Ogre_fl Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 Any of you Lowrance users have troubles with real long trail files not converting with GPSBable? I did a motorcycle trip a while back saving trail files of between 1500-3000 points and could not get the USR files to convert them to google earth format. Shorter/smaller trail files have all worked fine. Any ideas? Quote
WhoFlungPoo Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 Airmapper - ? WR8Y - thanks for the tip. BTW I am using it and trying to accept it, but it is a liitle difficult since the one thing I think is AWESOME is not available. Quote
+Airmapper Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 Airmapper - ? I'd buy it, but it's not in the current budget. Hence the Quote
reidster Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 Lowrance doesn't do 'routing' - which is what I think you are describing. Sorry! (I am a very happy Lowrance Expedition C owner, never thought I needed routing - and I still don't see the need for it.) But I mostly use mine for hiking, so the strait line is about as helpful as anything else would be! Is that units, software, or both? If software only, is there another manuf. that is compatible with Lowrance units? Anyone interested in a H2O C and MapCreate software? Purchased on 8/19/06. Directly compatible? No, but if you don't need the inaudible beeps... I accomplish roughly the same effect by creating the route with GoogleEarth (freeware) and then converting the new KML route file to a USR trail file. Although I wrote my own program to do the conversion, many users here use GPSBable (freeware) with great success. I then save/load the trail into my iFinder and follow it to my destination. Since GoogleEarth uses NAVTEQ, you'll find the resulting trail to be dead-on. I know this technique isn't for everyone, it works for me and I love it. reid. Quote
+Steel City Seekers Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 Ha-Ha on the inaudible beeps, reidster. Mr. Poo: you don't happen to own a PDA, do you? If so, you might be better off to pick up a receiver and routing software for it, and keep your H2O for offroad duties. If not, then it wouldn't be worth buying one just for routing capability. You could pick up the software and receiver for less than a couple hundred bucks. When you factor a slight loss that you'll take selling the H20 and the additional cost of one of the 60x or 76x GPSMaps, there's a good chance you'll be out at least that much anyhow. Keep in mind that you have to buy the nav software for its purpose and also the topo software if you want similar off-road details offered by Mapcreate. Alternatively, you might be able to find a lower-end Garmin or TomTom or other stand-alone unit for use in the car for a decent price, but I've never priced these out so I don't know. As even another alternative, you could sell the Lowrance and pick up one of those Garmin Nuvis or whatever they're called -- they're built more for navigation as a primary purpose, but are also ruggedized to withstand more abuse than a typical PDA would. Since navigation seems to be your primary want, the PDA, stand alone, or Nuvi would provide a larger screen and audible voice-guided directions. Voice guidance is a huge benefit in navigational software. You need to figure out what is right for you, but I just wanted to offer a few alternatives . . . and of course are in addition to, rather than instead of, reidster's tip. That one is obviously the lowest-cost and most intriguing option. Quote
Ogre_fl Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 I accomplish roughly the same effect by creating the route with GoogleEarth (freeware) and then converting the new KML route file to a USR trail file. Although I wrote my own program to do the conversion, many users here use GPSBable (freeware) with great success. I then save/load the trail into my iFinder and follow it to my destination. Since GoogleEarth uses NAVTEQ, you'll find the resulting trail to be dead-on. I know this technique isn't for everyone, it works for me and I love it. reid. Can you explain how you make a route in google earth. Are these multi-point routes and does this follow the roads? Quote
WR8Y Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 Can you explain how you make a route in google earth. Ditto that question. Waiting to learn... Quote
Ogre_fl Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 I think I figured it out. Correct me if I am wrong. You use the "directions" function picking "to" & "from" points or places. Then you save the "route" that it creates in KML format (the default is KMZ, but that wont convert) Then you convert that as a trail file into Lowrance USR format (I did this on GPSbable) Down load the new USR file and you basically have a turn by turn road route. Pretty slick. I just wish that Googleearth directions did multi stop & preferred road routing like streets & trips. I have yet to figure out how to convert Streets & trip routes to track/trail format. Quote
CO-Zman Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 I have yet to figure out how to convert Streets & trip routes to track/trail format. M$ S&T is an input option under GPSBabel...did you try to convert from there? (I don't have S&T up and running right now to check) Z Quote
+PDOP's Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 I just wish that Googleearth directions did multi stop & preferred road routing like streets & trips. There ie a work around for this by segmenting your route, creating the kml for each segment and then joining them (you can use any text editor like Notepad) I have yet to figure out how to convert Streets & trip routes to track/trail format. S&T generates the route directions everytime it opens and doesn't normally store route information (other than the start and end points) You can get around this my adding stop points to your route. CO-Zman is right that Babel can read these route points using it's msroute format and output GPX v1.1 (required by pocket query route feature) gpsbabel.exe -r -i msroute -f your.est -o gpx,gpxver=1.1 -F your.gpx Quote
+DonB Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 Since there seems to be a growing Lowrance group here (and because the MapCreate software is sometimes a bit buggy), I thought I'd start a specific thread on it. I hope it will stay focused on tips and troubleshooting for Lowrance/LEI MapCreate products. I'll start with a few things I have learned (even though they've been posted elsewhere) to collect them into this thread. I also have a tip, or better yet a caution for anyone thinking about getting Mapcreate 6.3 that is using Plextor burners in their computer for cd drives. I don't think it is entirely Plextors fault, but rather a failure of Lowrances software people and the Plextore people getting together and solving the problem. It is just a good thing I have more than one computer around here. What happened was, I installed the Mapcreate software on my desktop machine using one of the Plextor drives. When I finished installing it I put one of the cds in the drive and went to start the program. The drive just sat there and ran for quite awhile then jumped to the other drive which did the same thing. I tried reinstalling the software with the same results. I played around trying some other things without any change in results. Finally I pulled one of the burners out and installed an old cd drive I had laying around. Success, the program would now run. I swapped the drives back and installed the software on my laptop which has a LG dvd burner in it and had no problem running the software. This all happened over a year ago. I spoke to Plextors people and also to one of the software supervisors at Lowrance. I waited a couple of months and didn't hear anything so I called Lowrance back. This time they must have talked to someone at Plextor because about a month later I got an email from Lowrance wanting me to do a procedure which involved booting the machine with the first Mapcreate cd in the drive, then going to the Mapcreate exe, right clicking it and having it create a file which I was to zip and email to Lowrance. They were then going to get with Plextors people and figure out what was wrong. I did as they requested and waited some more. I never heard anything again so after a couple of more months I called them back. The person I spoke to thought he remembered speaking to me and asked me to email him the file again. I don't remember how long ago that was, but that's where it stands right now. Quote
+jongoff76 Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 I Have a Lowrance Ifinder H2O and i am happy with it I recently bought Map Create 5 off of e-bay When i Generate a map and put it on the Memory Card The IFINDER see's the File but does not Recognize it Do I have to have a LEI memory Card reader just like map Create 6.3??? Quote
senecaripple Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 I Have a Lowrance Ifinder H2O and i am happy with it I recently bought Map Create 5 off of e-bay When i Generate a map and put it on the Memory Card The IFINDER see's the File but does not Recognize it Do I have to have a LEI memory Card reader just like map Create 6.3??? i think you have to register your sd card. didn't your map create program come with an lei card reader? Quote
+jongoff76 Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Is there a emmulater you can get to make your Memery card reader act like a LEI reader? Quote
+Airmapper Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Is there a emmulater you can get to make your Memery card reader act like a LEI reader? No. With MapCreate 5 I doubt you need an LEI Reader, any type should work. I'm not 100% sure that MapCreate 5 will even work with an H2O, but I won't rule it out. You say the unit sees the file, what is the extension of that file? .lcm? .at5? or something else? Quote
+jongoff76 Posted October 20, 2006 Posted October 20, 2006 the file extension is .lmp no lcm or at5 is that bad? Quote
+Airmapper Posted October 20, 2006 Posted October 20, 2006 the file extension is .lmp no lcm or at5 is that bad? I need to look some more, but I think the H2O will only read the .lcm or .at5 map file types. Quote
spriteman707 Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 YOU CAN CREATE MAPS THAT ARE NOT LOCKED TO A SPECIFIC SD CARD This applies to version 6.3 of MapCreate and is unnecessary in 6.2 or earlier. NOTE 1: This tip will not circumvent most of LEI's copy protection. You still need the original product CD when you launch MapCreate. You still need their card reader/dongle to register your memory cards. You still need a registered card in the reader when you start to create the map file. NOTE 2: Making maps for your own use with software you bought is a legitimate purpose. Creating maps and letting other people use them without buying the software is copyright infringement. Don't do it! As this tip potentially lets people do just that, discussing it may be a violation of the DCMA, or worse, Groundspeak's forum policies. I'll let the forum moderator make the call. 1) Locate the folder \Program Files\LEI\Mapcreate...\RES on your hard drive. The exact path name may vary by the exact version of MapCreate you have, but the leaf name will be RES. For future use, you might also want a shortcut to this folder on your desktop. Open the RES folder. 2) Go through the usual steps of creating a map border, and SAVE the map border file with a distinct and appropriate name (e.g., "XYZZY"). 3) After saving the border file, click the Create Map toolbar button or menu item. The program will prompt you to put one of your REGISTERED cards into the card reader and tell you that this map will be locked to this specific memory card and unusable on any other card. 4) Click Okay and let MapCreate churn away for however long it takes to create the map. BUT when it presents you with the "Save File..." dialog to save the map file, don't click anything. 5) Go to the RES folder you opened earlier (you can bring it to the foreground by clicking on its item in the taskbr). There will be file with the same as your map border but an extension of AT5 (e.g., "XYZZY.AT5"). 6) Right click on this AT5 file, and select "Send To... " to make a copy either to your desktop, the "My Document's" folder, or any other location you like. 7) Go back to MapCreate and CANCEL the save file dialog. The resulting AT5 file is not registered to any specific memory card, and may be loaded on any MMC or SD card in your collection. Can anyone verify that the above technique -- not having to register a card -- works with an iWay 100M? I've tried it 4 times and can't get the GPSr to read the custom map file that is created in MapCreate 6.3. The unit "sees" the .at5 file that I create using MC, but the iWay won't load the file when I turn the unit on. The little SD card icon appears very, very briefly in the lower right corner when I first turn the GPSr on then I eventually get a message that I have no map file loaded. When I view the menu screen that allows me to see what files are on the SD card all the files are there. I'm using the LEI card reader to do all this. do I need to use a non-LEI reader in order to get this to work perhaps? I'm using a Sandisk 1G card and creating a custom map file ~300Mb. It's not the card, since I gave up and went ahead and registered the card and loaded the same custom map onto the registered card and everything works as intended when the card is registered. Love this forum btw, so much great information! Quote
eio Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 YOU CAN CREATE MAPS THAT ARE NOT LOCKED TO A SPECIFIC SD CARD This applies to version 6.3 of MapCreate and is unnecessary in 6.2 or earlier. NOTE 1: This tip will not circumvent most of LEI's copy protection. You still need the original product CD when you launch MapCreate. You still need their card reader/dongle to register your memory cards. You still need a registered card in the reader when you start to create the map file. NOTE 2: Making maps for your own use with software you bought is a legitimate purpose. Creating maps and letting other people use them without buying the software is copyright infringement. Don't do it! As this tip potentially lets people do just that, discussing it may be a violation of the DCMA, or worse, Groundspeak's forum policies. I'll let the forum moderator make the call. 1) Locate the folder \Program Files\LEI\Mapcreate...\RES on your hard drive. The exact path name may vary by the exact version of MapCreate you have, but the leaf name will be RES. For future use, you might also want a shortcut to this folder on your desktop. Open the RES folder. 2) Go through the usual steps of creating a map border, and SAVE the map border file with a distinct and appropriate name (e.g., "XYZZY"). 3) After saving the border file, click the Create Map toolbar button or menu item. The program will prompt you to put one of your REGISTERED cards into the card reader and tell you that this map will be locked to this specific memory card and unusable on any other card. 4) Click Okay and let MapCreate churn away for however long it takes to create the map. BUT when it presents you with the "Save File..." dialog to save the map file, don't click anything. 5) Go to the RES folder you opened earlier (you can bring it to the foreground by clicking on its item in the taskbr). There will be file with the same as your map border but an extension of AT5 (e.g., "XYZZY.AT5"). 6) Right click on this AT5 file, and select "Send To... " to make a copy either to your desktop, the "My Document's" folder, or any other location you like. 7) Go back to MapCreate and CANCEL the save file dialog. The resulting AT5 file is not registered to any specific memory card, and may be loaded on any MMC or SD card in your collection. Can anyone verify that the above technique -- not having to register a card -- works with an iWay 100M? I've tried it 4 times and can't get the GPSr to read the custom map file that is created in MapCreate 6.3. The unit "sees" the .at5 file that I create using MC, but the iWay won't load the file when I turn the unit on. The little SD card icon appears very, very briefly in the lower right corner when I first turn the GPSr on then I eventually get a message that I have no map file loaded. When I view the menu screen that allows me to see what files are on the SD card all the files are there. I'm using the LEI card reader to do all this. do I need to use a non-LEI reader in order to get this to work perhaps? I'm using a Sandisk 1G card and creating a custom map file ~300Mb. It's not the card, since I gave up and went ahead and registered the card and loaded the same custom map onto the registered card and everything works as intended when the card is registered. Love this forum btw, so much great information! Quote
eio Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 YOU CAN CREATE MAPS THAT ARE NOT LOCKED TO A SPECIFIC SD CARD This applies to version 6.3 of MapCreate and is unnecessary in 6.2 or earlier. NOTE 1: This tip will not circumvent most of LEI's copy protection. You still need the original product CD when you launch MapCreate. You still need their card reader/dongle to register your memory cards. You still need a registered card in the reader when you start to create the map file. NOTE 2: Making maps for your own use with software you bought is a legitimate purpose. Creating maps and letting other people use them without buying the software is copyright infringement. Don't do it! As this tip potentially lets people do just that, discussing it may be a violation of the DCMA, or worse, Groundspeak's forum policies. I'll let the forum moderator make the call. 1) Locate the folder \Program Files\LEI\Mapcreate...\RES on your hard drive. The exact path name may vary by the exact version of MapCreate you have, but the leaf name will be RES. For future use, you might also want a shortcut to this folder on your desktop. Open the RES folder. 2) Go through the usual steps of creating a map border, and SAVE the map border file with a distinct and appropriate name (e.g., "XYZZY"). 3) After saving the border file, click the Create Map toolbar button or menu item. The program will prompt you to put one of your REGISTERED cards into the card reader and tell you that this map will be locked to this specific memory card and unusable on any other card. 4) Click Okay and let MapCreate churn away for however long it takes to create the map. BUT when it presents you with the "Save File..." dialog to save the map file, don't click anything. 5) Go to the RES folder you opened earlier (you can bring it to the foreground by clicking on its item in the taskbr). There will be file with the same as your map border but an extension of AT5 (e.g., "XYZZY.AT5"). 6) Right click on this AT5 file, and select "Send To... " to make a copy either to your desktop, the "My Document's" folder, or any other location you like. 7) Go back to MapCreate and CANCEL the save file dialog. The resulting AT5 file is not registered to any specific memory card, and may be loaded on any MMC or SD card in your collection. Can anyone verify that the above technique -- not having to register a card -- works with an iWay 100M? I've tried it 4 times and can't get the GPSr to read the custom map file that is created in MapCreate 6.3. The unit "sees" the .at5 file that I create using MC, but the iWay won't load the file when I turn the unit on. The little SD card icon appears very, very briefly in the lower right corner when I first turn the GPSr on then I eventually get a message that I have no map file loaded. When I view the menu screen that allows me to see what files are on the SD card all the files are there. I'm using the LEI card reader to do all this. do I need to use a non-LEI reader in order to get this to work perhaps? I'm using a Sandisk 1G card and creating a custom map file ~300Mb. It's not the card, since I gave up and went ahead and registered the card and loaded the same custom map onto the registered card and everything works as intended when the card is registered. Love this forum btw, so much great information! I have the same experience with my iWay 100M, MapCreate 6.3, and different SD card capacities. Would really appreciate a solution... Thanks! eio. Quote
+jongoff76 Posted November 1, 2006 Posted November 1, 2006 Will the Lowrance Memory Card Reader (usb) as in the new one work with the Map Create 5 map create 5 came with and older memory card reader that connects with the parralel port Quote
MyDeadWood Posted December 8, 2006 Posted December 8, 2006 Since there seems to be a growing Lowrance group here (and because the MapCreate software is sometimes a bit buggy), I thought I'd start a specific thread on it. I hope it will stay focused on tips and troubleshooting for Lowrance/LEI MapCreate products. I'll start with a few things I have learned (even though they've been posted elsewhere) to collect them into this thread. Hi Lee Need help on trying to get my card reader to work I have a picture of it on my webpage. It will not register a card. Thanks CLICK My Webpage Quote
+Airmapper Posted December 8, 2006 Posted December 8, 2006 MyDeadWood, can you describe how you got this screen? What I might try is re-installing the MMC/SD drivers from the CD. The setup file is on the disk, and can be run by itself independent of Mapcreate's installer. Quote
+ICHTHYS Posted December 8, 2006 Posted December 8, 2006 I just purchased the H2O C and MapCreate 6 USA TOPO software. My neighbor has a 60csx (?) with unknown software. After watching him use his, I decided the larger screen would be nice so i went my own way. Here is the issue i have: When he selects a place to go (anywhere) and then tells it to "map", the unit calculates and then gives him a detailed route with driving directions ie... turn left in 1.2 miles, go on highway ** for 45 miles, etc.. (kinda like you get from Yahoo or Google maps) When I do the same (at least I believe I am doing it correctly), I get a pretty pink STRAIGHT line from point A to point B, and no detail at all. I am trying to use it for driving directions. Am I missing something or is this the best it gets. I have "skimmed" the manual for the unit and software but this is very frustrating. Is there an Airplane mode that I am in? Is this unit capable of this type of detail? Any help or insight is greatly appreciated! So, how does the H20 C compare with your friends 60csx, especially out in the woods? Quote
MyDeadWood Posted December 8, 2006 Posted December 8, 2006 The screen came from the card registery errors detail. I have done what you suggested several times from the disc and the web site. The program will not recognize the USB, I've updated, reloaded and just about anything else I could think of including reformatting my computer. Need some ideas, or is my reader just bad. System does not recognize my reader as being connected to my USB port, and I have done the updates. Thanks Quote
+Airmapper Posted December 9, 2006 Posted December 9, 2006 In that case, it probably is bad. Lowrance had a batch of readers that didn't work right. Call them and they will send you a replacement. Quote
+belowi Posted December 15, 2006 Posted December 15, 2006 I had a bad reader sent with my Expedition C, and Lowrance was quick to send a new one when I called, but I had also found out a workaround that will let you use any card reader with MapCreate (I've never used the Lowrance reader and have had no problems). Put the memory card into the GPS unit, start it up and go to the following menu to register a card as usable to MapCreate: Menu -> Menu -> Browse MMC Files -> MMC Card Info (button at bottom of screen) -> Create ID File Then you should be able to use that in any card reader on your computer with MapCreate, it will ask you to register it as one of your five allowable cards and you're good to go. This came from Lowrance and they said it will work with any color unit, and it's worked with two cards with mine. Good luck. Quote
MyDeadWood Posted December 15, 2006 Posted December 15, 2006 Since there seems to be a growing Lowrance group here (and because the MapCreate software is sometimes a bit buggy), I thought I'd start a specific thread on it. I hope it will stay focused on tips and troubleshooting for Lowrance/LEI MapCreate products. I'll start with a few things I have learned (even though they've been posted elsewhere) to collect them into this thread. Hi Lee Need help on trying to get my card reader to work I have a picture of it on my webpage. It will not register a card. Thanks CLICK My Webpage I seem to be having trouble resistering my cards, what label is it asking for, a number? I have not resistered any yet so I am assuming I should be able to resister 5. I am getting an error message Quote
Firebird! Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 I'm using the Ifinder M&M with the latest firmware (1.5.0) and am completely at a loss on how to edit routing waypoints with the Cdn Topo Mapcreate 6.3. My US Topo route editing works fine, telling me my computer isn't the culprit. When I run the Cdn software and go to adjust a route waypoint, It moves properly, but won't lock into it's new position when I double click my mouse. Trying different things almost invariably ends up with the whole route being deleted. That's pretty frustrating after carefully entering a route with 50 waypoints on it!. Without being able to edit routes, this POS software is pretty much useless to me. I find it hard to believe such buggy software would still be sold after being around for nearly 3 years and still no patch. I emailed Tech, but have not heard back. Naturally, the tech phone # doesn't work from Canada (they didn't have a problem cashing my cheque though... ) Has anyone heard of this problem or have an idea on a fix? TIA I got exactly the same problem - the waypoints just won't lock into the new position. I wonder why nobody else complains about it - is this just us? After a few hours of trying to find a way to lock them in I endup editing the waypoints info and entering the new coordinates manualy. Is anybody have any Idea of what is wrong with this pricey software? Anything we can do to fix it? I wish I could use somethig like Microsoft S&T for it - the maps get's updated every year and everyting else just works without any problems. Quote
khlover Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 Ok. I get to the point where I am to upload the map to my GPS. It asks me where to save the map, which I save to the SD card in the card reader. It goes through the motions and at the very end, I dialoge box pops up with "File Error: D\Colorad.lcm" at the top and says in the box, "Parameter is incorrect". I press "OK". Then another dialogue box pops up. It says, "mcgrphx" at the top and the box says, "File Reading Error on Atlas:D\Colorado.lcm". I press "OK." Then another dialogue box pops up, which says, "Assert Failed" at the top and in the box it says, "File\Projects\GIS\At5common\cartstream.ccp Line 171 At5 Assert ("File Reading Error on Atlas:"))". I again press "OK." Then a final dialogue box pops up which reads, "Create Custom Map- Creates a map file your GPS unit can use: Mapcreate.exe- Applicaton Error" at the top and within the box it says, "The instruction at "0x00000000" Referenced Memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read." Click "OK" to terminate the program." The mapfile shows up on my memory card but the GPS doesn't read it. Any help would be appreciated. Quote
+MadRaven Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 I tried this a number of times with no luck. The AT5 file was there. I transferred it to my SD card and when I loaded it into my Lowrance H2O (monochrome) The file was there but none of the map features loaded just the base map info I tried changing the file extension to .lcm but although the icon changed the GPS still read it as an AT5 file and would not load it. I'm stumped any thoughts???? YOU CAN CREATE MAPS THAT ARE NOT LOCKED TO A SPECIFIC SD CARD This applies to version 6.3 of MapCreate and is unnecessary in 6.2 or earlier. NOTE 1: This tip will not circumvent most of LEI's copy protection. You still need the original product CD when you launch MapCreate. You still need their card reader/dongle to register your memory cards. You still need a registered card in the reader when you start to create the map file. NOTE 2: Making maps for your own use with software you bought is a legitimate purpose. Creating maps and letting other people use them without buying the software is copyright infringement. Don't do it! As this tip potentially lets people do just that, discussing it may be a violation of the DCMA, or worse, Groundspeak's forum policies. I'll let the forum moderator make the call. 1) Locate the folder \Program Files\LEI\Mapcreate...\RES on your hard drive. The exact path name may vary by the exact version of MapCreate you have, but the leaf name will be RES. For future use, you might also want a shortcut to this folder on your desktop. Open the RES folder. 2) Go through the usual steps of creating a map border, and SAVE the map border file with a distinct and appropriate name (e.g., "XYZZY"). 3) After saving the border file, click the Create Map toolbar button or menu item. The program will prompt you to put one of your REGISTERED cards into the card reader and tell you that this map will be locked to this specific memory card and unusable on any other card. 4) Click Okay and let MapCreate churn away for however long it takes to create the map. BUT when it presents you with the "Save File..." dialog to save the map file, don't click anything. 5) Go to the RES folder you opened earlier (you can bring it to the foreground by clicking on its item in the taskbr). There will be file with the same as your map border but an extension of AT5 (e.g., "XYZZY.AT5"). 6) Right click on this AT5 file, and select "Send To... " to make a copy either to your desktop, the "My Document's" folder, or any other location you like. 7) Go back to MapCreate and CANCEL the save file dialog. The resulting AT5 file is not registered to any specific memory card, and may be loaded on any MMC or SD card in your collection. Quote
svwayne Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 I tried this a number of times with no luck. The AT5 file was there. I transferred it to my SD card and when I loaded it into my Lowrance H2O (monochrome) The file was there but none of the map features loaded just the base map info I tried changing the file extension to .lcm but although the icon changed the GPS still read it as an AT5 file and would not load it. I'm stumped any thoughts???? [ I'm using a H2Oc with v1.1.0 firmware. I'm experiencing the same issue. I've created the .AT5 map, copied it to both registered and unregistered SD cards, and still can't see the detailed map data. I can browse the SD card and see the file but the H2Oc will not load it. I'm wondering what model iFinder and what version firmware those who have had success with this are using. Quote
Greenbastard Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 I dunno, but maybe you have to look at the list of maps and tell it to use that one... i forget where it was on mine but you chose betwen the base map or add in maps Quote
svwayne Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 (edited) I dunno, but maybe you have to look at the list of maps and tell it to use that one... i forget where it was on mine but you chose betwen the base map or add in maps According to the user's manual, and my experience to date, the H2Oc loads map files automatically, except for the Navionics maps. Edited February 7, 2007 by svwayne Quote
Greenbastard Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 might be worth the try tho... i know you can switch between maps, and normally the lowrance maps do not have the at5 extension, so it may be looking for an lcm as a standard. Quote
svwayne Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 might be worth the try tho... i know you can switch between maps, and normally the lowrance maps do not have the at5 extension, so it may be looking for an lcm as a standard. No luck. I'm wondering if Lowrance closed this loophole when they released the v1.1.0 firmware for the H2Oc. FWIW - I can download an .AT5 format, enhanced lake file, from the Lowrance site and the H2Oc will load it just fine so there must be something different in the .AT5 file created by MapCreate 6.3. Quote
Trout Tamer Posted February 11, 2007 Posted February 11, 2007 ALTERNATIVE TO MAPCREATE I use MapCreate to extract street level detailed maps to load on my GPS, but that's all. For working with waypoints, routes, and tracks, I've started to use Google Earth. GPSBabel includes the ability to convert between Lowrance USR files to Google Earth's KML format. The only gripe I have so far is that I haven't really automated the process yet. Because I'm using a Mac, I still have some scripting to do to make it easier. But even so, it's much easier to set waypoints, create routes, and view tracks in Google Earth in MapCeate. It's really nice to see your GPS data overlaid onto an aerial photo with pinpoint accuracy. Quote
+BFPierce Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 still can't see the detailed map data. I can browse the SD card and see the file but the H2Oc will not load it. I've been on the phone a few times with Lowrance about this problem in particular, but I got a little solution... What kind of card are you using. With mine I am using a SanDisk MicroSD 1GB card, and it reads files fine and the like.. plus when i put the file from mapcreate on it, it sees the file in the browse MMC files section, but does not load up the additional data.... I got one of my spare MMC cards, a SanDisk 32MB MMC, and loaded the same exact file on it. The map data loaded up perfectly and all detail is there. This was a last ditch effort that I was doing just as I got off the phone with Lowrance that is sending me the 2.0 card reader adn new Mapcreate disk... I'm using the 1.1 LEI card reader at present. Quote
svwayne Posted February 22, 2007 Posted February 22, 2007 (edited) still can't see the detailed map data. I can browse the SD card and see the file but the H2Oc will not load it. I've been on the phone a few times with Lowrance about this problem in particular, but I got a little solution... What kind of card are you using. With mine I am using a SanDisk MicroSD 1GB card, and it reads files fine and the like.. plus when i put the file from mapcreate on it, it sees the file in the browse MMC files section, but does not load up the additional data.... I got one of my spare MMC cards, a SanDisk 32MB MMC, and loaded the same exact file on it. The map data loaded up perfectly and all detail is there. This was a last ditch effort that I was doing just as I got off the phone with Lowrance that is sending me the 2.0 card reader adn new Mapcreate disk... I'm using the 1.1 LEI card reader at present. I've been working with SD cards only, a 256MB, 512MB, and 1GB SanDisk. I'll have to see if I can get hold of a MMC card to see if this works. FWIW - I can download the free detailed lake maps from the Lowrance website, in .AT5 format, and they display fine when loaded on any of my SanDisk cards. I'm guessing that Lowrance implemented a "fix" in the latest firmware rev for the H2Oc that prevents an .AT5 file, created by MapCreate, from loading. Based on the other "fixes" that have "magically" appeared from time to time I'm guessing that Lowrance monitors forums like this and when work-arounds are discovered they implement "fixes" in later revs of their software and hardware. Well, if Lowrance is listening, I just have to say that your method of securing MapCreate by limiting the # of cards you can write to stinks. Why can't you lock the software to 1-2 GPS devices instead? Or at least up the # of cards to 10 or more. If I want to load ALL of the detailed map data from MapCreate to MMC/SD cards I can't do it with only five 1GB cards. I've been using Lowrance iFinders since they were introduced ~5 years ago. I'm on my 3rd one (iFinder, iFinder H2O, iFinder H2Oc). I've been very happy with the performance and value provided by the iFinder units but I'll be looking at the Garmin units next time I'm ready to upgrade because of Lowrance's policy on software. In an effort to prevent a very few people from pirating their software they have made it cumbersome and difficult for those of us who have purchased a legal copy and simply want to use it to make maps for our own use. Rant off - Edited February 22, 2007 by svwayne Quote
cttrout23 Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 (edited) Ok. I get to the point where I am to upload the map to my GPS. It asks me where to save the map, which I save to the SD card in the card reader. It goes through the motions and at the very end, I dialoge box pops up with "File Error: D\Colorad.lcm" at the top and says in the box, "Parameter is incorrect". I press "OK". Then another dialogue box pops up. It says, "mcgrphx" at the top and the box says, "File Reading Error on Atlas:D\Colorado.lcm". I press "OK." Then another dialogue box pops up, which says, "Assert Failed" at the top and in the box it says, "File\Projects\GIS\At5common\cartstream.ccp Line 171 At5 Assert ("File Reading Error on Atlas:"))". I again press "OK." Then a final dialogue box pops up which reads, "Create Custom Map- Creates a map file your GPS unit can use: Mapcreate.exe- Applicaton Error" at the top and within the box it says, "The instruction at "0x00000000" Referenced Memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read." Click "OK" to terminate the program." The mapfile shows up on my memory card but the GPS doesn't read it. Any help would be appreciated. KHLOVER, Did you ever get this resolved? I have almost the same problem when my map is saving to the SD (Sandisk 2 GB) it goes through the motions and a pop up "Assert Failed" "File\Projects\GIS\At5Common\CartStream.cpp. Line 509. At5 Assert(VerifyRd(Arg.second))." I Press OK. Then get "Create Custom Map - creates a map file your GPS unit can use.:MapCreate.exe - Application Error" and in the box, "The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be "read." Click on OK to terminate the program." I do and it does without making a usable map. I then get the same thing you do where I am asked to name the map and the mapfile shows up on my GPS unit but no map data is available even though the memory card reports the estimated map size correctly. I have yet to be able to use the &%$#$% Map Create 6.3 program I paid $100...Anybody have any pointers?? Edited March 9, 2007 by cttrout23 Quote
lost02 Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 ... (Sandisk 2 GB) ... I thought the limit was 1GB. Does Lowrance support 2GB cards? Quote
+user13371 Posted March 9, 2007 Author Posted March 9, 2007 I thought the limit was 1GB. Does Lowrance support 2GB cards?Gleaned from previous discussions on this forum and Yahoo/Ifinder group: - Older models (12 channel, b&w screens) can only handle 1GB cards - Newer models (>12 channels, color screens) can handle 2GB cards Quote
lost02 Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 Lee - thanks. When I upgrade my H2O I guess I'll be able to upgrade my SD card too. Thanks for the info! Quote
+RCDispatchersx2 Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 I have a Lowrance iFinder Go2 can you tell me something. On the map you have the lines showing up where you have been, how do you clear those off? I have tried everything and nothing works. Thanks Quote
+ICHTHYS Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 (edited) I thought the limit was 1GB. Does Lowrance support 2GB cards?Gleaned from previous discussions on this forum and Yahoo/Ifinder group: - Older models (12 channel, b&w screens) can only handle 1GB cards - Newer models (>12 channels, color screens) can handle 2GB cards Can you get it to work with a smaller card? Edited March 9, 2007 by ICHTHYS Quote
+user13371 Posted March 9, 2007 Author Posted March 9, 2007 ...Lowrance iFinder Go2 can you tell me something. On the map you have ...those off?...I think you can't shut the trail line off completely, you can just clear out the existing trail. Then it starts recording new one. Paraphrased from page 10 of the manual: Press MENU and <down> to CLEAR TRAIL then ENT; iFINDER asks if you're sure; press ENT (or <back> to cancel). Return to the page by pressing EXIT. Note: You can download the manual here if it didn't come in your package: http://www.lowrance.com/Manuals/Files/iFIN...-622_050405.pdf Quote
+RCDispatchersx2 Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 (edited) I don't have a clear trail option. I was hoping someone here knew how by having done it. I just have gotten a chance to download and read the advance mode for this model. All that came with it was the easy mode one. Thanks though Edited March 11, 2007 by RCDispatchersx2 Quote
+RCDispatchersx2 Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 ...Lowrance iFinder Go2 can you tell me something. On the map you have ...those off?...I think you can't shut the trail line off completely, you can just clear out the existing trail. Then it starts recording new one. Paraphrased from page 10 of the manual: Press MENU and <down> to CLEAR TRAIL then ENT; iFINDER asks if you're sure; press ENT (or <back> to cancel). Return to the page by pressing EXIT. Note: You can download the manual here if it didn't come in your package: http://www.lowrance.com/Manuals/Files/iFIN...-622_050405.pdf I figured it out, you have to switch back to easy mode to clear trails. I think it works, I am at work in the dungeon right now so can't check the sat fixes to see if it cleared the lines. Quote
gearhead334 Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 I thought the limit was 1GB. Does Lowrance support 2GB cards?Gleaned from previous discussions on this forum and Yahoo/Ifinder group: - Older models (12 channel, b&w screens) can only handle 1GB cards - Newer models (>12 channels, color screens) can handle 2GB cards Can you get it to work with a smaller card? Quote
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