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My proposal included various places where people could see fish, like aquariums, fish ladders, and hatcheries, and might have been too broad >>>YES!
I think an 'Aquarium' category is a good idea, but should maybe be a sub-category of Zoos, as many are affiliated>>> NO!

Aquariums alone for a 'Waymarking Category' would suffice. Variables or descriptions are all that would be required besides the usual ...price time etc.

There are 16 variables in one pull-down box alone, besides the ones you can create.

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I think an 'Aquarium' category is a good idea, but should maybe be a sub-category of Zoos, as many are affiliated under AZA (American Zoo and Aquarium Association) Accredation here in the US, Bermuda and Canada anyway.


There are aquariums in the broader world. Why would you limit it to AZA?



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The proposer AsstInterests did not limit his proposal nor did cache_test_dummies in their original proposal.. The quote was by Pippinspaw who used that word sub-category which we all know DOES NOT EXIST ANYWAY. And if Pippinspaw wants to propose a new category for AZA zoo's I would support it.

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