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Proposed Catetory: Places > Ruins > Shot Towers

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There's an "Iron Furnace" subcategory, but that doesn't fit shot towers, for example: Baltimore Shot Tower


In the US, these appeared in revolutionary days.


Indexes of shot tower locations seems pretty skinny -- are there really so few of them standing?


I proposed a Waymarking category open caching shot towers around the world (not just CONUS), with at a minimum:


1) Photo(s)

2) Date built

3) Historical purpose

4) Current status

5) Current Description of the site



Posted (edited)

I like it.


Until your post, the one in Wytheville Virginia (Jackson's Ferry) was the only one I knew of.


See GCG1RB - Old Tower


I'd been there a few times on nearby business. I was happy to see a cache had been placed there, when I looked, after getting into caching.

Edited by Crystal Sound

There's a tower about an hour away from me I've been wanting to research. It has all the markings of a shot tower, but no signage visible to say what it is. (I'm in Arizona now).


Most of the towers I've seen were on the east coast. I grew up outside Baltimore so that's why I chose that one in my first post.


As a kid, I have memories of seeing these towers, figured this would be a good way to reminisce!

Posted (edited)

there is one near Cincinnati, OH, at the old Peters Cartridge factory. See my post for GCP3NN, with a picture of same.

Edited by kbarhow
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