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Travel Bugs At Cache Bashes


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We've only been to two bashes so are not well up on what happens. However, one of our TBs is currently logged - with many others - into a cache bash for last weekend. So, given that the bash is over what happens to the bugs?


Have a look at this bash - GCT8ED. There are many, many TBs logged into it so what happens to them all if they haven't been picked up at the time?? We're beginning to think that bashes are not clever places to take TBs!


Have a look at this bash - GCT8ED. There are many, many TBs logged into it so what happens to them all if they haven't been picked up at the time?? We're beginning to think that bashes are not clever places to take TBs!

This was only 2 days ago. The coins will not go for a while to give people the chance to log them and return them to the event, and the same with some bugs. In a few days most will disappear and when the organiser archives the event that can be up to 2 weeks in the future any remaining that have been forgotten about will be removed.


I do take your point that the chaos of an event could lead to TBs being lost, but in the events that I have been to and that I organised the TBs are placed together on a table or in a box and any left at the end are distributed to the remaining cachers to get in to the wild again. Using a 5 year old to do this using the line "have you only got seven bugs, here have one of mine" is best as it is harder to say no. ;)


Personally I don't see the point of logging anything I didn't find in a proper cache,but then again I don't rush out for FTF's or geocoins either,I always thought it was about getting out and about in the countryside rather than numbers and icons on the internet.

Each to their own I guess.


Agree with you 100% NK, it can be quite frustrating to start getting emails about your TB or Coin changing hands a lot but not actually having it travel anywhere... Same for when it's picked up from a cache and then dropped back in - you get all excited when the email appears thinking about where it may be heading, only to find it's still there. I have been half tempted to remove entries for finds against TB's or Coins when they haven't been moved on. After all, TB's (Travel Bugs) are called that for a reason... They are not SB's "Static Bugs". Eeek... sorry... almost turned into a rant.. Sorry.




Thanks, just answered a couple of questions i had. Can't see the point myself (although only a newbie) of logging something i haven't found, but just handled and copied the number from at an event just for the sake of making my stats look good. Each to their own i suppose, live and let live and all that.


Personally I don't see the point of logging anything I didn't find in a proper cache,but then again I don't rush out for FTF's or geocoins either,I always thought it was about getting out and about in the countryside rather than numbers and icons on the internet.

Each to their own I guess.


Couldn't agree more go play MMORPG if you want net games.


TB's go missing at events just like they go missing in caches im afraid.


As that was my event, I think I should add my 2p.


Events can be dangerous places to take bugs. They have a habit of getting lost at events. This seems to happen to Jeeps with alarming regularity. It happened at my very first event. A bug went missing and even though I emailed everybody and searched the pub and asked the landlord, it never did turn up. As a responsible event owner, I will always take measures to ensure that all bugs logged into an event are tracked down and logged. I also show an interest in who took TBs that I personally brought along.


There may be no point in logging every bug you see, but some people like to do so. It's not breaking any rules, so I dont see why not. We all like to play the game different ways, even though postings on this forum like to complain about this fact (with rather tedious regularity).


Lots of the bugs in the event are personal geocoins, and they will soon be grabbed back by the owners I suppose (myself included!).


Some people do travel for events and do not get a chance to log the TBs the minute the event is over, so I would not be leaping down their throats 15 seconds after I get home.


As ever, it's your bug and it's your choice. if you do not wish your TB to go to events, then put this information on a tag, securely attached to the TB and I am sure this will be respected by cachers who pick it up.


For reference I have just checked back to all the events I have attended and all but the last have had all the bugs retrieved, and the last was archived yesterday and contains three bugs and a coin that I hope have been forgotten (virtually speaking) and will be logged properly when the carrying cacher notices.


In response to Alibags comments I will add that jeeps and coins are in danger in the wilds of a cache as well as an event and I don't consider it more or less dangerous. I also find it a little strange that someone would want to log every bug, but some bugs have a book or camera attached that you can log if you use. I think we had three such bugs at the Newcastle doo, and Danny that we could not find a physical cache big enough for. ;)


For reference I have just checked back to all the events I have attended and all but the last have had all the bugs retrieved, and the last was archived yesterday and contains three bugs and a coin that I hope have been forgotten (virtually speaking) and will be logged properly when the carrying cacher notices.


You need to check each bug at the events as one might have been marked as missing so would no lonnger appear on the Event page,


You need to check each bug at the events as one might have been marked as missing so would no lonnger appear on the Event page,


A good point but I have already checked the history. I have manually checked all the "unknowns" and all of them were logged in to another cache after the event, and all but one was logged in more than once. Unless the owner has deleted the logs then my clam is til true.

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