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How Did You Discover Caching?


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I had heard the term geocaching a number of times before I actually looked at geocaching.com I think I first heard about it almost a year ago. I was listening to TWiT a few months ago, and Leo was talking about "podcaching." I decided to check out geocaching.com and I started to get really excited. I finally got a GPS this month and have been having tons of fun! I'll be at the Let's Do Launch meetup in Encinitas tonight. I can't wait to meet some fellow geocachers! :lol:

:lol: well, I was walking it the Calaveras area with my wife (fiance at the time) when I saw a man and his son checking their coords, I figured they were doing a science project or something so I ask what they were doing. In a short spurt, "geocaching"....."what's that". Then began the long description as we followed the cachers to a DNF along a trail....I have to say, I was pretty hooked at "hello" haha. THANK YOU SO MUCH BOOMER AND HIS CACHE BANDITS FOR INVITING A COMPLETE STRANGER ALONG A HIKE. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT DAY! :huh:

My mother-in-law read about it in a "Country Discoveries" magazine and told my wife. My wife said she wanted a GPSr for Mother's Day 2005. Creekwalk Park and Hill of the Skull were our first geocaches and we were hooked.


I heard about it on a homeschool board awile back. We bought a house in Feb. and I told my husband I wanted to buy a cheap GPSr with some of the money we had left. After a month of flu, rain, and hubby having to work on his days off, we went on our first try yesterday. My oldest son and husband kept telling me they didn't want to go.


Well the first 2 we looked for we couldn't find... little too hard. We did find the third one we looked for. On the way home oldest son said how many are around us? Another son said can I go look for the ones in walking distance alone? (not with my GPSr) and hubby said we need hiking boots for everyone. Hiking boots times 7(one son has a pair). Youngest son, 6, woke up this morning and said can we go "treasure hunting" today?


They are all hooked. I was hooked before I ever stepped foot out of my house but I orienteered in high school so I knew what I was getting in to.


My parents who live in Big Bear City told me about it on Christmas 2005. They showed me the website, I joined and we all piled in the car and went to search for a cache. Now I'm addicted....of course I went and bought my own GPS.


A friend first introduced me to Geobaching, it was the summer of 2005. He was interested and we did a couple of caches together. I started reviewing the web site and got more and more interested. I guess I really got into it with my daughter Kittymonkee while she was staying here after Katrina went through NOLA. At first we were trying to find caches by dumb reckoning (no gps). Found a few that way but eventually ran into Bit Bucket on a find and he encouraged us to get a GPS. Well it wasn't long after that that we each bought one. The rest is history. I try to get out with Bailey and do a few each day. We're both retired, even though Bailey is only 2 yrs old. I especially like the trail caches and exploring new areas. We have really been having fun. Thanks to everyone who supports the site. By the way this is my first post and last weekend I placed my first cache.


For the past several years, whenever my brother (wildlifeguy) would come home and visit, he would disappear for a couple of hours a day to find a "cache"? Well, finally, a couple of months ago I decided to go with him and see what it was all about. I was hooked and bought a Garmin 60 CSx that next week. When I told him I had found 3 on my own, he said, "Great! Now you only have thousands left to find!" Funny, :rolleyes: Mr. Smartypants!

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