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How Many Of Each Coin Was Made?


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AtlantaGal & Cymbaline Mini:

200 Silver Nickle

40 Black Nickle

20 Copper

20 Shiny Gold

10 Antique Brass w/hard enamal


(only the nickle and gold are in hand. The 2nd half of order isn't delivered yet)


I'm going to hold off on these then, lets wait until the coins are "in hand" you may have extra, or be short....


thanks! :D

Posted (edited)

Here's a correction:


Mauison Antique Gold - 5


And a few additions:


Mauison Polished Copper - 10

Mauison Polished Gold - 30

Mauison Chrome - 70

Edited by Mauison

I've decided to end this project. Too many coins are coming out anymore, and I don't want to spend all my time adding them. If someone wants to take it over just save the html and have at it.


I'll pick it up...




ok, I may be caught up. If you are missing from the list, please email us from the coins minted webpage.


Thank you!




2bugs 2005 - 300 silver

2bugs 2006 (snowflake) 25 LE Gold, 36 LE Antique Silver, 37 LE Antique Bronze, 150 nickel

Emerald Valley Cachers (EVC) 50 LE Gold, 100 LE Copper, 400 silver

Posted (edited)

Uh, a FEW more I cam across.


Alberta South (gas coin) ?

Blodlized 500 Yes

Brawny Bear (Antique Bronze) 400 Yes

Brawny Bear (Antique Silver) 99 Yes

Cache The Fever ??

Canine Cachers (Second Edition) ?

Cat (Black Nickel LE) 100 Yes

Cat (Polished Gold LE) 200 Yes

Cat (Polished Nickel) ? Yes


Chef cache a lot (Gold) 200 No

Chef-cache alot (Silver) 150 No

Chef- cache alot (LE two tone) 150 No


Compass Rose 2006


Dancingfool's Crow (Polished Nickel) 200 No

Dancingfool's Crow (Polished Copper) 50 No

DNF (Black Nickel) 250 No

DNF (Gold LE) 100 No

DNF Glow-in-the-Dark No

Findland ??

Frozen Bone Cache Zone 200 No

Grand Canyon 850 Yes

Grand Canyon LE ?

Junglehair ?

Kinzua Area Cachers 200 No

Lampost ?

Made in China (Gold) ?

Made In China (Silver)

Mr. & Mrs. Loggerhead 500 Yes


Parents of SAM ?

Pepper red, yellow, green, orange ??


Prague (Copper or Brass) 900 Yes

Prague (Polished Nickel) 400 Yes

Redwinged Dave 600 Yes

Rhein Nahe Geocoin 2006 100-200? Yes

Sgt. Stitches (Gold) ? No

Sgt. Stitches (Silver) ? No

Shasties (Antique Bronze) ??

Shasties ( Anique Silver)

Sir Gerald (Silver) ??

Sir Gerald (XLE)

Sir Gerald (Gold)

Skirtlifter ??

SoMDCacherz 300? No

South Carolina 400 ?

South Carolina (Silver) ?

SPnZ ??

Squealy's First Find (Antique Gold)

Squealy's First Find (Antique Silver)

Steal Your Face (SYF) (Bronze)

Steal Your Face (SYF) (Gold)

Steal Your Face (SYF) (Silver)

Stuck on WGS84 (Antigue Gold LE)

Stuck on WGS84 (Antigue Silver)

Sunshinegang (plate-Gold)

SunshineGang (plate-Silver)

TC Winter Convergence

Team 4Happy Cats 100? No

Team Badger

Team Checker (Gold)

Team Checker (Nickel)

Team Checker (Silver)

Team Coy Chev

Team Desert Eagle

Team Donutdog

Team Fisur

TeamTeam SuperGenius-Pepper (Bronze)

Team SuperGenius-Pepper (Gold)

Team SuperGenius-Pepper (Silver)

Team Thorny

Terracaching Terracoin-Series 1

TFTC 500 No

The Shadow

Tiki Lord Pomsby 200 No

Tiki Yawp 200 No

Toojin & Bart

TRL-Caching Through The Snow Too 2005 (Bronze)

TRL-Caching Through The Snow Too 2005 (LE)

Traveling Viking


Two Happy Hikers






WA. County #1-Kitsap Co. 2005 (Antique Brass)

WA. County #1-Kitsap Co. 2005 (Antique Silver)

Wandering Dragon


WorkerofWood (Silver LE)

Wykenwizard-John Bull (Antique Bronze)

Wykenwizard-John Bull (AntiqueSilver)

Wykenwizard_The Bard of Avon

Wyoming (Bronze) 1000 No

Wyoming (Pewter) 1000

Yosemite (Bronze)

Yosemite (LE)

Edited by GeoBrowns
Posted (edited)

Some of the info provided by geobrowns is wrong. Can we please only post mintings if we're 100% sure? Otherwise poor hirlas is going to have a lot of editing work :)


Made in China (Gold): 500 - trackable

Made In China (Silver): 1000 - trackable

Pepper red, yellow, green, orange: 25 of each - no

Steal Your Face (SYF) (Antique Brass): 150 - trackable

Steal Your Face (SYF) (Gold): 5 - no

Steal Your Face (SYF) (Silver): 5 - no

TC Winter Convergence: 100 - ?

Terracaching Terracoin-Series 1: 1000 - no

Edited by AtlantaGal

You've reall done an excellent job hirlas. I really appreciate the effort you've put forth on this. It's something that's despirately needed :(


you are welcome! :)

Posted (edited)

Sorry, I has previously gone back to original threads where the coins were first offered and then things changed a long the way with final productions and I got burnt trying to find the correct numbers, should have just left those off and just posted coin names and hope others could come and give the correct totals. And looking things over, I wonder if I shiftd cells as well? Sheesh :(


Think I'll just stay in the background and go back to work, like I should be. :)

Edited by GeoBrowns

Think I'll just stay in the background and go back to work, like I should be. :)


Nah, work is no fun! And no appology necessary. My post wasn't meant to single you out. I'm sorry if that's how it reads, honest :(


I think the only way to get final numbers when they're not readily available is to ask the person who headed up the production of each coin in question. Hopefully like the rest of this discussion, more of them will come forward and post the coin amounts minted.


Sorry, I has previously gone back to original threads where the coins were first offered and then things changed a long the way with final productions and I got burnt trying to find the correct numbers, should have just left those off and just posted coin names and hope others could come and give the correct totals. And looking things over, I wonder if I shiftd cells as well? Sheesh :(


Think I'll just stay in the background and go back to work, like I should be. ;)


I've already added the ones you listed, if I get any complaints, I'll send them your email address! :)

Posted (edited)
Any info on the 2 Lighthouse Series coins?




Lighthouse V.1 Montauk gold 100

Lighthouse V.1 Montauk bronze 300


Lighthouse V.2 Cape Henry gold 100

Lighthouse V.2 Cape Henry bronze 200



of course all 4 trackable with own icon (one for the series though)

Edited by Pumabert
Posted (edited)

Ok, found some more but no numbers. :D Hope I am not looking at a cached page that you already updated. I feel sorry for you trying to keep up! I have no idea why I am doing this....must be the geek compulsive side of me.


2 Hillbillies-Antique Bronze

2 Hillbillies Antique Silver


8 Muddy Feet-20 Muddy Toes



Alberta South-Gas Town


Anthus Firefighter





BikeDog Memorial



Cache Dragons

Cache The Fever

CacheHunter42 Bear 2nd Edition



Cach-U-Nuts-3Sheets2TheWind-Seawater coin


Camp Explorer LE Gold

Camp Explorer LE Gold/Nickel

Camp Explorer LE Polished Nickel

Canine cachers (Second Edition

Calgary Cachers-Bronze, Gold editions also


Captain Prozac

CCGC Group-Monterey Bay

Caltic Cross LE

Celtic Cross Series 1

Celtic Cross 2nd Edition




Coin Quest Participation Coin

Compass Rose 2006 Polished Fold

Compass Rose 2006 Polished Nickel


COOL Club Silver/Gold LE

Cyclops/Son of Cyclops

Czech Gold

Czech Silver

Dancingfool (his first version with the hat)

Definitive 'Geocache' coin

Definitive 'Geocacher' coin

Definitive 'Geocaching' coin


DLiming Antique Silver

DLiminf Bronze

DLiming Gold




Elusive Mr, Muggles

End Station



Fraher Family

GBA Faultline

GBA Faultline LE Gold/Silver

GBA Coin Club

GCC-Ammo Box

GCC-First Finders Dance

GCC-Geodetic Survey 2005 Benchmark


GCC-Selective Availability Off-Green

GCC-Selective Availability Off-Red

GCC-Winer Wonderland

Geocoin Addicts Anonymous

Geocoin Addicts Anonymous LE


Go-Mad-Cow set


Golden Dragon

Grand Canyon Polished Nickel and Copper

GrandpaKim-2005 Antique Bronze

GrandpaKim-2005 LE Gold

Great Basin Rally-Summer

Great Basin Rally-Winter


Groundhog Day

Groundspeak Volunteer 2005

Hides & Finds GCC #1

Hobo Event Coin

Idaho 2006

Illinois 2006



Isle of Man

Jaybee LitLens Gold

Jaybee Litlens Silver


Jeep'en Jumpers-Antique Gold

Jeep'en Jumpers-Antique Silver

Jeeptoysrus Jeep 2006 Black Nickel

Jeeptoysrus Jeep 2006 Day Silver

Jeeptoysrus Jeep 2006 Night Silver


Joy of Caching

JWID-Antique Bronze

JWID-Antique Gold

JWID-Antique Silver


Kache Kids-Antique bronze

Kache Kids LE

Kinzau in Copper, Gold & Nickel

Kirkland Exploror

Kirkland Exploror Gold

Kootenay Pirates

KTAG 2005 Dog Tag

Ladycacher's Spinning coin

Lamp Post coin


Lundstroms-2 dolphins

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Flying Pidgeon

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Skateboard

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Subway

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Taxi

Manitoba Geocachers





Milestone-100 caches

Milestone-100 Travel Bugs

Milestone-1000 caches

Milestone-500 caches

Minnesota GCA

Minnesota Gold LE

Mississippi State-Antique Silevr

Mississippi State-Black Nickel

Mr Squared

Mrs. Moops

Nano Caches-Antique Bronze

Nano Caches-Antique Silver

Nero 2006

NFA personal coin

Nicolo calgary

nielsenc 2006 Shamrock (Standard Gold, LE Nickel, LE Black Nickel)

Not Another Micro! 2006-Camo

Not Another Micro! 2006-Camo Antique Gold

Not Another Micro! 2006-camo Antique Silver

Not Another Micro! FTF

Not Another Micro! 2006-Antique Gold

Not Another Micro! 2006-Antique Silver

Not Another Micro! 2006-Nickel

Not Another Micro! 2006'Not Another Micro! 2006

N Scaler TFTC

Nurse Dave & Beckerbuns

NWPA 2006-Copper

NWPA 2006-Satin Gold

NWPA 2006-Satin Nickel

Oklahoma/TAG-Tulsa Area Geocachers

Oregon 2003

Oregon 2004



PaNoWeGe -Silver


Pirates of Harriman

ProTechCC-Alien Cacher

Ray & Rose

Rhode Island Quahog

Rock&Crystal-Black Nickel

Rock&Crystal-Camo Heart




Rowenf Gypsy

Rubicon Brothers

Rupert2-Aintique Gold

Rupert2-Antique Nickel

San Diego has Gold and Silver

SF is Copper and has a LE Silver



Sgt. Stitches Gold

Sgt. Stitches-Silver

Shasties-Antique Bronze

Shasties-Antique Silver LE

Sunshine Gang (ver. 2 plate)

The Federation-Gold

The Federation-Silver


oh and it's Junglehair

Edited by GeoBrowns

Jeep'en Jumpers-Antique Gold - 250

Jeep'en Jumpers-Antique Silver - 250

Not Another Micro! 2006-Camo - 1000+

Not Another Micro! 2006-Camo Antique Gold - 50

Not Another Micro! 2006-camo Antique Silver - 450

Not Another Micro! FTF - 100?

Not Another Micro! 2006-Antique Gold - 50

Not Another Micro! 2006-Antique Silver - 450

Not Another Micro! 2006-Nickel - 1000+


+ means more will be minted if demand calls for.


I'm only adding confimed numbers to the list right now, there's no sense in adding a coin edition without that information. Maybe some folks can grab a few of these and let me know?


Thanks for your help! :D




Ok, found some more but no numbers. :D Hope I am not looking at a cached page that you already updated. I feel sorry for you trying to keep up! I have no idea why I am doing this....must be the geek compulsive side of me.


2 Hillbillies-Antique Bronze

2 Hillbillies Antique Silver


8 Muddy Feet-20 Muddy Toes



Alberta South-Gas Town


Anthus Firefighter





BikeDog Memorial



Cache Dragons

Cache The Fever

CacheHunter42 Bear 2nd Edition



Cach-U-Nuts-3Sheets2TheWind-Seawater coin


Camp Explorer LE Gold

Camp Explorer LE Gold/Nickel

Camp Explorer LE Polished Nickel

Canine cachers (Second Edition

Calgary Cachers-Bronze, Gold editions also


Captain Prozac

CCGC Group-Monterey Bay

Caltic Cross LE

Celtic Cross Series 1

Celtic Cross 2nd Edition




Coin Quest Participation Coin

Compass Rose 2006 Polished Fold

Compass Rose 2006 Polished Nickel


COOL Club Silver/Gold LE

Cyclops/Son of Cyclops

Czech Gold

Czech Silver

Dancingfool (his first version with the hat)

Definitive 'Geocache' coin

Definitive 'Geocacher' coin

Definitive 'Geocaching' coin


DLiming Antique Silver

DLiminf Bronze

DLiming Gold




Elusive Mr, Muggles

End Station



Fraher Family

GBA Faultline

GBA Faultline LE Gold/Silver

GBA Coin Club

GCC-Ammo Box

GCC-First Finders Dance

GCC-Geodetic Survey 2005 Benchmark


GCC-Selective Availability Off-Green

GCC-Selective Availability Off-Red

GCC-Winer Wonderland

Geocoin Addicts Anonymous

Geocoin Addicts Anonymous LE


Go-Mad-Cow set


Golden Dragon

Grand Canyon Polished Nickel and Copper

GrandpaKim-2005 Antique Bronze

GrandpaKim-2005 LE Gold

Great Basin Rally-Summer

Great Basin Rally-Winter


Groundhog Day

Groundspeak Volunteer 2005

Hides & Finds GCC #1

Hobo Event Coin

Idaho 2006

Illinois 2006



Isle of Man

Jaybee LitLens Gold

Jaybee Litlens Silver


Jeep'en Jumpers-Antique Gold

Jeep'en Jumpers-Antique Silver

Jeeptoysrus Jeep 2006 Black Nickel

Jeeptoysrus Jeep 2006 Day Silver

Jeeptoysrus Jeep 2006 Night Silver


Joy of Caching

JWID-Antique Bronze

JWID-Antique Gold

JWID-Antique Silver


Kache Kids-Antique bronze

Kache Kids LE

Kinzau in Copper, Gold & Nickel

Kirkland Exploror

Kirkland Exploror Gold

Kootenay Pirates

KTAG 2005 Dog Tag

Ladycacher's Spinning coin

Lamp Post coin


Lundstroms-2 dolphins

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Flying Pidgeon

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Skateboard

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Subway

Manhatten Urban Cachers-Taxi

Manitoba Geocachers





Milestone-100 caches

Milestone-100 Travel Bugs

Milestone-1000 caches

Milestone-500 caches

Minnesota GCA

Minnesota Gold LE

Mississippi State-Antique Silevr

Mississippi State-Black Nickel

Mr Squared

Mrs. Moops

Nano Caches-Antique Bronze

Nano Caches-Antique Silver

Nero 2006

NFA personal coin

Nicolo calgary

nielsenc 2006 Shamrock (Standard Gold, LE Nickel, LE Black Nickel)

Not Another Micro! 2006-Camo

Not Another Micro! 2006-Camo Antique Gold

Not Another Micro! 2006-camo Antique Silver

Not Another Micro! FTF

Not Another Micro! 2006-Antique Gold

Not Another Micro! 2006-Antique Silver

Not Another Micro! 2006-Nickel

Not Another Micro! 2006'Not Another Micro! 2006

N Scaler TFTC

Nurse Dave & Beckerbuns

NWPA 2006-Copper

NWPA 2006-Satin Gold

NWPA 2006-Satin Nickel

Oklahoma/TAG-Tulsa Area Geocachers

Oregon 2003

Oregon 2004



PaNoWeGe -Silver


Pirates of Harriman

ProTechCC-Alien Cacher

Ray & Rose

Rhode Island Quahog

Rock&Crystal-Black Nickel

Rock&Crystal-Camo Heart




Rowenf Gypsy

Rubicon Brothers

Rupert2-Aintique Gold

Rupert2-Antique Nickel

San Diego has Gold and Silver

SF is Copper and has a LE Silver



Sgt. Stitches Gold

Sgt. Stitches-Silver

Shasties-Antique Bronze

Shasties-Antique Silver LE

Sunshine Gang (ver. 2 plate)

The Federation-Gold

The Federation-Silver


oh and it's Junglehair


The Not Another Micro coins are trackable with their own icon.


The list is great! I am sure it is a lot of work, but is a great resource to have.


I just recently took it over, but yes, lots of additions and tweaks!


keep them coming! :o


Avalanche 2006 Première Édition


Qty Minted: 100 Black Nickel (Standard Edition)

Qty Minted: 20 Silver Antique (Volunteers "Bénévole")

Qty Minted: 7 Satin Gold (Organizers)

Qty Minted: 2 Antique Bronze (XLE)


Trackable here



got it,


thank you!


Well, you can add these now since I have them in hand...


200 AG/Cymbaline Mini Silver Nickel

40 AG/Cymbaline Mini Black Nickel

20 AG Cymbaline Mini Copper

20 AG Cymbaline Mini Gold

10 AG/Cymbaline Mini XLE Brass w/Hard Enamal


40 AtlantaGal 2006 Antique Brass

15 AtlantaGal 2006 Black Nickel (No Epoxy)

15 AtlantaGal 2006 Satin Gold (No Epoxy)

Posted (edited)

World Travel Coin

LE "Midnight" (gold w/black ring)- 500

Regular "Day" (nickel w/blue ring)- 1000+


got the last 3 posts,


thank you!

Edited by hirlas

Tracking Time 24k Antique Gold Plated: 1300

Tracking Time Antique Silver Plated: 25




thanks to everyone that has emailed me with the information!



Posted (edited)

i cant miss being listed..


100 Bronz Nero Coins were produced.


got it, thanks!


(couldn't forget about these cool looking coins!)



*edit lousy spelling

Edited by hirlas
Posted (edited)

Hey Hirlas, what do you think about adding a link or info to get the tracking activation codes for the coins that are trackable? The other site that was keeping tabs is really far behind.

Edited by AtlantaGal

Hey Hirlas, what do you think about adding a link or info to get the tracking activation codes for the coins that are trackable? The other site that was keeping tabs is really far behind.


I would be happy to... can that info can be passed to me just like we're doing with this list?


Hey Hirlas, what do you think about adding a link or info to get the tracking activation codes for the coins that are trackable? The other site that was keeping tabs is really far behind.


I would be happy to... can that info can be passed to me just like we're doing with this list?


I don't see why not. This list will get you started http://www.tsbsales.com/geocache/coincode.htm


Cat Geocoin Black Nickel - 100

Cat Geocoin Polished Gold - 200

Cat Geocoin Polished Nickel - 700


Fundamental and Venlis Personal coin antique silver 2006 - 250

Fundamental and Venlis Personal LE coin antique bronze 2006 - 50


Cat Geocoin Black Nickel - 100

Cat Geocoin Polished Gold - 200

Cat Geocoin Polished Nickel - 700


Fundamental and Venlis Personal coin antique silver 2006 - 250

Fundamental and Venlis Personal LE coin antique bronze 2006 - 50


added, and the activation code links are slowly being added....

Posted (edited)

Absolute Caching Antique Brass LE 150

Absolute Caching Antique Silver 400


Tackable Yes

Own Icon Yes

Use the Oak Coins non-numbered activation code link for code retrieval

Edited by AtlantaGal

Absolute Caching Antique Brass LE 150

Absolute Caching Antique Silver 400


Tackable Yes

Own Icon Yes

Use the Oak Coins non-numbered activation code link for code retrieval


got 'em


thank you!

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