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Tech Night Event - Resources


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I'm starting to think about a tech night for local cachers. After our last event there's a lot of people that want to get more out of their GPSrs or go paperless or just use gc.com's notifications properly (anecdotal evidence that most of the people at the event couldn't get theirs working may point to the interface not being very friendly!)


I've got a big mind map of all the topics I want to cover (it might be a series of tech nights - and I won't be able to cover all the topics myself - I'm going to draft Garmin and Magellan experts to deal with their GPSrs), and it's too big to post here.


What I'm looking for is any resources you may already have gathered related to holding such an event. Especially:


Powerpoints or HOW-TOs

Web pages with tutorials


Also, if you've held such an event yourself, any lessons learned (not just about what to teach, there's also some logistics I've got to work out, too) which would be useful.

Posted (edited)

I once went to a geocaching tech meeting and found this Paperless Caching article from the Florida Geocaching Association to be very helpful. I used this tutorial to go paperless. You could print this out for handouts for folks to get started going paperless.

Edited by Timpat
Posted (edited)
I once went to a geocaching tech meeting and found this Paperless Caching article from the Florida Geocaching Association to be very helpful. I used this tutorial to go paperless. You could print this out for handouts for folks to get started going paperless.

This should be called Paperless for Dummies... Because I got it right the first time. Well written and easy to follow.

Edited by Scrapman & GaPatci21

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