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Oldest Active Caches In Each State


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I recently came across the oldest active cache in NY, and enjoyed reading the listing and the logs...


That made me think about how cool it would be to check out the oldest active caches in states all around me...does someone have a list or a markwell for one?





Posted (edited)

I don't have a list, but if you go to each state's cache search page the list is sorted by age. Go to the "Hide and Seek a Cache" page and select a state...click to the last page and you will find the oldest.

Edited by Stunod
Neat idea. It would be fun to see some of these original ones.

I'd like to visit the ones for NY, VT, CT, MA, NJ, PA, Quebec, and Ontario (my home state and its neighbors)




And what that shows is that the sort depends on entry of a correct date for the site. <_<


Here's a list I just prepared in about 15 minutes. This is only for the U.S. Currently active, oldest cache - discounting ones that seem to have false dates of placement.


Alaska: GC68 placed 2/29/2000

Arizona: GC57 placed 2/9/2000

Arkansas : GC1B placed 6/27/2000

California: GC5F placed 2/24/2000

Colorado: GC18 placed 6/2/2000

Connecticut: GCE4 placed 12/11/2000

District of Columbia: GCDE1 placed 6/27/2001

Delaware: GC10A placed 12/30/2000

Florida: GCFA placed 12/25/2000

Georgia: GC1D placed 6/3/2000

Hawaii: GC23 placed 7/21/2000

Idaho: GC25 placed 6/17/2000

Illinois: GC28 placed 5/13/2000

Indiana: GCB8 placed 11/17/2000

Iowa: GC162 placed 1/31/2001

Kansas: GC30 placed 5/11/2000

Kentucky: GC39E placed 3/1/2001

Louisianna: GC763 placed 4/21/2001

Maine: GC128 placed 1/2/2001

Maryland: GC1FD placed 2/4/2001

Massachusetts : GC74 placed 10/1/2000

Michigan : GC35 placed 6/16/2000

Minnesota : GC9FF placed 11/5/2000

Mississippi : GC90 placed 10/19/2000

Missouri : GC37 placed 6/20/2000

Montana : GC493 placed 3/14/2001

Nebraska : GC943 placed 5/10/2001

Nevada: GCF9 placed 12/26/2000

New Hampshire : GC9E placed 10/29/2000

New Jersey : GCC8 placed 11/25/2000

New Mexico : GC192 placed 1/15/2001

New York: GC39 placed 5/26/2000

North Carolina: GC70 placed 9/30/2000

North Dakota : GC551 placed 3/25/2001

Ohio: GC31A placed 2/18/2001

Oklahoma : GC272 placed 2/11/2001

Oregon : GC12 placed 5/12/2000

Pennsylvania : GCFF placed 12/27/2000

Rhode Island : GCEC placed 12/16/2000

South Carolina : GCF4 placed 12/24/2000

South Dakota : GC87E placed 5/1/2001

Tennessee : GC132 placed 1/6/2001

Texas : GC62 placed 9/26/2000

Utah: GC3B placed 8/27/2000

Vermont : GC86 placed 10/14/2000

Virginia: GC135 placed 1/6/2001

Washington: GC8 placed 5/28/2000

West Virginia : GC3F0 placed 2/25/2001

Wisconsin : GC3B1 placed 3/2/2001

Wyoming : GCBF4 placed 6/9/2001

Alaska: GC68 placed 2/29/2000

Arizona: GC57 placed 2/9/2000

Arkansas : GC1B placed 6/27/2000

California: GC5F placed 2/24/2000

Hmmm... three of the first four were placed 3 months before SA was turn-off? :anibad::anitongue:


Thanks for the list!

People were trading swag in summit registers long before I started climbing in the 90's. I once reached the summit of Mt. Baker with a bottle of bubble solution only to find two more in the register... :anitongue:

Alaska: GC68 placed 2/29/2000

Arizona: GC57 placed 2/9/2000

Arkansas : GC1B placed 6/27/2000

California: GC5F placed 2/24/2000

Hmmm... three of the first four were placed 3 months before SA was turn-off? :anibad::anitongue:


Thanks for the list!

FYI for people who might not get the joke... I checked the listings, and the date is more realistic there. :anitongue: (Replace February with September)


Pennsylvanians generally regard State Gamelands #109 as the oldest active cache, rather than GCFF "Stone Wall Stash," linked to in Markwell's helpful summary. Even though GCFF has a lower GC number, SGL #109 was hidden earlier. The hider did not get around to submitting a cache report for several months, which explains the difference.


So, depending on how you measure (GC number or date placed), there are two possible candidates. Just to cover my bases, I've found both! :D


I also notice that the one in California was archived from January 21, 2001 to August 25, 2005. During that time I visited Firestone which was the oldest active cache in the state at the time. I note the FTF on Yuba City was the day before Firestone was hidden. There is a note in a log from 2003 that Yuba City is reported to be the third oldest cache in California. I wonder what happened to the other two and where they were.

There was a joke? Ouch, over my furry head.


Wasn't the one in Oregon the first?

Well, I interpreted as a joke, since most people know that Dave Ulmer hid his now archived Original Stash to celebrate the Selective Availability (SA) being turned off.


There's no remnants of the Original Listing (GCF) in the GC database. I even tried Wayback Machine to look for it - DNF :D

I also notice that the one in California was archived from January 21, 2001 to August 25, 2005.  During that time I visited Firestone which was the oldest active cache in the state at the time.  I note the FTF on Yuba City was the day before Firestone was hidden.  There is a note in a log from 2003 that Yuba City is reported to be the third oldest cache in California.  I wonder what happened to the other two and where they were.

James Coburn's GC1C is the first known cache in California. It was located very close to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) so I doubt it will ever become active again due to security concerns.


GC5B was the next oldest, located in San Diego. I'll have to take time and study that one.


I remember visiting Firestone (GC78) right after you, since you dropped off a 2004 Washington Geocoin, to my surprise (I dropped it off at a very difficult but excellent puzzle cache, GCJVZ9, "The Sphere"). That cache is one of my all time favorites, due to the scenery, the interesting object, and the history. It was the perfect "oldest active CA cache" for that reason, but it's still Bay Area's oldest.


I visited GC5F recently, and I was disappointed with the location, but there's a decent view of the nearby Sutter Buttes.

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