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Travel Plans Caching ?


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I"ve been wondering if there is a way that a " Geo Traveler" can mark a route i.e. from MI to FL via I-75 and research& hunt any or all caches say within in 2-3 miles of that route. I know one can punch in zip codes from Detroit to Tampa but that is time consuming and not really defined or pinpoint accurate. My family and I travel rv style quite a bit and are becoming avid,although fledgling, cachers, and would like to be able to punch in a route and take off....and when the little brat...I mean children get restless we could stop off and cache & dash.

Thanks for your input.


Jake Billy & the Pete.(and mom even though she's not much for caching)


I've been wondering the same thing. Except, I'm curious about the I-5 and/or I-80 corridors in Northern California. I travel both of these freeways quite a bit throughout the year and am hoping there is an easy way to map the caches.


On a similar note, is there an easy way to check for geocaches at freeway rest areas? It would be great if I had more of a purpose for streaching my legs.


Thanks! :)


Exactly the thread I was thinking of. Wish search was working.


Anyway, I had 'discovered' the arcpoly feature of GSAK some time ago and use it a lot, also for caching locally. It really works quite well. You can then play with the distance from your arc/poly line to get the best mix of caches. Might even be a suggestion for it to be called that in GSAK. The function makes more sense when thought of as a route rather than the precisely correct mathematical arc/poly term.




I found this in another thread a while back and saved it for when I drive down to Cincinnatti next summer. This cacher has shared (and greatly appreciated!) bookmark lists of I-75 through Mich., Ohio and Kentucky. It's towards the bottom of the page.


Miz :mad:


:( I don't know if other states have the same information available, but I discovered that California Dept. of Transportation (CalTrans) has a list of all of their rest areas. Included in their list is the nearest town and lat. and long. information.


I just figure this is another way to locate geocaches along a planned route.



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