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White Jeep To Be Set Free In The Uk.


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I have a white jeep sat in front of me now sent over from the US. Exciting or what? Will place next week somewhere in Wiltshire (unless someone offers me enough cash to send it to them!!!). We have been collecting 'icons' recently by purchasing geocoins. Is there anyone else out there as sad as we are??


Plenty of people have read this post, but nobody's commented ('til now!)...

Draw your own conclusion :D:D:(

Mrs B


..Or maybe they're just too busy finding their maps of Wilts/charging batteries/brushing off their boots/getting on to the starting blocks :(

Posted (edited)
(unless someone offers me enough cash to send it to them!!!)

Right. I'll do that, then.


After all the postage shouldn't be too much for you to send it to me, should it?




Bob Aldridge

Edited by Belplasca
I have a white jeep sat in front of me now sent over from the US. Exciting or what? Will place next week somewhere in Wiltshire (unless someone offers me enough cash to send it to them!!!). We have been collecting 'icons' recently by purchasing geocoins. Is there anyone else out there as sad as we are??

Already have one of those icons ! There is one sitting in a cache near Wetherby North Yorkshire as we speak ! ;)

Posted (edited)
Already have one of those icons ! There is one sitting in a cache near Wetherby North Yorkshire as we speak ! ;)

It's been there a while. I'm surprised that no one has moved it. B);)



Edited by SlytherinAlex

There is also one in the North Wales area TBM7QD which I went for last week at 6am but someone beat me to it the day before BUT never logged it until the following morning,so needless to say it was still showing as in cache when I left but obviously it was in someones booty bag instead.... ah well, thats life I suppose B)

BUT the cache itself more than made up for it, if you're around that way do GCJAG4, Its one of the best Ive done..... ;);)


A White Jeep, A White Jeep in Wiltshire at that !, well now I am excited as that's a nice logo to have on ones profile. I'll keep my eyes open for the release and location!!!

Posted (edited)

Glad to hear that some more white jeeps have arrived in England ;)B)


We had 3 white jeeps posted to us by friends in the USA. We have released 2 in the South Yorkshire area, the third is still sitting in our home office.


The reason? One of the jeeps was picked up by a cacher who had visited the cache site before we left the jeep in it. They went back with the sole purpose of picking up the jeep (which is fair enough) BUT it has now been in their possession since 28 September - we have emailed the people concerned but as yet have not received a response B).


We are now seriously considering sending the 3rd jeep back to our friends - at least then it can get some mileage! Which was the whole point of our friends sending us the bloomin things in the first place.




Rant over. B)

Edited by Rebel Alliance

OK Deego


I'll rephrase my comment so that it it clear.


I have physically held a White Jeep travel bug which are officially distributed by The Chrysler Motor Company US, but I have never physically held a Yellow Jeep travel bug which are also officially distributed by The Chrysler Motor Company US.


I think that will cover any extra remarks!


Milton (aka Moote) :huh:

Posted (edited)
OK Deego .... snip....


I think that will cover any extra remarks!

Sorry, I was trying to be funny :huh::)


I will get my coat ...... Taxi for Deego!!!

Edited by Deego
OK Deego .... snip....


I think that will cover any extra remarks!

Sorry, I was trying to be funny :huh::)


I will get my coat ...... Taxi for Deego!!!



Deego is getting as touchy as me :)


Milton (aka Moote)


Yes Gowenhouse, Where is the White Jeep? the week is up.................... There was a Yellow Jeep in Wiltshire this year, I retrieved it from Cursus Cache 23 June 2005, and placed it in Fore Bridge on 27 June 2005. It was eventually in Alibags care who placed it into the 'Sticks n Stones' which is archived as it was trashed. So, from that one has to presume that the Yellow Jeep also went on that never ending trail !!!! and will never be seen again.

I digress - Where's the White One ????????????????????????? Kevin!! <_<

It was eventually in Alibags care who placed it into the 'Sticks n Stones' which is archived as it was trashed. So, from that one has to presume that the Yellow Jeep also went on that never ending trail !!!!

It was in my bag which was nicked when my car was broken into, along with some other personal TBs. I had to place it in a cache in order to mark it as location unknown, so I placed it in one of my own, which was previously archived. I hope that all makes sense? <_<


That explains the yellow one's absence, thanks, This weekend is just the worst time as we are away to see our daughter and grandchildren due to it being Bonfire Night and staying over. I'll cancel the Red Arrows now!! Good luck to all those with Trowbridge co-ords punched in, remember he works somewhere around the Marlborough area also, I'd drive up and down the A4 waiting !!!! :)

This weekend is just the worst time as we are away to see our daughter and grandchildren due to it being Bonfire Night and staying over.

Rustproof excuse... :)


"We're really sorry darling, you know we would like to see the fireworks with you all but there's a monsoon heading our way from Wales and the roads will be flooded and my wellingtons have sprung a leak and your Mum's got a touch of bird 'flu coming on and....Did I mention that I need to check out a small white model jeep?...."

(Bang! Crunch! as phone is slammed down.....)


The jeep is fuelled up and ready to go. I'm just off for a quick game of golf and then I'll drive him to his destination. Should be live by around 5pm I reckon. Perfect for tomorrow morning. Set your alarm clocks for 4.30a.m. (I'll have a lie in thanks!!!). :ninja:


Quick game of golf!!!, while all those eager enthusiasts are standing around their machines in clouds of blue smoke with their car coats and goggles on waiting for the off. And the off just may, come live around 1700hrs! How uncaring can you be. Surely one would of rather have been out there hunting during Grandstand and perhaps even missed the beginning of Strictly Come Dancing, rather than miss Sunday Service!


Gosh, another terrible thought just crossed my mind, What if Lactodorum and Eckington are having a well earned game on the green today, they would not get around to releasing your new cache !! it may then be delayed and come live on Monday !! (Just Hoping).................... Good Luck !

Posted (edited)

Thanks Eckington. The lights are green and away they go with the Roving Rangies taking an early lead from Nobby.Nobbs. Bad luck to Gralorn who appear to have stalled their engine on the starting line. Anyone looking to follow the race for the jeep should type in postcode SN8 1AD.

Edited by Gowenhouse

Busy here, trying to get the water pump sorted, blew just as we were about to leave. Other Range Rover locked in barn and the farmer is away for the weekend, The other one needs gas, so if not found, maybe tomorrow!


Its also dark, drizzly and cold here!

Busy here, trying to get the water pump sorted, blew just as we were about to leave. Other Range Rover locked in barn and the farmer is away for the weekend, The other one needs gas, so if not found, maybe tomorrow!


Its also dark, drizzly and cold here!

7.24 am, blowing a gale and drizzle, dreadful sound of husband still snoring after he watched the very late night film, last night. So doubt whether it will be us first found by us! :huh::)


Best of luck by who ever does :D


Devil's Den found and logged at 03:45 this morning. White Jeep now tucked up warm in Cornwall.


Only just got back after a very eventful night so will do a full write up later after some sleep.


A very happy and tired Mike. :D

Devil's Den found and logged at 03:45 this morning. White Jeep now tucked up warm in Cornwall.


Only just got back after a very eventful night so will do a full write up later after some sleep.


A very happy and tired Mike. :D

There is only one words for that kinda of dedication..


N U T T E R !


The weather has been dreadful here in not very sunny Wiltshire.


All I can say is:


Well Done!


And so the race is over. With the Molinnis Crew taking 1st place, Kitty Hawk 2nd, G&C stalling at the finish line and Gralorn stalling at the start. And Gowenhouse slept soundly throughout!!! You must all be nuts driving throughout the night in this weather. If you want a white jeep so badly, why dont you do what we did and call up a Yank and get him to send one over!!! Well done to all racers.


Okay report time.


I have followed the White Jeep in UK thread on the forums not expecting to see one for a long while yet. Yesterday morning I half thought of driving to Wiltshire to be up round Trowbridge when the cache was approved but dismissed it as madness.


Saw that it was approved at at around 5pm and presumed the race was well and truly on to get it, But then at about 7:30 I checked again and still not found I started thinking, Where is Fyfield exactly? What route could I take? At 8:15pm I was on my way in the rain.


Okay mistake No 1 happened here, 6 miles into my journey I realised the print out of the cache page was still in the printer. No problem. Stop at Exeter McDonalds (WiFi point) and get the 2nd co-ordinate sum and check if its been found. So about 9.30-10pm found me at McDonalds still raining, No WiFi signal!!! Over to plan 2, phone home. Got my son Matt to check on PC, Still not found!! Got the 2nd co-ordinate details but created mistake No 2. I presumed I was looking for a year so didn’t ask him to read out the instructions in full.


So under cover of Darkness and rain I travelled the A30, M5 and then the A361, coming under constant gunfire from Devon/Somerset Cachers trying to thwart my attempt to get the Jeep. (Okay they were fireworks, but sounds good). Will admit that all the way up I thought my chances of FTF were about 10%.


Arrived at Fyfield about 12.30am. Parked the car in the entrance to the bridleway. 0.75 miles to the cache. Wellies on and waterproofs (Still raining). Trudged up an extremely dark track, down an extremely dark muddy track over a stile and found the plaque. Remember mistake 2, well guess what!! No year date… Okay use phone number, I had a vague recollection of reading “ABCD+E”. So tried three different combinations of this phone number. All giving me three walks/stumbles of about half a mile there and back. Was now getting disconsolate now, still not convinced that the jeep would be there when/if I found the cache. Also batteries in GPS and torch getting low


Plan 3, Drve into Marlborough, Find a wifi point ad check the cache page. So back to the car, Still raining. Well I couldn’t find a McDonalds/Texaco garage in Marlborough (Have they got one). So of to Swindon (only ten miles). Found a Texaco as soon as I came off the ring road. Logged on, Yesss its still not found!!! Took the details of how to get 2nd co-ords and then drove back to Fyfield (16 miles. Oh and still raining!)


Arrival back at the bridleway was about 02.30ish. Torch Battery still low so will have to use it sparingly. Back up the dark track and slid down the muddy one and refound the plaque. The numbers made sense this time. So off I went in a different direction to the first visits stumbles, Only this route was more up and down, And it’s the down that caught me out, After getting up I struggled up the other side of the trackway I had fell into, disturbing a load of sheep on the way.


Plain sailing after that, Cache found at 03.15, opened it nervously, Yess it was still there waiting. One White Jeep (Bigger than the yellow ones!!). So by a fading torch and still raining I scrawled in the log, Replaced the Jeep with another TB. Re-hid the box and stumbled jubilantly back to the car.


The journey home. Left Fyfield at 03.45 still chucking it with rain. The A361 to Taunton was traversed straddling the white line as there was loads of rather large puddles along the sides. Between Street and Taunton, I came round a corner to be comfronted with a rotten tree trunk across the road, must have been rotten as being unable to stop the Discovery ploughed straight through it without even deviating. The heaviest rain was from Exeter back to Wadebridge, It simply just tipped down. I had to crawl through a couple of large flooded bits around the Wadebridge area caused by the water flowing off the fields. Arrival at home was at 07.15. Quick log and into bed by 07.30.



Duration of trip 11 Hours, drove just over 400 miles, walked most probably about 4 miles. Wipers on for about 380 miles. Mad!! Yes. Did I enjoy it?? You bet I did.


Mike :D

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