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Nn Nn.nnnn Extra Digit?


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Hello All,


I came across a set of coodinates that I can't figure out tow to convert. I've downloaded conversion programs and searched the forum but can't find others that match up.

How do you convert a waypoint in the format NN NN.NNNN to NN NN.NNN ?

Is it as simple as rounding off? How is it done and what is this format called? Any help will be immensely appreciated.


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Hello Bibba,


I believe it is as simple as greater accuracy with added decimal points. I know that a friend of mine does surveying for a living, and was surprised to find that my GPS receiver only had 3 digits following the decimal.


He had indicated that they use the same co-ordinate structure, but with 6 following digits for added accuracy.


My guess is that surveying equipment needs to be, and is a little more precise. Anyhow, with the co-ordinates that you have found, it is likely that you will just need to round the last digit appropriately to 3 decimal places to get the proper co-ordinates.

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If that decimal is really a decimal, then just round it off.


If it is being used as some sort of separator, then I can't tell if they mean dd mm.ssss (which should really be written dd mm ss.ss). If all of those characters are numbers and not letters, it isn't UTM.


Rounding it off would be your best bet.

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I just chop off the extra digits, just fill in what you can, DD MM.SSS and leave off the rest. I doubt the inaccuracy will be any greater than what the GPS's EPE is.


Are you hunting a Benchmark? I've seen that coord format on datasheets.

Edited by Airmapper
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Thanks. I was hoping it was just that simple. It's not a benchmark but actually a geocache (GC5CA). The coodinates to the cache are on a travel bug and as such are moved from cache to cache with the intention being they will be found serendipitously. The coodinates listed on the cache page are not for the cache but simply mark the general area. As such, the only people who can find the cache are those who found the travel bug. A creative idea I think.

I truly appreciate the help.


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