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Motorway Mayhem


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I'm planning to place up to 15 Motorway Mayhem Caches these will be:

  • M60 Juction 9, 10, 11, 13, 16 might do J14 but need to think as I have a cache there already.
  • M602 J1 & 2
  • M62 J 8 & 9 might do J11 but need to think as I also have a cache there already.
  • M56 J 8 & 9
  • M6 J20, 21, 22


Edited by Moote
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I could possibly do some along the M54 if that's any help.


I'd need to get some cache containers etc etc as I do not have any small or micros handy but that should not be too much of a problem.


Anyone any idea how to get hold of film canisters as we only use digital photos now and have exhausted our small supply of old canisters.

Edited by The Bolas Heathens
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Knowing my luck, he would tell me micros are frowned upon and to pop along to the army surplus store for an ammo can :mad:


Wow, does Pharisee work at your local Jessops then? :mad:


I've found my local snappy snaps are good suppliers of film cannisters aswell - they'd only throw them away otherwise.

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Hah! resistance is futile Alibags of Borg. (you wouldn't bear a passing resemblance to 7 of 9 by any chance would you? STOP! ENOUGH of my mid life fantasies) :huh: Where was I? oh yes, we now have the end of the M90 covered thanks to Snaik, so that is the northern most. We could now do with the southern ends of the network closing up, so do we have cachers that can cover the ends of the M20, M5, M23 M62, M4 M9 etc. It's a bit like doing a jigsaw, get all the corners & edges & the rest fills itself in.



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Is GCTRJ6 ( http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...19-3a66e1909f0b ) technically a Motorway Mayhem cache?


Don't get me wrong, I am always keen on a good new caches close to me (although north of the river word be better :P ) but this one technically is not near a motorway.


I guess what I am really asking is are we classing larger trunk roads the same as a motorway. Not that I have an opinion either way, I just this we should try and be consistent.

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There's only a short bit of motorway in Devon, and no motorway in Cornwall, so I'd be in favour of major trunk roads where there were no motorways anywhere near. I'm thinking A30, A303 perhaps?


It's going to have to go to the jury though.

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Is GCTRJ6 ( http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...19-3a66e1909f0b ) technically a Motorway Mayhem cache?


Don't get me wrong, I am always keen on a good new caches close to me (although north of the river word be better :P ) but this one technically is not near a motorway.


I guess what I am really asking is are we classing larger trunk roads the same as a motorway. Not that I have an opinion either way, I just this we should try and be consistent.


I reckon major routes, where there are no motorways as such, should be acceptable, but may be a bit much when there is a perfectly good motorway nearby. Or should there be a parallel 'A Road Anarchy' series? :)


As to the above cache, nice and easy for me to grab when I am in the NE (yayy!), however, I thought that part of the remit of MM caches was a quick cache and dash when you were on your way somewhere, and I set mine with the idea that the cacher may be dressed for business and not want to go hacking through the undergrowth, etc The fact that the cache site for this one is described as 'muddy' would put me off a bit.

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I thought I'd resurrect this thread rather than start a new one, because of the last few posts.


Living in the Westcountry - although travelling up and down the M5 / M4 quite often - meant that a lot of these caches are not on my way anywhere so will remain out of reach except on special trips, so I would welcome the idea that it was extended onto trunk roads where there is no motorway i.e. Devon / Cornwall or are there so many other good ones about they are not required? Having just got GSAK to export to Tom Tom I can see how many caches are actually 'quite near' motorways and main roads whilst not actually being cache and dash.


Anyway I got to thinking that I could at least visit them vicariously through TB's and have just released Mini Mayhem 1 & 2 at GCNP4G with the goal of them 'racing' to as many MM caches as they can this summer and then returning to the start point. The only rule is that the only move a max of twice a day - this is to stop someone on a 20 a day habit giving one too much of a head start and to allow as many people as possible a chance to participate.

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Hi all, I've just done some long awaited maintenance to the MM home page & contributors list. Sorry for the delay, but work keeps interfering with the more important things in life :laughing: If anybody is missing from the list, please let me know & I will update it asap.


DaveH aka Black Pig


PS we've still got a few Yorkshire Geocoins left, if anyone wants one, but hurry, our colonial cousins across the pond are snapping 'em up sharpish. Although they are whingeing a bit about the $/£ exchange rate :anitongue:

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I thought I'd resurrect this thread rather than start a new one, because of the last few posts.


Living in the Westcountry - although travelling up and down the M5 / M4 quite often - meant that a lot of these caches are not on my way anywhere so will remain out of reach except on special trips, so I would welcome the idea that it was extended onto trunk roads where there is no motorway i.e. Devon / Cornwall or are there so many other good ones about they are not required? Having just got GSAK to export to Tom Tom I can see how many caches are actually 'quite near' motorways and main roads whilst not actually being cache and dash.


Anyway I got to thinking that I could at least visit them vicariously through TB's and have just released Mini Mayhem 1 & 2 at GCNP4G with the goal of them 'racing' to as many MM caches as they can this summer and then returning to the start point. The only rule is that the only move a max of twice a day - this is to stop someone on a 20 a day habit giving one too much of a head start and to allow as many people as possible a chance to participate.


I can't see aproblem with extending the concept to trunk roads, the A19 has already got one. After all the A30 is the "motorway to the sun" let's keep it to dual carriage ways though, where there aren't any "real" motorway alternatives nearby.


DaveH aka Black Pig

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I can't see aproblem with extending the concept to trunk roads, the A19 has already got one. After all the A30 is the "motorway to the sun" let's keep it to dual carriage ways though, where there aren't any "real" motorway alternatives nearby.

Having had the privalege yesterday of driving the A17 from Newark to Norwich this does seem a little harsh on East Anglians. Anyone who has tried to drive the 140 miles from the A1 to Norwich should expect a break along the way, that is unless they are facinated by watching the rear ends of caravans or like dodging sugar beet as it leaps off the backs of vast mud splattered lorries. Its not our fault that roads across the Fens have to be "floated" making upgraded single carriage way roads more expensive mile per mile than traditionally built dual carriage way. Back when the A17 and A47 were originally built they used French Prisoners of War and "floated" the road bed on brushwood faggots, hence the unusual rolling ride. A more objective measure might be any trunkroad maintained by the Highways Agency (or Scottish/Welsh/NI equivalents). Check this MAP


I would like to beg your indulgence for A17 Motorway Madness - Sugar Beet Shutdown, I've got the ammo can, the coordinates and can fully recommend the service area to all coach, lorry, car and even carvan drivers, particularly if your idea of a breakfast includes tea so syrupy the spoon stands up and platter sized all day breakfasts. Have a look here.

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