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Audubon Sites

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Audubon Sites


The Audubon Society is highly involved in conservation efforts and sites include sanctuaries and nature centers. These are some of the most fascinating locations in the outdoors, and are now officially closed to traditional caches. Waymarking these valuable resources would be an ideal way tor document and promote them.

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I was out running this moring and went past a Wetlands Conservancy private park with public access. I think that this category may be expanded able into something like:


Private Parks as opposed to government owned public parks and not those

chargin admission on a daily basis like zoos, amusement parks and the like.


1. Not Publicly accessible or Members only.


A. Picture of the gate I guess if there is no access.

B. Pictures of the park from the members who also geocache/waymark.


2. Publicly accessible.


2A. Nature Preserves: Take only Pictures leave only a log entry and pictures.

A. Audobon

B. The Nature Conservancy

C. Wetlands Conservancy

D. And So Forth!


2B. Exercise parks on private property.


2C. I am sure there are more ...



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I like the category but I do beg to differ that Audobon Centers are off limits for traditional geocaches. Here in NJ our Audobon Nature Centers and sanctuaries welcome Geocaching. It is how the are approached, for example our local sjg group holds Citos there and is hosting a GPS program at one this spring. Our members have also assisted them in mapping their trails with GPS.

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I was out running this moring and went past a Wetlands Conservancy private park with public access. I think that this category may be expanded able into something like:


Private Parks as opposed to government owned public parks and not those

chargin admission on a daily basis like zoos, amusement parks and the like.



This has more to do with taxonomy than with a specific category. Where this distinct category would fit into the taxonomy would be a matter for discussion. Your suggestion that it fit into a structure under Nature Preserves which is in turn under a broader category is one approach.


This is the question we are always up against: Broad categories with many sub, and sub-sub, etc. categories (how deep do you want to dig to find the end category) VS many more smaller categories with fewer sub-levels. It is always a compromise and a matter of balance. Add to this the fact that we have to work with the proposals that have been submitted and have someone to manage them rather than creating a coherent taxonomy beforehand. Challenging! :cute:

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I like the category but I do beg to differ that Audobon Centers are off limits for traditional geocaches. Here in NJ our Audobon Nature Centers and sanctuaries welcome Geocaching. It is how the are approached, for example our local sjg group holds Citos there and is hosting a GPS program at one this spring. Our members have also assisted them in mapping their trails with GPS.


That is great news! I was just going by another message someone had posted saying that Audubon sites had decided to prohibit physical geocaches and he had to remove his. Perhaps this is not a universal policy. It would be nice to have them open to both! At least some.

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Some of the same reasons why geocaches might not be permitted, or have to be approved at specific locations, on these non-profit organization sites, would apply also to waymarks. Often these areas are preserved for environmental reasons, and some areas are off limits to people for specific reasons. Lancaster Conservancy in Pennsylvania allows geocaches on its preserves, but only in locations they approve. I would think waymarks may also need permission, since you could be taking people into environmentally sensitive areas. That said, I highly support this category so people can be encouraged to get to these places.

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