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What Do These Letters Mean?

Cotton Hill

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You have obviously misunderstood me. I know that it may seem that I consider myself part of the experts of wit by telling them to leave it to them but, that was not my intention. I guess what really bugs me is people posting little things, trying to be funny, name calling, rather than constructively contributing to people's original question that is posted so that they can have a clearer understanding about a certain topic. The only thing that it accomplishes is to fulfill some sense of petty competitiveness of status by increasing their posting numbers.

Edited by bogen74
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And here I thought it was an abbreviation of TAANSTASFL, from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.  There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.  :rolleyes:

It's TANSTAAFL, not TAANSTASFL. And it's from Robert Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, not The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


But other than that, you got it exactly right! :blink:

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In defense to thrak and Harry Dolphin I believe you will see some "witty" coments, as you called them, because the topic of "what do these letters mean" has been brought up countless times. I guess what bugs us, and I'm sure I can speak for quite a few people out there, is that if you would just do a little searching on the site you'll find all the answers you need. Just go to the getting started page and there's an area called Geocaching Guides, under that there's a link called Geocaching.com Glossary. Everything's in there about the terminology.

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I wonder if it's considered witty to join a new forum and immediately start lecturing the participants on what should be considered witty or not witty. If the true and only intent of the OP was to ask the one question and receive a complete answer then that was accomplished in the first three responses. The appropriate action, if no more noise is desired, would be to lock the thread. Axe grinding is offensive to most, and really irritates me no end.

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Harry apologizes. He becomes dimwitted with advanced age. Of course, TANSTAAFL is Heinlein, not Adams. Michael Valentine Smith is one of the great heroes/antiheroes of literature. Harry does not apologize for his lack of typing skills, though.

Back to topic: My favorite quote from Douglas Adams (besides "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish") is credited to one of my favorite characters, bowl of petunias: "Oh, no. Not again!"

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Bogen74...Relax. I love these forums. They are filled with great advice and insight. Part of being human is learning to chill out and not take everything so seriously. I highly doubt anyone here is trying to irritate you by being "witty". Many of the very people you are chastizing are very helpful. They are not mocking you. I'm sure they could have said something like, "go check the frequently asked question section which has an answer to your very question instead of taking up forum space". Nobody did that though did they. Bogen74...Relax.

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Please forgive my ignorance. I tried looking in all the referenced sites, but still cannot find out what it means when someone says "Bump" in a forum posting.


Will someone please tell me?

When other threads are active, and the thread in question is not, the thread will drop down to the bottom of the list (chronologically bu last post).


Bumping is the term used to bump the thread to the top so it gets attention, or otherwise doesn't get forgotten about.

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Please forgive my ignorance.  I tried looking in all the referenced sites, but still cannot find out what it means when someone says "Bump" in a forum posting.


Will someone please tell me?

When other threads are active, and the thread in question is not, the thread will drop down to the bottom of the list (chronologically bu last post).


Bumping is the term used to bump the thread to the top so it gets attention, or otherwise doesn't get forgotten about.

But don't bump just for the sake of bumping. Some people go and find threads several years old and bump them...pointless.

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You're all right. I should have done some more checking around the site to find out more information. I wasn't sure what it was I was looking for and wanted to try out the forums too. I wasn't in a good mood when I read the initial responses and shouldn't have responded the way that I did. For that, and to all concerned, I apologize. Now that I have gained a little experience at geocaching I can see how so many people are involved in it because it is quite enjoyable. I look forward to future adventures by finding more caches and spending time with friends.

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