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Abandoned Mines

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I'd like to propose a category for listing the location of abandoned underground mines. The purpose will be to note the surface locations of shafts, adits (tunnels), and other types of openings into underground mines.


In time, this could become a useful database for land development planning. Many government entities maintain lists of abandoned mine lands, but all of them are incomplete, and most are pitiful at providing accurate locations. This category could help fill the many gaps in these databases.


Through this category we can:


* Provide accurate GPS locations

* Post up to date photos

* Report hazardous sites to local authorities

* Hopefully make land planners aware of abandoned mines in their areas


I've run across a couple of unmapped mine shafts while out geocaching. I'll bet others have, too. This would be the place to record such findings. If approved, I would develop a checklist of field information that should, to the extent possible, be recorded for each site.


Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.


Know Future

Farmington, Missouri USA

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