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Duke Of Edinburgh

Mr Nibbler

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A colleague's son, who I got into geocaching along with his parents, has just announced that he has selected geocaching for his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award "skills" section. Once he persuades his school that it's valid (and having seen some of the other skills kids have opted for I have no doubt it is) it seems that I am, by default, his mentor (did I mention his mother is my boss?). So far he has single figure finds but is dead keen and I'm toying with the idea of setting him a three month goal for finds and will include setting his first cache. Needless to say I'll be involved going out with him and his father to some of them along with my own lad. Have any of you got involved in something like this before or any comments or bright ideas folks?


Thanks in anticipation of your help/sarcastic comments/witticisms/discussions of a constitutional monarchy :rolleyes:


not knowing (yet :rolleyes: ) how much he will have to do, here's some suggestions! Try some without GPS, using map and compass skills. Do a night cache, making sure he is safely equipped. Do something like the quest for the ring. and combine it with a camping expedition. Or, if you want to be really evil, you could always suggest a written essay on GPS and its principles!


From my days as a mentor for badminton, I seem to remember that the most important thing is to show measurable improvement.


Oh well - didn't really say much - just waffling and putting off work!




Some ideas:


How about writing a letter requesting permission for cache placement, requiring research of examples, benefits, guidelines etc.


Placement of a cache after finding a variety of different sorts. (Able to explain suitability of hiding methods / type and size of container, will be hidden in Winter, not surrounded by nettles in Summer)


Speak to a younger school group / scouts etc about caching (research, presentation prep/skills etc). Take them out to demonstrate.


do they still do the expedition/ overnight camping? design a route to take in as many caches as possible.


just how to show an improvement in the skill over the course of you mentoring him....


ask any people who do his cache to comment then set another cache with improvements learnt from their comments?


I like the idea of combining it with the expedition, but sadly they arre not permitted to use GPS on it - I know as Mcd1, my son, has just completed his silver award. The idea of improving his cache laying skills is a good one.


Im reading this with great intrest. My son was accepted onto the young fire fighters scheme and part of it is doing DoE award. He only started in September but i am sure it would be worth mentioning to the people who run it about geocaching.

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