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How Many Have Had A Cache Muggled..


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No, but we found a cache in Richmond Park, Surrey, which had been chanced upon the day before by some mushroom hunters. They signed the log, exchanged some items and re-hid the cache (although not very well!) Don't know if they took up caching. (GCKPTQ I think).


Also, the Ashtead Common cache was found by Common Rangers who signed the log and carefully re-hid it.

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One rather well known cacher who has currently 1564 finds to his name started out muggling a cache while picking up litter near his home, took it home, looked up geocaching.com and was hooked, finding his first thousand in 10 months or so.


And he beat me to a FTF today - just like old times two years ago! :rolleyes:

Edited by John Stead
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I actually came across muggles in the act of signing the log book at a cache (Castles in the Air). They were very intrigued especially, as they saw it , they had found something very unusual in the middle of nowhere and then a stranger had come up to them and explained all about it!

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While working on a mobile phone site near Cherwell Valley Services (M40), two engineers I was working with picked up a bag of CDs and "bits & pieces" inside the site.


Over a coffee they mentioned it to me so I had a quick look. It turned out to be the remains of an "Alpha-Quest" cache.


Quick e-mail exchange with Messe and I was able to give him his cache back but minus the ammo can!!


Always thought it strange that someone would nick a complete cache and throw the entire contents away (about 10CDs)!!!


Can't remember if they signed the log book "Took cache, chucked contents" :lol::lol:



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Always thought it strange that someone would nick a complete cache and throw the entire contents away (about 10CDs)!!!


Can't remember if they signed the log book "Took cache, chucked contents" :lol::lol:

I once had an Ammo box cache muggled. The "thieves" emptied the contents of the Ammo box into a carrier bag, signed the log explaining they thought the box would be useful, then re-hid the carrier bag!


Could have been worse I suppose.

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For the life of me I cannot remember whether this was a log we found or it was a story someone had told us... but I rememebr that a cache had been found by the police searching an area, and they'd signed th elog and replaced it!!

Bishops Gifthouse (GCH R2D) currently disabled , the log was signed "we wish you well in your activity" Darlington Police. We found the cache in poor condition shortly after, damaged possibly by the cows that were in that area and it was disabled. Enabled in a slightly different location it is again disabled, having gone missing towards the end of last year. :lol:

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We found the following entry in the log when we visited Abbots Bay today -



I have no idea wot this is about. Been in the Mine Entrance next door & was hiding my keys under these rocks.

Strange Club you've got!!!!

Rob, Cumbria

P.S. took nowt!!


Also, a few weeks ago a work colleague told me about something 'unusual' he had come across on one of his regular walks. It turned out to have been the Duddon Bridge cache which he duly examined and replaced, learning about geocaching in the process.

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I had a cache found by the local village's general dogsbody ("ouvrier communal" - a standard job in France). One of his jobs is to leave notes on badly parked cars saying "your vehicle is causing an obstruction - please move it". He left one in the cache saying "your vehicle(crossed out)box is not causing an obstruction, please don't move it". :wacko:

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One of my caches went missing - East Lothian Quartet- Bonus cache - so I went out to replace it. later the same day a note appeared on the cache page from a muggle who said that his daughter had found it and taken it home. It wasn't until he looked at it properly that he realised what it was, and promptly replaced it. So then there were two boxes in the hiding spot and I had to go back again (a 2 mile roundtrip) to take one away. The muggle added that he lived nearby and would keep an eye on the cache. Muggles can be such nice people!

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