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I see them as very different things, so it's a bit like saying which are best, apples or aeroplanes? I wouldn't want to try to cross the Atlantic on an apple, and I don't want to eat a 747.


It's had to beat the instant gratification of finding a tricky cache. There's a buzz there, for sure. Other finds leave me with a 'well, it's one more for the tally I guess' feeling, which isn't so wonderful. It's hard to know what caches will give what reaction as the weather, time of day, location, hide, container and contents can all make a difference. So a mixed bag, really.


Setting a cache is (or rather can be) a lot more work than finding one. The pleasure comes in drips and drabs, and is just about reliant on the tone and 'quality' of the logs made for it. I might enjoy placing a cache, but that feeling will be short-lived if every log is 'TNLN-T4TC'.


So, I don't think you can compare the two on a like-for-like basis. Or dislike-for-dislike basis. :mad:






I tend to find your analagy between apples and aeroplanes a very bad example for comparison to Finding and Setting caches. At least the latter are related to each other inasmuch as they both involve Geocaching!


I will agree that the two may well be as different as chalk and cheese with regards to the pleasure one can gain from them but the reason I asked is simple.


I pondered this question earlier today and initially I thought that finding them was better but I then realised that from the caches I have hidden, deep down I feel that I have got more pleasure from hiding, maintaining and tweaking them for others to find.


With regard to time spent etc in setting them, I would tend to think that 99% of cachers spend more time setting than finding a cache. Even cache and dash caches need research of some description, putting the cache together and presentation of the cache page. It all takes time.


Don't get me wrong, I too, get alot of enjoyment from finding the booty it's just the extra effort I make to try and make caches enjoyable for others.


And yes, I get upset and take it personally if I receive unwarranted and unnecessary criticism of one of my caches - even though it's only a game!





I get upset and take it personally if I receive unwarranted and unnecessary criticism of one of my caches

:lol: Yes, a couple of our caches were found yesterday and the cacher just left a "slightly" negative :lol: comment at each one.... a) That the parking spot was by a busy road...well, yes, but it is in a layby and b.) That there were too many dogs around for their liking...it's in a large country park! Of course there are dogs! I was surprised at how defensive I felt, I think it was because they didn't make any positive comment.


But back to your question... We enjoy both, of course, but I must say that personally I think I like "germinating" the idea for a new cache, thinking about how to keep a theme to the whole idea and also writing up an interesting/humourous cache page. Ideas can come out of nowhere...including my daughter's head :lol: (sorry, love!) She's not greatly into caching but she said casually the other day, "You could always try hiding a **** and then the only way people could find it would be if they **** and ******ed" Great idea! We will develop it...... Mrs B


Hides are great fun and you are putting back something into caching, as for critisism we welcome it and reply to it, after all feedback is the only way you will learn by your mistakes. Our only dislike is when hides are moved or reposistioned from the origanal posistion they were set in(not by the owners), to make it easier or harder to find.Finds of course,quite often take you to the font of cachers local knowledge and the hide may be ordinary but the scenery remarkable given its location (ie;Eaves Pudding), or the history unknown to you even when your find is almost on your doorstep(Roamin round Richmond).The DNF`s you eventually find are well worth the kicking you give yourself when you find you were sat next to it on your first visit.So yes we like both but never take it to serious, happy to laugh at ourselves and thoughly enjoy meeting other cachers :lol:.


I love both really...


Phill loves hides, because he likes thinking up daft puzzles, and I like hides because I like thinking that people are going to go somewhere I really like because I've "suggested" they do so. Then I also hope others will like the nice place I've taken them to!


Phill likes finds because he likes the hunt, I like finds because deep down I'm a huge kid who loves finding treasure.


I too get really hurt when someone leaves a critical remark!!

Posted (edited)
so it's a bit like saying which are best, apples or aeroplanes?

That's easy.. Aeroplanes of course :lol::lol:


Seriously though, I derive more pleasure from seeing logs from cachers who have enjoyed finding (or NOT finding, hehe) my own caches than the finds I have had on other peoples. Hopefully they enjoy reading mu logs though, so what goes around comes around. Hosting a successful event gives satisfaction too of course.

Edited by Stuey

There are definitely some finds that I think wow - this is a great location, a lot of thought went into that one! Those give me the greatest enjoyment. But then there are others that make me think "why??"


I enjoy hiding caches, and I put a lot of thought into location etc. I generally get positive comments, which makes me feel all nice and glowy!


However, someone emailed me the other day to say they didn't think much of the swops I put in. We put all new items in, but they were mostly things like keyrings and small toys (NOT McD's!!). I think I've said before, I set a series of six new ones up at once, and just couldn't afford to stock them all with expensive swops, so that was a shame :lol: They were certainly better swops than I've seen in some caches. Oh well...


:lol:  How rude!  :lol:        Mrs B

Well, they phrased it in a nice way, I think they'd been doing some other caches in the area, which were created by Gary and Jane, and are always full of lovely swops - much better than mine, I've got to admit!


I suppose I wouldn't have been so worried about their comments if I'd put in e.g. half a biscuit, a broken light bulb, a snapped piece of chalk and a dirty sock (all things I have seen in caches at one stage or another!). Still, you can't please everyone all the time :lol:

I just like trying to do puzzle casches and beating everyone else to it and grabbing the FTF!!

And we like waiting for you to do all the hard work and then asking for the answer B)B):):)

However, someone emailed me the other day to say they didn't think much of the swops I put in.

I was first to see all 6 of those new containers, and all I can say is that they contained no tat at all. They were fine! If you want to tell me (privately) who it was, I'll happily tell you if I've ever found anything decent in their caches (assuming they have any!)


I'm with Mancunian Pyrocacher on this one. Event caches are great, especially one's not in your normal caching area.

We have been to a few now, in Devon, Shropshire, Wales, Oxford, Binfield, and it has been great to meet cachers who are not local cachers to us.

We have on every occasion, been made welcome by the local's and even made some very very good friends, especially from the camping meets, and had a really good time.

It is always nice, to cache in a new area, where you don't really know the way the setters mind's work!

Even with local meets, it's great to meet up with the usual suspects and have a fantastic night out discussing local caches etc.

Event caches... Love Them!

I just like trying to do puzzle casches and beating everyone else to it and grabbing the FTF!!

And we like waiting for you to do all the hard work and then asking for the answer :):P:):)

Oh yes, but their "clues" are as puzzling as the puzzles!!!



of course... there are also REALLY pointless caches.....



Please don't get her onto that

subject again B)B)



Spoil sport .... I like a good rant about rubbish caches!!!




It's a bit of both for me... and you do get "Precious" about your own caches, I have a series based around an old railway line that almost always has good logs - well part from one near a really boggy spot. I'm really chuffed about those.


I have others that are far simpler, one under a huge historic railway bridge, joining Cornwall to England that many seem to enjoy finding - yet I always have an evil cackle when some from over the Tamar can't find it! Such simple pleasures....

I just like trying to do puzzle casches and beating everyone else to it and grabbing the FTF!!

And we like waiting for you to do all the hard work and then asking for the answer :D:D:unsure::huh:

Oh yes, but their "clues" are as puzzling as the puzzles!!!



Hee Hee!!


Don't want to make it TOOOOOO easy for you, want to leave a days break between the FTF and the rest to stamp our authority!!!! :(:(:P

so it's a bit like saying which are best, apples or aeroplanes?

That's easy.. Aeroplanes of course :D:huh:


Seriously though, I derive more pleasure from seeing logs from cachers who have enjoyed finding (or NOT finding, hehe) my own caches than the finds I have had on other peoples. Hopefully they enjoy reading mu logs though, so what goes around comes around. Hosting a successful event gives satisfaction too of course.

:( And what about this years xmas event Stuey we are all waiting for your announcement!!!!!!!!!

Hides of course,just waiting for that ftf to see if you have got it right!!hehe.. :unsure:

And what about this years xmas event Stuey we are all waiting for your announcement!!!!!!!!!

I'm not doing a Christmas event this year..... let someone else do one :D

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