done! We've done 11 of your caches..... being 20.75% of all the caches we've done so far.


Many thanks for the enjoyment we've had from them.


Oh - we also did one placed in tribute of you. Does that count? :D

Posted (edited)

If my brain worked in remotely the same way as yours Simply Paul I would indeed have found all 122....however I don't think I can afford the phone bill to be doing all your crazy mind boggling caches....and my brain can't take it. lol


Same goes to Sensei too.....now I can see why he's found the most! haha

Edited by Ben Pid

Step aside Lester, I've found




including 2 Paul didn't mention, placed jointly with Kitten and Angel respectively :D

Team H


Best I get out there and do some work. I am off in March so that will be a good time!



...including 2 Paul didn't mention, placed jointly with Kitten and Angel respectively :D


Sorry Alan, my figure of 122 includes ones set with Pid, kitten* and Angel too - they're all against my name.


Excellent smilie Nediam :D


Anyway, thanks to Gary of Gary & Jane I have my answer - Andy and Kerrie are at the top of both tables. That's a drink I owe them (or they owe me?) Thanks guys!


we have done a few but it would take ages going through all the cache notes to find out how many of your excellent caches we have done.if you set 122 more then when we get to 122 then we would have done all your 122 that you are talking about now.minus the new 122 that we have not done as you have not set them yet,so is that clear as mud down a green lane.jeffandpat=bones1.


A bit of fun for Firefox/GreaseMonkey users:


If your are running Firefox and have the GreaseMonkey extension installed, right click on the following link and select "Install User Script..."




If you appear on the on the "Simply Paul's Active Cache Stats" page, you should now have gained an extra icon like this:




Enjoy.... :)B)


Didn't work for me!


Sorry about that :)


The script works by scraping the "A League Table of found-SP-caches by finder" page mentioned earlier in this thread, and has just been fixed to take account of some slight changes there


Unfortunately, if you are not on that page (and I think you need a minimum of 10 SP caches to qualify) then the icon will not appear for you.


You need to re-install the script (right click again) and then check out an SP high roller like Alibags to see if its working, then all you need to do is find another 9 SP caches.....


If anyone knows how I can find out the SP finds stats more directly, the let me know and I will improve the icon script B)


Didn't work for me!


Sorry about that :)


The script works by scraping the "A League Table of found-SP-caches by finder" page mentioned earlier in this thread, and has just been fixed to take account of some slight changes there


Unfortunately, if you are not on that page (and I think you need a minimum of 10 SP caches to qualify) then the icon will not appear for you.


You need to re-install the script (right click again) and then check out an SP high roller like Alibags to see if its working, then all you need to do is find another 9 SP caches.....


If anyone knows how I can find out the SP finds stats more directly, the let me know and I will improve the icon script B)



Now the Icon hunters are all going to be in the Oxford/Herts areas this weekend just to gain this Icon :laughing:


The script should be working now, you will need the latest versions of Firefox & Greasemonkey, let me know if you have any problems.


Have fun.... :)


PS: For some reason Team Hippo's Icon doesnt show - the username I'm getting from their profile page contains double spaces - I will try to fix ASAP


Thanks to Southseakers the script is working fine now - just a bit more fun even if it does slow the loading of the profile a little (not a complaint as you rarely get something for nothing!) :)


Thanks to Gary of Gary & Jane, there is now a new version of the Simply Paul Icon script that will work for everyone (ie. no more 10 find minimum) so now everybody can play B)


If you have already installed the script, you will need to re-install it (right click and "install User Script...")


Otherwise follow the instructions above.


Have fun... :)

Posted (edited)

77 - suck it up Lester!! :laughing:

You have been around alot longer than me!!!


she has just been around alot :rolleyes:


sorry ali i couldnt resist :(


M :blink:


she probably has more in the north east than us ........and we live here

Edited by Us 4 and Jess
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