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Team Thorny Geocoin


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Here is the preview of our family coin. I have received the approval from Groundspeak and have sent it off for pricing and am waiting for that. There will be 500 coins made, either 1 1/2" or 1 3/4", with it's own icon, and the PC prefix. We're discussing different metals for it and there will be a limited edition for trading and placing in caches. The plan is to have it in hand by the end of February if possible.


261b9f4b-ce8d-4a23-98b1-2423b11f2702.jpg Front


0d634bf0-3da8-4d4e-9889-74ce3ba24838.jpg Back


We, of course, welcome your comments and suggestions. Preorders will be done later in a seperate topic :lol:





Edited by Thorny1
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Thank you all for the kind words - I wish I could take credit for it but Jamie/MadHattersNeverland did the artwork and took some half-baked ideas of mine and delivered another great coin to me.


I'm waiting now on the die art and coin quote. We'll get this one going soon :)


Thanks again!



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Just a quick update to everyone to let you know that this has not fallen through the cracks or been forgotten, I am still waiting on the quotes to have it done. I had been asked by a couple of people and just wanted to let everyone know :)


Also, for everyone that has emailed me about a trade - I am overwhelmed right now and there is no way I will have enough coins to trade everyone. I am sorry - I am not ignoring you. It is not an intentional slight on anyone :huh:


Thanks for your patience and understanding and I will keep you informed!



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