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Dms Coordinates In The Cachelisting?

Geo Chief

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Could you please add the DMS coordinates on every cachelisting additional to the UTM and MinDec coordinates?


Many navigation-systems (car/pda) use only DMS and we must recalculate the coordinates manually or we must use jeeep.com for the converting.



MinDec: N 50° 34.443 E 008° 47.903

DMS: N 50°34'26.58" E 8°47'54.17"

UTM: 32U E 485723 N 5602478



Geo Chief

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Or let it be an option to display the format of our choice.


Yes, that´s a good idea! It would be great if I can choose two or more favorite formats in my profile and the system generates an individal printout.


The converting with gsak or another programs is possible too but I prefer the good old papercaching outdoor. Only on longer tours (eg. vacations) I take the PDA.


I can change the format for the translation in the GPS too but this is to complex.

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I have been itching for a reason to write a greasemonkey script for a while now, and this one seemed like a good way to get my feet wet. If you have Firefox and the greasemonkey plugin, try installing this greasemonkey script:




When activated, this should show a DMS link just as you described. Let me know if you have any problems with it. Here's the link to the greasemonkey plugin:




EDIT at 16:40 Central time (GMT-6): fixed a small rounding problem. If you downloaded the script before this time, you should refresh the page and install again.

Edited by DreadPirateRoberts
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That´s a very nice script! The only "problem" is that the script needs Firefox. I prefer Opera but that is a reason to use Firefox for Geocaching :).


Many thanks for this script!


Example 1:



or the coordinates tabulated (arranged picture)


Example 2:



I think, that´s a nice feature for all users and the best option is, that gc.com adds this feature to all caches.

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Given the number of mistakes I see where a newbie tries to shoehorn DMS or even D.D coords into the default DM.M form, I would vehemently argue NOT to make that display a standard feature. Advanced users can do the conversion manually, or use a Greasemonkey script, but forcing that display on everyone will cause more problems than it's worth.

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I've downloaded and installed Turnabout for IE, and I've downloaded the greasemonkey script. Now what do I do?


Thanks in advance


Edited to add: Hemlock I disagree I think that a newbe could just pick the format that maches what there GPSr is set to. IMHO

Edited by rynd
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I don´t know any gps-systems with MinDec as default. The most systems and (e.g. German) paper maps use the DMS-system as default! Every newbie must set the GPS to the standard gc settings (MinDec) and can see that we can use many other coordinate-settings.

Why do you provide the UTM-system? I suppose, that is the standard system in the USA. Other countries use DMS as standard. There are imho more advantages as disadvantages with the DMS on every cache listing.




I tested the script with Opera 8.51 und have done the steps at

http://userjs.org/help/installation. But it doesn´t work. I copied the script to my script folder, I added the script folder in the options and I checked the opera6.ini. Do you have any ideas?


Edit: Cool! The Opera script runs too! a049.gif.

Edited by Geo Chief
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This is an option I would also like to see. My GPS only supports DMS. I can enter the coordinates in DMS but can't display them in DMS. It would be best if there was an option in your account settings to select the format you want the coordinates displayed in.


What GPS are you using? A mobil car unit? Something very old? Any new handheld unit will allow you to change the display setting. I think you are going to have to find your own solution. The thread you just bumped is nearly two years old. I would be willing to place a small wager that two years from now we still won't have DMS as an option.

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This is an option I would also like to see. My GPS only supports DMS. I can enter the coordinates in DMS but can't display them in DMS. It would be best if there was an option in your account settings to select the format you want the coordinates displayed in.


If you read through the whole thread, there are some greasemonkey scripts I wrote a while back that will add DMS and DecDeg coords to the cache listing page. I just recently updated them to work with the current GC.com page layout. You should be able to use the scripts in Firefox, Opera, or IE. Let me know if you have questions about how to get them working.

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