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Scott Line And West Jersey Society Markers


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My name is Al and I"m engaged in a search for some semi old markers and also some very old markers.These are not Benchmarks exactly but stone and concrete markers from old surveys of the hartman maps.The first markers I"m looking for are called Scott line markers.These markers were planted roughly 100 years ago and mark a large plot in eastern cumberland county nj.I"ve found 5 of these markers two of which are next to a modern highway and don" count.some of the survey line country is thick scrub oak,some sawamp and some pleasantly ope oak pine woods.Their about ten inches square and about eight inches high old concrete with scott line on top with an arrow pointing direction.

The next markers of which I haven"t found any yet but I"ve pretty much figured two are gone and two were known to be extant in 1987 are very old markers planted from 1691 to about 1750.Their markers delineating one of the original purchases by the English from the Lenape.I have three locations I"ve cased and all three tend toward thick.Some high ground scrub oak and some open cedar swamp with thick borders.One of these stones(supposed to be a second nearby) is a tall granite marker.They are calle the West Jersey Society of Proprieters markers.The more stones I find should help me find more because then I should be able to run a line on my topo cd using the info from the old surveys.I am doing this with the Scott line because I have located a few but I have yet to locate any Proprietor markers.

Beings the country is thick in places what I"m looking for is help.Are their any veteran bushwackers out there that are compass and gps friendly?:-)I propose to form lines and section off squares and go at it sequence like.I have the general area known and have an area about 80 acres in size to search but have an even better idea where to start in those acres.Are their any takers out there that live close to cumberland county and might want to help find these stones once the leaves finish dropping?Let me know.My e-mail is Manumuskin@aol.com


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