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The Most Caches In One Day


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I think the 24-hour record is up in the mid/high 50's at the moment. My personal record is in the low 20's (23?) and 20-30 in London in a day is quite achievable. Good luck!


Edit - but I can't find a day for me better than 16 now that I look. Are these stats at G:UK anywhere?

Edited by Simply Paul
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HERE'S the records stats page for the UK :laughing:

I think this summer the record will be beaten a few times there are lots of new caches around

Simon from siloans and I have talked about getting it to about 60


on a bike and in 12/13 hours you can get about 50

then a drive to oxford you can easly get 15


BTW do ppl know if a UK cacher breaks the record outside of teh UK does it count??

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BTW do ppl know if a UK cacher breaks the record outside of teh UK does it count??

With 'a cache every 0.1miles for miles and miles' power-trails in the US, for example, I suspect probably not. Morally, at least. I dare say the GC.com system makes no differentiation between US finds, UK finds or finds anywhere else.

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In the end I got 10 I had 23 listed on my PDA I tried 17 but only found 10 I am very disopointed about that. Most were micros which are harder to find but some were just not there. some clues were pointless. I would need a sniffer dog or a police search tream to find some of them.

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In the end I got 10 I had 23 listed on my PDA I tried 17 but only found 10 I am very disopointeddisopointed about that. Most were micros which are harder to find but some were just not there. some clues were pointless. I would need a sniffer dog or a poltreamearch tream to find some of them.

Sometimes takes a trained eye to see a cache, I know of one that is the size of a penny, and is really hard to spot. Maybe the caches you missed were there.


Other things to look at before and during caching:


Recent DNF logs, is/are the most recent logs DNF's, if so it might have gone, but a series of DNF's with a find in the middle usually means that the cache could be hard to spot.


How many finds has the person who has logged a DNF had, low numbers usually suggest that they are an inexperienced cacher.


Recent activity around a cache site such as it turning into a drinking den for local youths, if the site looks compromised then the cache might have gone, look for likely cache items left scattered around. If a site has become compromised then inform the owner in your log or via the email facility. If the caches looks like it has been destroyed try and save the bits you can see.


It is always a good idea to check online the morning of a cache trip, to make sure they still look to be available.



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I did 25 Central London caches back in October with EskimoZooKeepers, we were lucky to only have 1 no find. It was a long day! and the micro's can be really tricky. Many of the ones you may have missed around the parks are small breath strip containers painted black and normally attached to railings or under benches. They can be quite easy to miss, but once you've grabbed a few, you start to get a feel for the pattern. I'm now up to 40 something central london caches and there are plenty more for me to find.

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My most in one day is only 3. You will recognise me in the log book even without knowing my geocaching name- I will be the one moaning 'why oh why did I decide to cycle here- I am so unfit'. I do enjoy cycling to the caches though. Last time I went out I ended up doing about 50-60 miles, and even though I only managed the one find it was worth it!

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