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North/south Bug Race

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Posted (edited)

We all seem to be having such a good laugh and a bit of friendly banter over the Girls against Boys bug race, that I thought I might be really daring :( and do a North against South Bug Race :(


This won't start for a few weeks yet (after the boys and girls one finishes)


Posting again :)


Any one up for it :D ..........and where would you class the dividing line as being


(The first 3 or 4 replies will be someone slagging me off again for another postal bug, then we will start taking name) :lol:


All the usual nutters welcome :o Please add how many of your team will play and North or South


M :D

Edited by Us 4 and Jess
Us 4 and Jess Posted on Jan 24 2006, 02:00 PM

  is that 4 members North Greg?


so we will be 4 players for the North 



One active :D 4 to be bribed. :ph34r:


More softie southerners for you - soft because we bathe in Comfort! Six in our team, but we only want it once to post on once! Hate to think we are lining the pockets of the Post Office. We don't get our mail til 2pm some days. Tis dreadful. :D:ph34r::D


I like the idea of a North South challenge (that the Northerners will win, obviously) but I think the Mend V Losers challenge is missing the normal magic of TBs. What about having a race where TBs need to be placed in caches somehow.

Posted (edited)

dont you start picking on me Alistair :D .....I get enough off that Pharisee softy Southerner bloke :)


The bug is for all of the UK Thunderbird30 anyone is welcome to join in we had to make a line somewhere B)


Tis just a game :)


I still think I would be a Northern lass being in Durham, maybe some of them just don't want to be shandy supping Southern softies lol :)


M B)

Edited by Us 4 and Jess
dont you start picking on me Alistair  :)

Sorry, No picking intended.


I would also like to say that I don't hold anything against any of the girls team who may be better organised and more capable than us boys, but thay will loose because us boys have, err, umm, well... Okay, I will have to get back to you on that. :)


Go boys go!!!


What about having two bugs and a rule that the bug must be logged in to a cache for at least 4 hours before it can be removed again? You are allowed to remove the oppositions bug but you must not take it further than say 2 miles and log it in within so many hours of removing it. The winner will be the team that has moved the bug the most number of times.

Hang on Mandy... was Pharisee actually agreeing to take part in a postal bug there???


Do we need a fanfare? :)

Yep I knew I would talk John around.........if you can't beat em join em and all that


John's a sweetie really :) ........a proper Southern softie


We will see if he sends me his addie :)


M B)

Posted (edited)
Friendly banter?!!! (insert Psycho knife attack sound effect)


I will play, but only for the North, and not the soft shandy supping South  B)

Whats North? and how will we communicate with them, they all talk different up there:D :D ??

Anything above Bristol, has always been north to me:D

My Mum told me i shouldnt go up there after dark :):)


I'm still in though :)B)

Edited by Wadders
Posted (edited)
I still think I would be a Northern lass being in Durham, maybe some of them just don't want to be shandy supping Southern softies lol :)


M :D

I do believe I'm beginning to take offence at your aspersions that we, fortunate enough as we are to live south of the Watford Gap, are all 'Shandy Supping Southern Softies' :):)


True.... I can't stand that creamy, smooth-flow, nitro-keg garbage that those unscrupulous northern landlords palm off on your gullible northern menfolk. We are educating you though, albeit slowly. Now, when I stay at the Queen's Head in Stanhope on my caching trips into the uncharted and desolate north, the inn keeper has the decency to remove the 'sparkler' from the pump nozzle before pulling me a pint... and now, without me even having to ask :) OK... so he still refers to me as 'that daft southerner' but he's learning :D


Anyone who drinks with me will tell you that I rarely drink shandy. In fact, the pub where our local cachers meet for their regular, third Friday of the month, get-together has just won the top award for the best kept cask ale in the whole East Anglia Region. Come down and try a pint of 'Brewer's Gold'. I guarantee you'll never, ever want to see a pint of T*tleys again :D


As this right off-topic, we'd best not let it degenerate into 'pub brawl' or Ecky-dorum will come down on us like a ton of bricks!!

Edited by Pharisee
Posted (edited)

i reckon if we can get 35-40 southerners (the southern softies) :D


and the same amount of northerners (i was gonna call us the winners lol)

(the northern nutters) ;)


then i will set this one away after the boys lose the girls against boys bug race ;)


so add your names here please ........your a southern softie or a northern nutter


you choose


M :D


ohhhh btw hazel john did reply with his addie :P ........he did not tell me his surname tho so we are just gonna address it to john pharisee ;)


M :cute:

Edited by Us 4 and Jess
Posted (edited)

ohhhh btw hazel john did reply with his addie  :( ........he did not tell me his surname tho so we are just gonna address it to john pharisee  :rolleyes:

Yeah Mandy - good name for a southern shandy supping softy!!!


If you need more northerners... Mum and Dad are the Sandiway Searchers and they'd like to join in too!



Edited by HazelS

I think this could go in about a fortnight, the boys against girls bug race is flying.........the boys are winning :huh:


Add your names here for the North / South bug race we need a few more yet


Let me know how many of your team would like to play, and if you are a Southern Softy or a Northern Nutter


M :)

Posted (edited)

Well, i was born in a barn in Rotherham, under a pylon, next to the motorway and a pig farm - brought up in a shed in Sheffield, and had nowt to eat for 19 years but coal.

Me mam and dad kept pigs in the spare room for the local farmer, and once a decade we got an hours holiday down a pit in Barnsley.

Me second toes are bigger than me big toes, due to the need, as babies, to crawl us way up hills and slag heaps.

I long for real fishcakes - the way they are made in Sheffield, and enjoy drinking Hendersons relish.


Though i now live in Bristol, i think i'd have to be on the northern team - some things are just in the blood!

Count me in if i qualify!



Edited by doctor scotland

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