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Sweet Lake City Geocaching Night Event Coin


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Posted (edited)

Missed out. Somebody PLEASE trade with me. I have my trade list on the Caching Place now. There's a link in my profile.


I gotta go work now. If anyone emails me, I'll reply as soon as I get back.

Edited by Team LightningBugs

Uhhh. 1 left !


I will forgive you if you have entered the incorrect country (a lot of you did in the hurry!)

That way you would not have gotten the PayPayl option, but the IBAN option.


No worries: We will correct the country and send you a paypal invoice.

Are they gone already?

When I got the page loaded. it said there were 40 something coins left. By the time I got all the info typed in for 3 coins and submitted, the next page said that the amount requested wasn't available.


OK, now I really gotta go!

I will forgive you if you have entered the incorrect country (a lot of you did in the hurry!)


No worries: We will correct the country and send you a paypal invoice.

That's good, because I did. But only because Canada wasn't listed as an option! I put it in the state field instead and left the country as whatever my cursor happened to be on when I discovered Canada wasn't there.


I didn’t get any….crappy site design!!!

It threw me out and made me re-enter data each time, because the number wanted wasn’t available anymore.

I'm a hunt and peck typist!! I didn't even get my first name in before they were gone :huh: What a blast! I may have to take a typing course.

You should get Roboform. I just click one button and it puts in all my information and clicks the submit button.


As the limit for one buyer was 10 coins I guess there ahve been some of the usual suspects ordering that many coins just to sell them on the fourlettersite afterwards.

Posted (edited)

If you go back to the site and look at the list of confirmed orders, it looks like only the ICE group got a 10 coin group order in. The remaining orders look like 5 or less.


Editing to add the UK coin group had a group order in of 10 and a few individuals did as well. But the majority really are 5 or less and the ones with more than 5 mostly appear to be Europeans!

Edited by Evil Chicken
Remeber that the minimum was 10 coins so it could have been as few as 10 orders!

This is why I feel on the scarcer coins it should be limited to 2 per person..

Not at those shipping rates.

As the limit for one buyer was 10 coins I guess there ahve been some of the usual suspects ordering that many coins just to sell them on the fourlettersite afterwards.

Not necessarily. Some of us went together to help with the shipping. I'm not selling on E***

I'm a hunt and peck typist!! I didn't even get my first name in before they were gone :huh: What a blast! I may have to take a typing course.

You should get Roboform. I just click one button and it puts in all my information and clicks the submit button.

or google with auto fill. it works great and saves me a lot of typing.

Posted (edited)
I didn’t get any….crappy site design!!!

It threw me out and made me re-enter data each time, because the number wanted wasn’t available anymore.

So, it looks like we get an empty plate for supper....... :):):):)


Thanks for trying. :huh:

Edited by Big JohnP
Posted (edited)
Remeber that the minimum was 10 coins so it could have been as few as 10 orders!

I thought the max was 10 coins.

I am pretty sure that's what she meant :huh:

Thanks AG - Read what I mean, not what I say! 10 max

Edited by DancesWithMoose
It threw me out and made me re-enter data each time, because the number wanted wasn’t available anymore.

It almost did that to me, but because I forgot my postal code the first time. At first I tried to just use the back key and all my info was gone. Fortunately I was able to go ahead and use the retry link and my info was there again.


Nothing like panic typing....

The order site just opened! :)


International Order Page


First to come, first served!


Hope you like this coin (and it's icon) as much as we do :).

This is one of the worst coin-selling events I have ever seen :huh::):)


Yesterday you told the shop would open at 21.00h and now you started selling at 12pm! This is really not fair.

Now there are of course no coins left.


Why didn't you increase your coin number to 2000? There are so many disappointed people everywhere. Is it that you can sell them later at EBAY for 100 or more Euros???

Yesterday you told the shop would open at 21.00h and now you started selling at 12pm! This is really not fair.

Now there are of course no coins left.


I think eversince the sale was supposed to open on 21:00 CET (GMT +1)

I didn’t get any….crappy site design!!!

It threw me out and made me re-enter data each time, because the number wanted wasn’t available anymore.

Thanks! But that was just the overordering check.

We're into caching and coins, the website was a quick solution.


They are sold out in 2 minutes. 28 orders were beeing placed. Not everybody took the whole 10 maximum coins.


Sorry everybody who missed out !


I will take all you advice here in account for an eventual next coin.

If you go back to the site and look at the list of confirmed orders, it looks like only the ICE group got a 10 coin group order in. The remaining orders look like 5 or less.

UK Coin group got 10 and Utah Bill got 10 (that's the COOL coin group)

Yesterday you told the shop would open at 21.00h and now you started selling at 12pm! This is really not fair.

Now there are of course no coins left.


I think eversince the sale was supposed to open on 21:00 CET (GMT +1)

And it was on the second 21:00 Central Europe Time (GMT+1) here that I did open the site and entered this post.

One enter-key-press on the laptop and one on the pc, so two fingers were used in this act (from different hands) :huh:

The order site just opened! :)


International Order Page


First to come, first served!


Hope you like this coin (and it's icon) as much as we do :).

This is one of the worst coin-selling events I have ever seen :)B):)


Yesterday you told the shop would open at 21.00h and now you started selling at 12pm! This is really not fair.

Now there are of course no coins left.


Why didn't you increase your coin number to 2000? There are so many disappointed people everywhere. Is it that you can sell them later at EBAY for 100 or more Euros???

I am not sure what is wrong with selling coins on an auction site, can someone clue me in??


The order site just opened! :)


International Order Page


First to come, first served!


Hope you like this coin (and it's icon) as much as we do :).

This is one of the worst coin-selling events I have ever seen :huh::):)


Yesterday you told the shop would open at 21.00h and now you started selling at 12pm! This is really not fair.

Now there are of course no coins left.


Why didn't you increase your coin number to 2000? There are so many disappointed people everywhere. Is it that you can sell them later at EBAY for 100 or more Euros???

if you go back and read the post it says 21:00 central europe time witch is gmt+1 hour or 15:00 est. it was an event coin, why would they have made 2000 coins for an event?

If you go back to the site and look at the list of confirmed orders, it looks like only the ICE group got a 10 coin group order in. The remaining orders look like 5 or less.


OK, OK, I stand corrected, didn't take a look on the list previously to posting ...

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