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Uk Waymarking


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Maybe its just me, but I have been having a quick look at Waymarking.com and cant see much at all. Also when you look at a waymark page there is no nearest waymark link, or is there ?


Maybe it will take off, but there does not seem to be much interest around me.


How many have you logged?


Created = 1

Found =0

Posted (edited)

I personally think this sums up Waymarking


Waste of time

Annoying site design / functionality

Your points not passed through to GC.com profile

Meaningless move to another site


Rubbish idea

Kind of pointless

Ineffective and Ill conceived

Not worth visiting the site

Going to leave them alone



Edited by Moote
Posted (edited)
Come on Milton, don't sugar coat it, say what you really think :( :( :D

Edited my above comment and made First letter in each line Bold, to take the sugar coating away :D

Edited by Moote

I created a few of the original categories including Castles, Trigpoints and Pubs which I thought might appeal to UK cachers. However there's been little interest over here and to be honest I've lost interest too :laughing:


I think I'll stick with Geocaching.

Hasn't anybody anything positive to say about the site??


[cue: "I'm positive I hate it" posts :laughing: ]

Yes I have something positive to say about Waymarking


It just proves they were wrong :lol:


I wonder if loads of letterboxing people visited GC.com in the old days and thought "Huh, not much going on here"


Now geocaching and letterboxing exist in almost parallel worlds with hardly any crossover.


In 5 years I wonder if there will be a bunch of waymarkers running around with GPS, who don't understand why geocachers enjoy their game and think letter boxers are just plain wierd.


And then there are trigpointers who are treated as amusing eccentrics, people who log milestones and... I was going to put "etc etc" to make it seem like the list was endless but maybe it ended.


Ah - Munro Baggers, Marilyn Baggers, county highpoint baggers.


Are we moving from being the "newest game on the block" to, um, can't think of a metaphor, SP'll help I'm sure.


I may be using a long stick to stir a hornets nest but can any of the above anti-Waymarking members explain to me the difference between Waymarking and locationless caches which as far as I could see they have all done or is it because now they don't count towards your GC stats????? :laughing:


Standing back with flame retardent shield


I may be using a long stick to stir a hornets nest but can any of the above anti-waymarkingwaymarking members explain to me the differencwaymarkingwaymarkinglocationlesslocationless????? :)


Standing back with flame retardent shield


It wasn't broken so why did they try and fix it?


Have you really seen the mess that Waymarking.com is? It has to be one poorest conceived site designs ever, both in design and functionality.



What is Waymarking? :)

From one of my earlier post in here, it is;


Waste of time

Annoying site design / functionality

Your points not passed through to GC.com profile

Meaningless move to another site


Rubbish idea

Kind of pointless

Ineffective and Ill conceived

Not worth visiting the site

Going to leave them alone

fuzzybears wrote:

can any of the above anti-Waymarking members explain to me the difference between Waymarking and locationless caches

Locationless caches presented a challenge, even if not always a big one, whereas as far as I can see Waymarking involves logging pretty well anything and everything.


One locationless which I never managed to complete involved finding a bridge which opens. I often stay with friends in Torquay, and there's just such a bridge there. I took the required photos of myself on the bridge with gps back in the summer. But a photo of the bridge in the open position was also required - on the one occasion since then that I've seen the bridge open I'd forgotten my camera... Now of course it's too late.


Of course some locationless caches were all too easy, but I think one could say that of some traditionals too. Others, though, did require some effort and planning, and I enjoyed doing those. Just walking down the street Waymarking everything I see doesn't really have any appeal for me.


As to the numbers, well, I've found just 238 caches in over three years, so I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not in it for the numbers! :)

I personally think this sums up Waymarking


Waste of time

Annoying site design / functionality

Your points not passed through to GC.com profile

Meaningless move to another site


Rubbish idea

Kind of pointless

Ineffective and Ill conceived

Not worth visiting the site

Going to leave them alone



nice work there milton


I agree - the difference between locationless and Waymarking is that one was a unique challenge, whilst the other is mundane. I confess to never being much of a locationless fan, but Waymarking has not increased the value of the activity, it has instead eliminated the very things that made it interesting.


I can see that locationless were to easy to set up. If there is not some sort of quality control then you could have locationless for really mundane categories like "street corners". However, this very criticism of locationless has been seen as a virtue for Waymarking where ay nonsense seems to go.


At the very least the old locationless should have been retained as long as the owners maintained them.

Posted (edited)
really mundane categories like "street corners"



Go and setup a Street Corner category and I'll log 32 within 200m of my house :)



Edited by Moote

I have seen loads of posts saying “oh its location that’s important” I think this goes to prove that interesting places have no real importance in Geocaching to most on this forum.

I think it’s a fascinating and very interesting site and will grow to be very usefull to find interesting places.

My first Geocaching trip happened as we had nothing to do one bank holiday and I said why not try Geocaching. We found one that looked interesting as it was near to an Otter farm which we visited that day as well.

Once it gets used more in the UK it will be a great site to view for a day out somewhere that you may not have thought of ever going.

If the UK is a bit sparse at the moment it’s only us that are to blame.

SO come on get your heads out of the Ammo Cans and plastic boxes, take a look around you. Put some interesting places on the site for others to discover.

For example next time I am out around this place I will look it up.



Next time we plan a caching trip we will certainly look at the Way site to see if anything is worth a visit nearby.

I have seen loads of posts saying “oh its location that’s important” I think this goes to prove that interesting places have no real importance in Geocaching to most on this forum.

I think it’s a fascinating and very interesting site and will grow to be very usefull to find interesting places.

My first Geocaching trip happened as we had nothing to do one bank holiday and I said why not try Geocaching. We found one that looked interesting as it was near to an Otter farm which we visited that day as well.

Once it gets used more in the UK it will be a great site to view for a day out somewhere that you may not have thought of ever going.

If the UK is a bit sparse at the moment it’s only us that are to blame.

SO come on get your heads out of the Ammo Cans and plastic boxes, take a look around you. Put some interesting places on the site for others to discover.

For example next time I am out around this place I will look it up.



Next time we plan a caching trip we will certainly look at the Way site to see if anything is worth a visit nearby.

Hmm one of may sites that could do that and a lot are easier to use.


Sorry you havent sold me on the difficult to use, user interface.

I have seen loads of posts saying “oh its location that’s important” I think this goes to prove that interesting places have no real importance in Geocaching to most on this forum.

I think it’s a fascinating and very interesting site and will grow to be very usefull to find interesting places.

My first Geocaching trip happened as we had nothing to do one bank holiday and I said why not try Geocaching. We found one that looked interesting as it was near to an Otter farm which we visited that day as well.

Once it gets used more in the UK it will be a great site to view for a day out somewhere that you may not have thought of ever going.

If the UK is a bit sparse at the moment it’s only us that are to blame.

SO come on get your heads out of the Ammo Cans and plastic boxes, take a look around you. Put some interesting places on the site for others to discover.

For example next time I am out around this place I will look it up.



Next time we plan a caching trip we will certainly look at the Way site to see if anything is worth a visit nearby.

What you are saying about interesting places is true, but there appears to just be a glut of mundane and boring locations on Waymarking.com


What can be less interesting that a McD?


Waymaking has no skill it is just an attempt that is failing to replace locationless caches.


I would not call looking for a box in the undergrowth skill.

A lot tell you where to park and some complain that there is no parking reference on the instructions. Then a lot have a clue that tells you where to look. Some people find them without a GPS. Which takes a bit of skill.


What can be less interesting that a McD? To me not much, to some the best thing on an outing. Proof? There are loads of them.

Put on the site what your interested in. There just might be one other person who is interested in the same thing, whatever it is.


Waste of time

Annoying site design / functionality

Your points not passed through to GC.com profile

Meaningless move to another site


Rubbish idea

Kind of pointless

Ineffective and Ill conceived

Not worth visiting the site

Going to leave them alone

Think that sums it up for me too....



first time I have realy looked at the Waymarking site

Waymarking 50Km from my house 4 sites

geocaching 50km from my house 557 caches


me thinks is it not catching on all that well


not somewhere I will be spending much time


I am not against the WM site on principal, but I get no great pleasure in Waymarking so I have taken the conscious decision not to bother. I dare say that in time there will be logging some more things, but these will be things I am recording anyway.


Although I don't think is will be describes as a good alternative to non physical caches by most Geocachers it may well generate it's own community over time. One thing that it does need (IMHO) is the location search improved to bring it to the standard of GC.com.


Perhaps we should be pushing for a new "Locationless" caching site in addition to the others, and feed those stats back to GC.com and WM.com. Perhaps the same with the earth caches. Any thoughts on that?

me thinks is it not catching on all that well

me thinks *bingoboy* has hit the nail fair and square on the head

I thank you.....


watch this space for my next proclamation







you may have to wait some time

Waymarking 50Km from my house 4 sites

How do you know that?



Have you studied every square inch within 50km of your house? Are you sure that there are no palindrome coordinates within that area, for instance, and no "pairs of quintuplets"? Are there really only 4 items of any interest at all - you must live somewhere exceptionally dull :huh:



Have you studied every square inch within 50km of your house? Are you sure that there are no palindrome coordinates within that area, for instance, and no "pairs of quintuplets"? Are there really only 4 items of any interest at all - you must live somewhere exceptionally dull :)





I think the plain fact is that hardly anyone feels the need or has the inclination to actually waypoint. Most if not all who cache were happy with the original challenge, and not this watered down and bloated waste of bandwidth on the internet. I will preserve my use of the internet for looking at more interesting sites.




P.S. Still not falling out though

I was thinking of setting up a category on Waymarking called Geocaches.

You may jest, but I think that will happen in time (give it a years) as Waymarking seems to be set up in a way that will allow just that.


This thread has tempted me to look at site .

Almost immediately found something of interest to me .

i.e.Automobile Association Signs .

Interesting history of something I didn't previously know about .

Am now interested in finding one .

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