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Wyoming Geocoin Orders


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I think several of us would really like to know what's happened with this particular coin so as to help folks avoid such a situation in the future. Ok, maybe not - it could just be me.


I don't want to start an argument or any flaming - just an educational dialog about what's happened in this case.


I have been considering producing a coin of my own as well as a WV coin and am genuinely interested in what can cause such delays in production and delivery and what could be done to avoid them.



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Currently, for me, the Wyoming coin is second only to the Long Island coin for longest since paid. LIGO - 11/24/2005. WY - 12/01/2005.


Good news. Looks like the LIGO has shipped. Got a PayPal shipping notice today.


That leaves Kansas (12/04) next behind Wyoming, followed closely by Groundhog Day (12/07). Finland (12/22) a distant fourth.


Do I smell a new topic?




EDIT: Whoops. Lighthouse 1 paid 12/2. Then Kansas, GH Day, and Finland now fifth.

Edited by kcart
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I think the longest one was AL, but you really need a new topic for those. The thing that makes me disappointed about this coin is that I paid for it and than the artwork was changed. I will not cancel my order but I think it is a lesson learned.

Agreed. I think several lessons are being learned here.

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Actually what I posted is that they would be shipped to me on the 28th, but good news is that they shipped to me today. So, it won't be long now.

Sorry, I must have been confused with another coin. That or I am really psychic and knew you got them today :) Sorry about the mistake. I'll be very happy to cross these off my wait list. Thanks for the update.

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I thought these coins were due to be delivered today. Shouldn't orders be being packed up for mailing now?

AG...you are right on target...how DO you keep up with all these coins?

Actually, I'm just in the ballpark, lol. I suspect that I have a severe case of OCD where coins are concerned :)

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Actually what I posted is that they would be shipped to me on the 28th, but good news is that they shipped to me today.  So, it won't be long now.

Sorry, I must have been confused with another coin. That or I am really psychic and knew you got them today :) Sorry about the mistake. I'll be very happy to cross these off my wait list. Thanks for the update.

You're a little early on the psychic-ness. The coins were shipped to him today

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WYlostinMA, if you need help with future coins don't be afraid to ask. There's several of us that have done several coins and we'd be more than willing to help you.

Really this applies to anyone looking to make a coin. You can avoid a lot of hassle and mistakes by using the resources available here on the boards. Just ask!

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