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New Look To Gc


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It seems a reasonable idea, pity they couldn't just add an extra tab instead of using links.

Pity that the gallery has gone back to the "old look" :anibad:



Quote from Jeremy in the "Announcements section"


" Raine and I released another update to the web site this afternoon to cover many bugfixes, feature enhancements, and asthetic changes. Some of them will be instantly noticeable while others won't. This is a highlight of these changes.


* The Travel Bug logs now show up 10 at a time to speed up the pages.

* Hint decrypt does a JavaScript change instead of refreshing a new page. If you have JavaScript turned off it will work as it did before.

* The Cascading Style Sheet for the site has been updated. You may need to hold shift and click refresh for the changes to show up

* Hovering over the photo icon on cache listings with show the image without having to click through.

* The inventory of a cache listing now shows the type of Travel Bug or Geocoin in the cache.

* The travel bugs and geocoins have been moved to their own tab called "collections" since there are so many new geocoins now.

* The Travel bug distance calculation has changed. There will be a few days before the distance calculations update correctly so please be patient.

* Many small bug fixes and changes


Additionally, there is a capability we will be releasing shortly for cache owners to be able to add additional waypoints for a cache. These will be for storing hidden final coordinates for mystery caches, stages of a multi, puzzle questions, and parking coordinates. We need to do some work on our infrastructure to make sure it is working ok, so expect the new feature shortly."



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Being able to see log photos by hovering over the photo icon on the cache page is a really good addition. I often look at posted photos, and going to logs individually was a tedious way of doing it.


Nediam wrote:

Using Firefox, it posts the decrypted message after the encrypted hint

Yes, that's a pain. Another example of web designers only testing in IE and ignoring other browsers, I suppose.

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Additionally, there is a capability we will be releasing shortly for cache owners to be able to add additional waypoints for a cache. These will be for storing hidden final coordinates for mystery caches, stages of a multi, puzzle questions, and parking coordinates. We need to do some work on our infrastructure to make sure it is working ok, so expect the new feature shortly."

This would have been exceptionally useful, if Clyde hadn't just added the grab coords feature to GSAK. As it is, I'm sure it will be both helpful, and encoyrage people to make use of it! Its been a while coming!




Oh, and nice new look to the site!

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Being able to see log photos by hovering over the photo icon on the cache page is a really good addition. I often look at posted photos, and going to logs individually was a tedious way of doing it.


Nediam wrote:

Using Firefox, it posts the decrypted message after the encrypted hint

Yes, that's a pain. Another example of web designers only testing in IE and ignoring other browsers, I suppose.

I'm having the same problem with IE6 and the Encrypt/Decrypt link doesnt appear to work.

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* Hint decrypt does a JavaScript change instead of refreshing a new page. If you have JavaScript turned off it will work as it did before.


Using Firefox, it posts the decrypted message after the encrypted hint  :blink:


Works OK in IE though  ;)

Looks like it's been sorted already! :anibad::blink::blink:


It's been fixed a couple of minutes ago ;)

Edited by Nediam
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Additional Hints (Decrypt)


Ghpxrq hc va gur pbeare Tucked up in the corner


I'm getting this in the browser built into AOL7 (IE6?) - Not very helpful! I also get a red X when hovering over the photo icons :anibad:

I get both hints in AOL9 (works ok in IE6) and the photos show in both AOL9 and IE6 ;)


I dont use AOL browser though, so would not have noticed.

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Had problems with latest version of firefox but held down Ctrl and Alt keys whilst refreshing page and all seems kool now. <_<

What is <Ctrl><Alt><Refresh>? I've never heard of it before but it fixed my Firefox problem too. Thanks.

It forces the browser to re-fetch the information from the internet, rather than using your own pc cache of pages/images viewed


Ctrl+F5 does the same in IE

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It flags up to owners (and people on the watchlist) that there's a problem with their cache. It also places a "First Aid" icon on the cache page and adds an option to PQ's to search for such icons.


So if there's a less severe problem that needs sorting it can easily be brought to an owner's attention rather than going the whole hog and suggesting the cache needs archiving.

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I don't see how that helps. The fact that the cache needs maintenance can only have been determined by finding it, so the finder will have said so in their log. If the owner ignored that then he's not likely to be any more inspired by a subsequent NM log. So I'm not entirely sure what the point is.


Now, if the NM attribute could be set as part of a Found log, and the log went to the reviewers, that might be useful.

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Had problems with latest version of firefox but held down Ctrl and Alt keys whilst refreshing page and all seems kool now. <_<

What is <Ctrl><Alt><Refresh>? I've never heard of it before but it fixed my Firefox problem too. Thanks.

You're most welcome............

I've read it somewhere and it worked a treat :o

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I don't see how that helps.

Well I can see the point. Just log your found it, then also log a needs maintenance if you think it warrants it. The owner might take more notice of a NM log than a one liner at the bottom of the log saying "logbook damp".


People complain about TPTB sometimes not listening, but in this case it was asked for and provided. If people don't want to use the NM log option that's fine <_<

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If i was heading for a cache with a needs maintainance log on it id pack my cache repair kit before leaving the car (as its bulky i dont always take it).

On arriving at the cache i can then use my ziplock bags, spare log book, pen and swaps to repair the cache for the owner.


A SBA log can just lead to geo litter which is something we all want to avoid isn't it?

Many people have asked for something less extreme than a SBA notice as that has an air of finallity about it.

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Good to see markandlynn setting out the responsible approach - I like to think I would do the same and certainly always try to leave a cache in better condition than before.


I must thank the three geocachers who have in the last couple of weeks carried out essential maintenance on caches for which I am responsible - much appreciated efforts by MeIsMook with Scaw, Tizzie and ThePies,ThePies <_<

Edited by John Stead
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Now, if the NM attribute could be set as part of a Found log, and the log went to the reviewers, that might be useful.

Since here have I missed the answer?


One finds a cache in dire need of attention; does one log it as a find as usual, and then log a further 'needs attention' separately?


Both could be done from one logging, surely?



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My backgrounds are still there, and still visible too - must be a browser thing?


Another problem is if you have a 'list' of clues to be decrypted, it goes from something like:


hngfx cor gurr

rxs qislbrt parfqsre

fpx fr aomraez!




under the treeall jumbled togethernot so helpful!


Gurr, indeed!


Edit for Sensei's benefit: The 'encrypted' text is for display purposes only, and in no way reflects the contents of the 'decrypted' text!

Edited by Simply Paul
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My backgrounds are still there, and still visible too - must be a browser thing?


Another problem is if you have a 'list' of clues to be decrypted, it goes from something like:


hngfx cor gurr

rxs qislbrt parfqsre

fpx fr aomraez!




under the treeall jumbled togethernot so helpful!


Gurr, indeed!

That's a heck of a decrypt machine if you got that from the encrypted text!!!



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When someone logs that a cache needs maintenance, it sets an attribute on the cache: Needs maintenance.


This attribute is searchable in Pocket Queries.


When the cache owner enters a "owner maintenance" log, it clears the attribute.


Neat. Of course cache owners can now log cache maintained logs on thier caches.

Could be very usefull for all those dust off caches


Simply Paul how long wil it take you to do maintainance visits on all of yours :lol::ph34r:

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