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Posted (edited)

I've been doing a little bit of research, and I've discovered that some people actually enjoy mud more than others! So, try to picture this lil' video with our dear geo-buddes, glowsticks, and lots of bushes, trees, and a few slippery elevation changes - how fun! :D




Okay, if the Glowstick Smackdown Team faces mud like that, they'll be the Smackdown Champs for sure!!! :) Too much fun!!!

Yeah, but it has to really rain and pour doesn't it?

I mean a little bit of mist surely doesn't qualify for

front-runner status. We're talkin' mojo mud right?


The way I see it at least one or maybe two of them

has to be washed down the chasm and there has to

be some forensic video shot.


Yeah though they crawl through the chasm of death ....


OMG! the Forum page just turned ... that's a bad omen

for the Smackdown Glowstick (hee-hee) gang.


Hey Glowsticks ... y'all gonna die!


Note to Self: Sheesh, I can't believe that Jodi plans to be a turncoat.

Edited by SD Rowdies

ALRIGHT! THATS IT! Im clearing my schedule as soon as a few more head cases decide they wanna try it too. I haven't been in the thunder dome for at least a year and a half.

Count me in. <_<


It just looks like too much fun.


For the Ocotillo Wells Event on Sat................



A bunch of us will be setting up camp on Main St., hopefully, we can save some space and maybe get a cabana or two................hopefully..........


Our banner will be somewhere there also, so you can look for that if you wish.


If you want a campfire, we all need to bring a stick of wood to contribute..............or two sticks of wood...or... :D



We will be there before noon on Friday, along with Team Reid. If the Jeeps are there, we should be too.


if not, we're out playing..



Should be lots of fun. :unsure::mad:



The Splashes :):o


Everybody had a great time, :unsure: except Harmon of course... because he wasn't there... :)

He sure must have had something better to do than risk his life - again! :D

He was under orders in support of the needs of grandchildren.


Delighted that your adventure was so rewarding. Once upon a

time I saw a side-show woman that had a long, black beard and

a mustache but seeing babes in Hazmat suites and Brogans surely

would have topped (or bottomed) my previous experience. The

bearded lady set me back a couple of years in school and I still

have horrible nightmares, gosh knows what seeing the Hazmat

babes might have done to me.


So let me be the first to say that all of you Glowsticks are expected

to suite up the same way for Event Night. The rest of us will come

as we were as well.


What next?


SD Rowdies


Everybody had a great time, :ph34r: except Harmon of course... because he wasn't there... ;)

He sure must have had something better to do than risk his life - again! ;)

He was under orders in support of the needs of grandchildren.


Delighted that your adventure was so rewarding. Once upon a

time I saw a side-show woman that had a long, black beard and

a mustache but seeing babes in Hazmat suites and Brogans surely

would have topped (or bottomed) my previous experience. The

bearded lady set me back a couple of years in school and I still

have horrible nightmares, gosh knows what seeing the Hazmat

babes might have done to me.


So let me be the first to say that all of you Glowsticks are expected

to suite up the same way for Event Night. The rest of us will come

as we were as well.


What next?


SD Rowdies

Okay, now that you've declared the appropriate attire for the Feb. 6th event, I guess I'll forget all about showing up in my cha cha dress. :huh: Oh fiddlesticks, I had planned on really surprising you, ol' buddy! Your idea does make more sense, tho ... so I just really want to thank you for setting me straight! I'll be sure to recreate my Szar Foyo outfit!!


Thanks, Harmon!



Everybody had a great time, :ph34r: except Harmon of course... because he wasn't there... ;)

He sure must have had something better to do than risk his life - again! ;)

He was under orders in support of the needs of grandchildren.


Delighted that your adventure was so rewarding. Once upon a

time I saw a side-show woman that had a long, black beard and

a mustache but seeing babes in Hazmat suites and Brogans surely

would have topped (or bottomed) my previous experience. The

bearded lady set me back a couple of years in school and I still

have horrible nightmares, gosh knows what seeing the Hazmat

babes might have done to me.


So let me be the first to say that all of you Glowsticks are expected

to suite up the same way for Event Night. The rest of us will come

as we were as well.


What next?


SD Rowdies

Okay, now that you've declared the appropriate attire for the Feb. 6th event, I guess I'll forget all about showing up in my cha cha dress. :huh: Oh fiddlesticks, I had planned on really surprising you, ol' buddy! Your idea does make more sense, tho ... so I just really want to thank you for setting me straight! I'll be sure to recreate my Szar Foyo outfit!!


Thanks, Harmon!


NO! ... the cha-cha dress and high heels, I'm beggin' you.

Posted (edited)




Try this ...




Somebody send me the original, high-resolution

version and I'll tune up your group shot.


Babes in Hazmat suites ... ha-cha-cha!

Edited by SD Rowdies

Everybody had a great time, :o except Harmon of course... because he wasn't there... :ph34r:

He sure must have had something better to do than risk his life - again! :D

He was under orders in support of the needs of grandchildren.


Delighted that your adventure was so rewarding. Once upon a

time I saw a side-show woman that had a long, black beard and

a mustache but seeing babes in Hazmat suites and Brogans surely

would have topped (or bottomed) my previous experience. The

bearded lady set me back a couple of years in school and I still

have horrible nightmares, gosh knows what seeing the Hazmat

babes might have done to me.


So let me be the first to say that all of you Glowsticks are expected

to suite up the same way for Event Night. The rest of us will come

as we were as well.


What next?


SD Rowdies

Okay, now that you've declared the appropriate attire for the Feb. 6th event, I guess I'll forget all about showing up in my cha cha dress. :D Oh fiddlesticks, I had planned on really surprising you, ol' buddy! Your idea does make more sense, tho ... so I just really want to thank you for setting me straight! I'll be sure to recreate my Szar Foyo outfit!!


Thanks, Harmon!



Barrie...which caching attire will you wear?


Didn't you go to Szar Foyo TWICE?


So, is anyone up for a day of caching next Monday 8 or Tuesday 9 Feb (or both!) while I'm in town?


I've been away for 3+ years so pretty much anywhere is totally open for me. Will be staying in PB but happy to go anywhere.


Suggest a starting cache and any time from about 9am!




Dr B

Posted (edited)

GC225A1 is tonight 6:00-9:00pm

Mrs. Kwver! said "Be there!" Please!


Looks like some nice raffle prizes are gonna be included..

1 set Yrium TNG cards

1 set Harmon Misprints

1 set Ginger Memorial

bunches of Kwvers! cards too

Edited by kwvers!

I'm slowly getting back up to speed here and was wondering who or if anyone is planning on going to the Yuma event. Any groups going, caravans, where is everyone staying, planning on hitting both events Sat/Sun...?




I should have organized a bicycle meet up at 6am to do the Chuy and Cohort new bike trial?


I'm planning on riding this new bike trail on Friday 3/26 starting sometime in the morning. Anybody want to join me?




I should have organized a bicycle meet up at 6am to do the Chuy and Cohort new bike trial?


I'm planning on riding this new bike trail on Friday 3/26 starting sometime in the morning. Anybody want to join me?


It was quite an enjoyable ride. I did it today with irish10 and fastlane1601, and it took us about 5 leisurely hours to complete.




I should have organized a bicycle meet up at 6am to do the Chuy and Cohort new bike trial?


I'm planning on riding this new bike trail on Friday 3/26 starting sometime in the morning. Anybody want to join me?


It was quite an enjoyable ride. I did it today with irish10 and fastlane1601, and it took us about 5 leisurely hours to complete.


Sooo...now that this has received an endorsement from Tiek00n, is there anyone who has the day off or willing to play hookie? i figure I can get to Neptune way and cleaveland street at about 9am and will have all day to ride and cache.




I should have organized a bicycle meet up at 6am to do the Chuy and Cohort new bike trial?


I'm planning on riding this new bike trail on Friday 3/26 starting sometime in the morning. Anybody want to join me?


It was quite an enjoyable ride. I did it today with irish10 and fastlane1601, and it took us about 5 leisurely hours to complete.


Sooo...now that this has received an endorsement from Tiek00n, is there anyone who has the day off or willing to play hookie? i figure I can get to Neptune way and cleaveland street at about 9am and will have all day to ride and cache.


You might consider starting your caching day at the end of the SLRRT. We noticed quite a breeze coming from the west. Better to have this breeze push you back to your car after a day of caching. Just an idea.




Check out the Spring Campout cache page ~ GC25YVP ~



Looks like lots of fun out at Ocotillo Wells before it gets too hot. With Jeepin' and Cachin' on the


menu, we'll be busy B) .



Hmmmm, wonder if we can find any leftover MUD out there??? :D:D



Thanks to the Fat Cats for stepping up and posting the cache page.



The Splashes :lol::laughing:

Posted (edited)

*** Volunteers Needed ****


I was contacted via SD Geocachers by a Boy Scout leader named John asking for some volunteers.


John is looking for someone to do some training on geocaching at two different Boy Scout events. One event is on Saturday, May 8th at a training meeting from 10 a.m to noon. The second event is at a leader's meeting on Thursday, May 27th at 7 p.m. in the east county.


If you're interested, contact me and I'll put you in touch with John.

Edited by M2



And here I thought you might have a grand adventure planned for us. :)




I don't even know how it did that............of coarse, 'Bump" would make you think of Jeepin'!!


Guess we should get some sort of outing in the works...........Hmmmmm.................




Splashette :P


I have plans this Saturday morning to replace my Mont-Saint-Michel cache and to check on the Number One Son cache that I adopted from Yrium. Anyone who would like to join me, meet at 6:30 a.m. at N 33° 02.394, W 117° 05.294. My plan is to do the overland route. Reply here or send me an e-mail if you would like to join me. Anyone who comes along will get to log a find for Mont-Saint-Michel. :rolleyes:


I have plans this Saturday morning to replace my Mont-Saint-Michel cache and to check on the Number One Son cache that I adopted from Yrium. Anyone who would like to join me, meet at 6:30 a.m. at N 33° 02.394, W 117° 05.294. My plan is to do the overland route. Reply here or send me an e-mail if you would like to join me. Anyone who comes along will get to log a find for Mont-Saint-Michel. ;)

Nobody has RSVP'ed yet, but I'm planning a little later start, about 8 am now. If anyone wants to join me, please let me know...


I'm planning a trip up the Palomar Divide Truck Trail on Friday June 4th. There are 58 active caches and one physical puzzle cache up on the trail. I already have most but loved the trail up here and am looking forward to clearing the ones I don't have.


J&J were just up here last weekend and said the trail is perfect. The plan is meet at GC1AF (White Matter) at 9am and head up and over PDTT. I plan on heading up to the lookout tower, and then back down the backside and finishing off at GCQ5YV (ORA). The baker valley trail spur gate is closed and do not plan on hiking down and back up for the four caches.


What you'll need:


A high clearance vehicle. This is a dirt road with some large ruts in areas. 4x4 is NOT required. Most SUV's will make it easily up and over the trail.


Camera some beautiful views up here. Picnic lunch and plenty of water. Walking stick / probe for those caches hidden in rocks. EPI Pen if you're allergic to bee's. Many logs and my personal experience there are lots of bee's on the trail.


I know there are some cachers in the area that have never been up here because they don't have a vehicle with enough clearance. If you have an empty seat and would consider sharing it, would you please post so we could possibly show more cachers this wonderful trail.


You can contact me through geocaching: Ramona Retired Snipe or directly to my e-mail. d.a.scholl@sbcglobal.net


Hope to see many on the 4th!

Posted (edited)

I'm interested! If my Navigator can make it! I have taken the Nav many places it should not have gone :drama: ! If not I would love to hitch a ride, if someone has space! :laughing:

Edited by luv2bake

I'm interested! If my Navigator can make it! I have taken the Nav many places it should not have gone :blink: ! If not I would love to hitch a ride, if someone has space! :mad:


Hey Michelle-


You shouldn't have any problems at all in your Nav. Last time I was up there, we passed by what looked to be a Toyota Corolla. If I can, I'll join you in my 2WD Tacoma. Lots of fun and beauty up there!


Robyn [:D]


I'm interested! If my Navigator can make it! I have taken the Nav many places it should not have gone :blink: ! If not I would love to hitch a ride, if someone has space! :mad:


Hey Michelle-


You shouldn't have any problems at all in your Nav. Last time I was up there, we passed by what looked to be a Toyota Corolla. If I can, I'll join you in my 2WD Tacoma. Lots of fun and beauty up there!


Robyn [:D]

No problem with my Explorer except for a rock-puncture

during the northern descent. Check your spare tire, jack,

and tools. What the heck, a new tire was about $240.00.


It's a delightful and scenic drive and you get to look down

on Palomar Observatory.


I'm interested! If my Navigator can make it! I have taken the Nav many places it should not have gone :P ! If not I would love to hitch a ride, if someone has space! :P


Hey Michelle-


You shouldn't have any problems at all in your Nav. Last time I was up there, we passed by what looked to be a Toyota Corolla. If I can, I'll join you in my 2WD Tacoma. Lots of fun and beauty up there!


Robyn [:P]

No problem with my Explorer except for a rock-puncture

during the northern descent. Check your spare tire, jack,

and tools. What the heck, a new tire was about $240.00.


It's a delightful and scenic drive and you get to look down


on Palomar Observatory.

I have one thing to say "YAY!" This is all great news! Oh wait, that's 2 things.....make that 3....oopsie - flibbertigibbity YAY!:):D:D YAY! :D:D:D Can't wait!


We will be there! I was so bummed when a few North County folks got together last time to do this and we couldn't go. But we can now so we'll meet you at the appointed place and time. And we have room in our Jeep should anyone else need to hop in.


Glad to see hear how many people are already confirmed. Seems we might have several cachers come over from AZ for the trip. Nothing confirmed yet but hoping.


The reason for this post. As I just found out the GC for the start in my original post is wrong. The start is GCQ1AF.


Also I received a note to my e-mail from one of my favorite caches up there and some cachers ran into a rattler and had to pass up on the cache so we must be vigilant when we're up there.


Glad to see hear how many people are already confirmed. Seems we might have several cachers come over from AZ for the trip. Nothing confirmed yet but hoping.


The reason for this post. As I just found out the GC for the start in my original post is wrong. The start is GCQ1AF.


Also I received a note to my e-mail from one of my favorite caches up there and some cachers ran into a rattler and had to pass up on the cache so we must be vigilant when we're up there.

Yes! That was me. We had resorted to the hint (which is incorrect) and were looking under the bush by the wall when the snake rattled! Mr SH leapt backwards a good three feet and we both made a quick retreat! I had seen a snake ( not a rattler) at an earlier cache and was already unnerved so we did not make any more stops on the way! But mostly that is because Mr SH is not a numbers cacher and I have to choose wisely to get him to stop at all!! Hope you all have fun on the trail!




We're heading up this morning, haven't been on that trail since the early 70s going in at white matter coming out near aguanga hope you all have fun we intend to :laughing:


Y'all gonna die!




I hoping not. It seems all the San Diego snake magnets (fishnjack, chuy and snflwrmh) have other plans this Friday.

Don't forget lulu... She's a snake, tick and PO magnet!! :laughing:

Posted (edited)

Y'all gonna die!




I hoping not. It seems all the San Diego snake magnets (fishnjack, chuy and snflwrmh) have other plans this Friday.

Don't forget lulu... She's a snake, tick and PO magnet!! :laughing:

Don't forget the Rubies ...




Be nice too, remember that you are the intruder and

that the snake was just minding it's own business.


Leave a bit early and visit this little chapel along the way ...




A little prayer before snakes is a good thang.


Finally ...




Have those visiting Zonies check under here for snakes. Yep, y'all gonna die ....

Edited by SD Rowdies

Thank goodness...I just checked on it as originally posted and saw it was definitely not near Palomar (although getting the Southern most cache in the world would be fun too). Then I came back here to see how I made a typo and just saw this corrected.


We can fit two adults comfortably in the back and have a third row seat for a small adult or children if anyone else wants in.

Posted (edited)

Glad to see hear how many people are already confirmed. Seems we might have several cachers come over from AZ for the trip. Nothing confirmed yet but hoping.


The reason for this post. As I just found out the GC for the start in my original post is wrong. The start is GCQ1AF.


Also I received a note to my e-mail from one of my favorite caches up there and some cachers ran into a rattler and had to pass up on the cache so we must be vigilant when we're up there.


Sounds like the old stone house on the hill, we almost gave up on it and decided to take a few pics of the walls when we spotted it, no snakes today

Edited by vagabond

Glad to see hear how many people are already confirmed. Seems we might have several cachers come over from AZ for the trip. Nothing confirmed yet but hoping.


The reason for this post. As I just found out the GC for the start in my original post is wrong. The start is GCQ1AF.


Also I received a note to my e-mail from one of my favorite caches up there and some cachers ran into a rattler and had to pass up on the cache so we must be vigilant when we're up there.


Sounds like the old stone house on the hill, we almost gave up on it and decided to take a few pics of the walls when we spotted it, no snakes roday


Correct the cache in question is a unique fixer upper. Glad to hear the snake decided to move along. It's on my watchlist because of the challenge when I found it. Just one of those caches you like to see the follow on logs.


Harmon, I definitely respect the fact that I'm sharing the snakes natural habitat and it's more his than mine.

Posted (edited)

Glad to see hear how many people are already confirmed. Seems we might have several cachers come over from AZ for the trip. Nothing confirmed yet but hoping.


The reason for this post. As I just found out the GC for the start in my original post is wrong. The start is GCQ1AF.


Also I received a note to my e-mail from one of my favorite caches up there and some cachers ran into a rattler and had to pass up on the cache so we must be vigilant when we're up there.


Sounds like the old stone house on the hill, we almost gave up on it and decided to take a few pics of the walls when we spotted it, no snakes roday


Correct the cache in question is a unique fixer upper. Glad to hear the snake decided to move along. It's on my watchlist because of the challenge when I found it. Just one of those caches you like to see the follow on logs.


Harmon, I definitely respect the fact that I'm sharing the snakes natural habitat and it's more his than mine.

Good for you, I've always been astonished at people

that kill snakes. So simple, just walk away and the

snake will go about it's own business. Some sort of

manly-man kind of thang I suppose.


For me a good snake encounter is a rare moment of

heightened-awareness and a grand photo-op'. I truly

treasure my photos of that Western Diamondback as

seen in the shot posted above. That was a special

encounter as I finished a day of hiking on the south

trail of the Horsethief Canyon area. Took quite a while

to encourage that perfect pose because the snake's

first tactic was to crawl under a small bush. Never did

get it to sign a release for the many images I shot.

Edited by SD Rowdies

First off we didn't even see a snake today poisonous or not. So no one died or got lost.


Thanks to Red Buggy Man, Bronco Busters, Foothills Engraving, KE6MAE, Lionhouse75, Fossillady & Flat Black, Luv2Bake and Thunder-4.


All I can say is thank you for an awesome day. Glad everyone had a great time. No breakdowns or flats ( I even bought a hi lift and ensured that no lock existed on my spare this time).


We got a little separated at the end due to different PQ's. I really need that CB installed so we can keep comms on the trail.


Only one DNF on the day, which was expected due to the previous 6 dnf's but I thought for sure it was in there so at least had to look since I found this one last year.


To anyone planning on doing the PDTT they have locked the gate to the lookout tower and you have to hike to the last two caches. We decided to skip these for this trip.


I had a blast caching with everyone. All and all an awesome day of caching. Thank you for sharing one of my favorite trails with me.


Howdy all! the teachers of sweetwater are on break finally!!! Whooo HOoo!. Was planning on riding the Highway 54 bike path tomorrow as well as the otay river valley near palm ave and HWY 5 and if time permits the Strand. Anyone intereted? Heading down around 8am ish to drop off Miranda at school. Have to pick her up at 3:10pm. Any takers? i can carry 4 bikes on the bike rack or in the truck. drop an email and will give phone number to coordinate.


Memorial Off Road Ride to benefit

family of slain agent


EAST COUNTY: An off-road memorial

ride will be held July 10 to benefit the family of

slain: Border,"Patrol Agent Robert'


,, The 55 mile:round-trip ride will begin

and end,at Golden Acorn Casino, 1800

Golden Acorn Way, in Campo, and wind

through backcountrv roads.

Border Patrol roads and canyons.

riders will stop for a short ceremony

at a cross erected near the U.S.-Mexico

border where Rosas was killed July 23

in a shootout with robbers tying to steal

his equipment. Christian Daniel Castro

Alvarez, 17, pleaded guilty to murder in

the death and was sentenced to 40 years

in prison.

The $10 registration fee per vehicle includes

five tickes for a prize drawing after

the ride. All proceeds will go to Rosas' wife

and two young children, or checks can be

made directly to a non profit foundation.,

created by Rosas'wife.

Participants can register beginning at 7

am at the casino the day of the ride. The

ride begins at 9 am. For more information,

call (760) 554-8417.


From the San Diego Union today.

a worthy cause, if you like to do some offroading on the roads the BP uses.

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