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Nudecacher Innocent!


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Posted (edited)
333 Gilkey Street, Burlington, WA is hardly the middle of the woods.  By his own admission he was a half block from the courthouse and visible from the building.

Without arguing the merits of his decision to cache there, rumor has it that one of the cache owners even suggested to him that it would be nude friendly.


I think without visiting the exact location, at the time nudecacher was there, it is not fair to judge the "where." Actually, we're not judging anyone here, nudecacher is not guilty.


What's your real beef with this topic? :(:(

My FIRST real beef with this topic is that I think it is a thinly-veiled attempt to promote an agenda (complete with links shamelessly plugging the Naturist Society) disguised as a geocaching topic because that just so happened to be the activity he was engaging in at the time of his arrest.


My SECOND real beef with this topic is, as I've said, I don't think this is appropriate adult behavior in this particular place. As I've already said, I don't have a problem with nudity. I've patronized and participated in naturist locales and activities and absolutely defend nudecacher's right to nudity IN AN APpROPRIATE place. I am not intimately familiar with the location of this cache, but the OP openly admitted that the site was visible from the court building. This is clearly not nudecacher's property, and clearly not a place where citizens of Burlington would expect to find naked people. What you do on your property and with your time is your business, for sure. Once you take that activity into a public place, you are obligated to behave in a manner that is publicly acceptable - and like it or not, wearing clothes in public is the accepted norm in Burlington, Washington.

Edited by ParrotRob
You're always welcome up at Wreck Beach (a public nudist beach up in Vancouver BC Canada). There are even a few caches in the area too. Nude friendly.

Thanks for the invite. We've visited Wreck Beach a number of times and even helped Judy Williams with the Bare Buns Fun Run several times in past years.



Posted (edited)

to throw my thoughts in.


I'm happy for anyone to do anything as long as it doens't affect anyone else.


Nude caching? go ahead if you know as best as possible that you will not be seen and upset someone. From what's been written this is not out in the woods so it was likely that someone else could/would see him. There may not have been anything illegal done but it was a selfish act.

Edited by nobby.nobbs
Posted (edited)

I say good for you! If you are comfy with yourself to be nude in front of other people then take pictures go for it. The next time I am (deep, deep, deep) in the woods, maybe I can get the balls (lol) to get naked!


(On a side note, my husband would kill me if I did because I would have to put the picture in my log!)

Edited by ladycacher

I edited to clarify first sentence in the initial post. The cache is by Half-Canadian and Scooter the Wonder Dog. The police officer gave me the citation. I didn't mean to imply that Half-Canadian turned me in. Far from that, she felt bad about the incident and has given me lots of moral support. Gary

From the Forum Guidelines:


Some things to keep in mind when posting:


Respect: Respect the guidelines for forum usage, and site usage. Respect Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, yourself, fellow community members, and guests on these boards. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they deserve the same respect.


Personal Attacks and Flames will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad, general attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.


Nudecacher started this thread as a way to help others who may be (or will be) in the same situation he was in. He did not start it to be mocked.



Some people may not have been around enough to know of nudecacher's history and of the interest his cache hunting attire may have to a substantial portion of the geocaching community. nudecacher on the other hand is well aware that some people object to his caching in the nude (and posting photos of it in his logs). I don't see that the replies that state such an objection are in any way off-topic or disrepectful of nudecacher or other forum participants. Such messages are and have always been part of any thread discussing nudecacher.

Thank you for at least recognizing that other people may hold opposite opinions, toza. Unfortunately, it has been decreed, via PM, that holding an opinion in opposition to nudecacher's original post somehow makes it "off topic" and deserving of a "warning".


I humbly apologize for daring to disagree with TPTB.


Great news!!!!!!!!!


I have been to several events with nudecacher, he's a great guy. He is also very knowledgeable about the laws that may or may not apply to public nudity. We can all learn a lesson from his experience if we pay attention to the real message.


Know your rights.


The simple truth is that any one of us could get cited while geocaching. It could be something we knowingly did wrong (speeding to get that FTF) or it could be an unjust citation by someone who misinterpreted the situation. The point that nudecacher is trying to make is that your best defense is knowledge. Learn all you can about the law and how it applies or doesn't apply to the situation. Be prepared to explain caching to everyone involved so they understand that your intent was not criminal.


Well, I guess I can't help it anymore. I've read several of the threads over the last couple of months about Mr. Nudy Cacher. I think that if that's what floats his boat, than by all means, he should be able to do as he durn well pleases. I haven't had the opportunity to participate in the genre of nakedness outside of my home, but I've also always been one to not say I don't like it until I've tried it. While I wouldn't recommend doing so at a Wally World lamp post micro, if he's in a place that his beliefs aren't subjected on someone who may not share the same beliefs as he, such as a kindergarden playground, than more power to him and congrats Nudecacher on winning a legal case concerning something that is so obviously important to you personally. I'm a firm believer in this country and it's laws and legal system. However, I also get a little joy out of the little guy, no pun intended I swear, winning one against the big wheel of government. Cache on brother, I just woudn't suggest doing it in the deeper parts of FL. I've had poison ivy, fire ant bites and visits from mosquitos that I thought would involve a blood transfusion that I would not want in the unmentionable sections of MY body! :(

Posted (edited)
can you explain exactly what beating a public indecency rap has to do with Geocaching?

I can.


It's a choice that more geocachers than just Gary have made. The evidence is on the cache pages of this site as well as my wildly popular locatoinless cache on Terracaching.com called, of all things, Nudecacher.


I set up that LC in honor of Gary's visits to a few of my Eastern Sierra caches.


I think it's totally cool that Gary is standing up against textile bondage (his words) for the rest of us.


BTW- Pepper told me about this case a couple weeks ago at an unofficial local geocaching event. Been meaning to ask how it was going. Very glad you won! :(

Edited by Snoogans
What's your real beef with this topic? :(:(

My FIRST real beef with this topic is that I think it is a thinly-veiled attempt to promote an agenda (complete with links shamelessly plugging the Naturist Society) disguised as a geocaching topic.

There's another topic in these forums that's promoting an agenda too. dadgum those balloonists and their agenda!


If you have an issue with the way a thread is moderated, please send an email to appeals@geocaching.com rather than posting it to the thread. This helps to prevent derailing (or further derailing) of a topic.

Posted (edited)
Actually, we're not judging anyone here, nudecacher is not guilty.

Really? Did you read some of the comments directed at ParrotRob? (I also think you need to re-read the OP: A dismissal does not mean an individual is "not guilty." Of course, the title of this thread appears to be an even more egregious misrepresentation.)


Many of the examples in this thread deal with the issue of appropriate behavior at an appropriate time.


Personally, I think if someone quickly removes his/her clothes in order to take a "signature photo" at a location and then quickly redresses, it is pretty clear the individual realizes that the behavior may be, and probably will be, viewed as inappropriate by others. Of course, "inappropriate" and "illegal" are not one-and-the-same.


One should not make the mistake of confusing a mere stunt with a lifestyle or philosophy:


I think it's totally cool that Gary is standing up against textile bondage (his words) for the rest of us.


Is that what he was doing during the event described in the OP? Really??


Know your rights.


Or, more importantly, your loopholes. Thank God for lawyers, loopholes, and poorly written statutes. :lol:

Edited by Skovar

I've read this topic... :lol: Can't understand: what is nudecashing exactly ?

How it is linked to geocaching ? And how does it differ from exhibitionism ?

I didn't mean to offend smb., but i didn't expect to find such discussion here (i mean geocaching community)...

...explain exactly what beating a public indecency rap has to do with Geocaching?

He was geocaching when it happened and he geocaches regularly like that. What is relevant about getting busted for sitting on a park bench without a kid in a kid's park? What is the relevance of caching in costume, or sporting a geocaching tattoo? For that matter, what is the relevance of your swag or your caching clothes? ;):lol:

Big difference there, Septic. The cachers who are sitting on a park bench near a playground childless are doing (presumably) nothing wrong. Nudecacher is impinging on other people's right not to have to see his nudity if they stumble upon him. BIG difference.


The indecency laws are in place for a reason. The majority of people do not want to stumble upon a nude person. There are plenty of places that are set up for that purpose that nudecacher can go to do what he does (nudist camps, nude beaches, etc). I am not condemning him for enjoying being nude. I am often nude or partially clothed, in my own home. Nudity, in its proper place, is beautiful. I am condemning his inflicting his nudity, potentially, on others. If you were caching in the woods with your children (or even by yourself), would you want to encounter a naked man? I certainly wouldn't. I would call the authorities without hesitation if I encountered him. It is not an appropriate aspect of what is supposed to be a family-friendly sport.

I've read this topic... :lol: Can't understand: what is nudecashing exactly ?

Just what it sounds like. Maybe you should look at the logs.


How it is linked to geocaching ?  And how does it differ from exhibitionism ?


Because it's done at a cache site, silly. Which makes it just as relevant to Geocaching and on topic as such other wildly popular activities people do whilst geocaching, such as listening to the radio, eating Cheetos or taking a squirt in the woods.


I didn't mean to offend smb., but i didn't expect to find such discussion here (i mean geocaching community)...


I can't understand why. It's wildly popular and all the rage. Everyone's doing it. So much so that we need to be informed so we, too, can fight the evil oppressors who want to keep us clothed in public.


To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson:


Nudecacher going around caching in the nude neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. If I don't like the way he looks, clothed or unclothed, I can simply avert my eyes. People do it to me all the time, even though I always keep my 'Hugh Jazz' covered.


Cache on dude ...er, I mean nude.




Link to Nude Cacher (http://www.terracaching.com/viewcache.cgi?C=LCB) locationless.

Posted (edited)
People do it to me all the time, even though I always keep my 'Hugh Jazz' covered. 



[deleted by moderator]

Edited by Quiggle
Posted (edited)

From the Forum Guidelines:


Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly, and all posts and posters must respect the integrity of the site.


Also, this is another reminder to stay on-topic, which most of you are doing. If you have a problem with the thread, please skip it.

Edited by Quiggle
From the Forum Guidelines:


Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly

Thanks for the reminder. We certainly cant allow a play on words to be permitted in a family-friendly forum about public nudity.


I guess I'm the only one that sees the irony in this, eh?


It would seem like Mr. Quiggle has his hands full with this thread. As far as the morality of what he does is our own opinion. The legality depends on where he is at when he does this.


So let's keep the angst to a minimum and respect each other's opinions.


For the record, I do not run around nude, but my roomate is very active in the nudist circles. Of course, she does not like geocaching, but she is willing to go caching with Gary next time he is near Las Vegas.


I just don't get Nudecacher, or the point of walking around naked. Heck I'm not comfortable being naked in my own house when nobody is home. I LIKE clothing (and the world should be thankful for that).


That being said, nudity is not necessarily lewedness or exhibitionism. Too many people confuse them. If Nudecacher wants to walk around naked that's his business.


And for the record, if I was out caching or hiking with my family and encountered Nudecacher, or Nudehiker, or Nudebirder, my wife and I would say hello and continue on our way and explain to our daughter that there are some people who enjoy the "freedom" of going about without clothing.


Glad you won your case Nudecacher.

Again, please keep the discussion on-topic.  There are plenty of places for you to post in the Off-Topic forums if you're trying to be funny.


Thank you.

Quiggle, as a moderator can you explain exactly what beating a public indecency rap has to do with Geocaching?

Lighten up.


It's a lifestyle decision. As a nude cacher, he has the right. I also know he tries to be as discreet as possible so as not to offend the likes of folks such as yourself.


There have been many geocachers asking about his situation, he asked for and received appropriate permission to post here to explain what happened to him as a geocacher pursuing two favorite hobbies.


I never thought of geocaching and nudists in the same sentence before this thread. Probably that has a lot to do with the plant life (poison ivy), animal life (rattle snakes), and terrain (vertical) in our area. It is hard enough to do a day a caching with clothes on and return without injuries. I would hate to think of the injuries if we cached in the nude. :lol:


Hmmm, interesting topic. However, I CAN see why it's appropriate here....in a bad, heart-skips-a-beat "uh, we need to talk" kinda way.


Question....what EXACTLY, is the point that Nudecacher is trying to prove? That it's OK to be naked? That it's OK to find loopholes in the law just so we can be naked in public? That he can dodge the system? I just don't get it. Oh, I get the wanting to be naked part, just not the while in public when others can see it part. That sounds suspiciously like an exhibitionist, especially when you consider that there are specific places set up for persons of such mindset.


There's reasons why there are parental controls on the cable/satellite box, ratings for movies, and laws against nudity in public. It allows people to decide what they and their families can CHOOSE to see and when they see it. Does he really think he's doing the world a favor by letting us know our "rights" about being naked? What possible meaning can be served that can't already be done by going to one of the aforementioned areas where this type of activity is OK?


And here's the BIG question....How exactly can this possibly be good for the geocaching community? It only sheds more negative light on geocaching. Just think, the headline reads...."Family with 3 little girls accosted by naked man playing high tech game." Doesn't help geocaching much, does it? I don't care how careful he is, he keeps going like this, and eventually his luck will run out (possibly in the form of an angry father) and geocaching may pay something for it.


I'm as every bit a non-prude, all american, horndog, quit yer Bible-thumpin' they ain't hurtin' nobody male as can be, and I fully understand that some people have ideas and beliefs that differ greatly from my own. The difference is that I recognize that there are PLACES and TIMES these activities are appropriate so that they WON'T be forced upon others.


OK, my $.02 is used up, over and out. :lol:

From the Forum Guidelines:


Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly, and all posts and posters must respect the integrity of the site.


Also, this is another reminder to stay on-topic, which most of you are doing. If you have a problem with the thread, please skip it.

Family friend forums but NOT family friendly caches. I'm so glad I wasn't caching with my 8 year old daughter looking for this at the same time as nudecacher.


Maybe parents should rethink taking their children along caching. From the attitude of many posters it seems nudity in public is A-okay forgetting that some children may not be prepared to see naked adult men unexpectedly. Why are some patting this kind of behavior on the back?

From the Forum Guidelines:


Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly, and all posts and posters must respect the integrity of the site.


Also, this is another reminder to stay on-topic, which most of you are doing. If you have a problem with the thread, please skip it.

Family friend forums but NOT family friendly caches. I'm so glad I wasn't caching with my 8 year old daughter looking for this at the same time as nudecacher.


Maybe parents should rethink taking their children along caching. From the attitude of many posters it seems nudity in public is A-okay forgetting that some children may not be prepared to see naked adult men unexpectedly. Why are some patting this kind of behavior on the back?

At the risk of becoming less popular with the 'in' crowd, THANK YOU.


Early on in the thread Parrot Bob makes this post


Not at all. In fact, I've stayed at clothing optional resorts in the United States and in Australia. I've visited and participated in clothing optional beaches in those countries as well as Sint Maarten and Anguilla. I have no aversion whatsoever to nakedness in any way, shape, or form.



Later on he makes this post


My FIRST real beef with this topic is that I think it is a thinly-veiled attempt to promote an agenda (complete with links shamelessly plugging the Naturist Society) disguised as a geocaching topic because that just so happened to be the activity he was engaging in at the time of his arrest.


So he will stay at a Naturist resort but then he also has issues with the Naturist life style. He appears to be confusing the Naturist life style with people the engage in criminal activity. But he has stayed at naturist resorts, places that promote the activity he has problems with. I think Parrot Bob is very confused.

I just don't get Nudecacher, or the point of walking around naked. Heck I'm not comfortable being naked in my own house when nobody is home. I LIKE clothing (and the world should be thankful for that).


That being said, nudity is not necessarily lewedness or exhibitionism. Too many people confuse them. If Nudecacher wants to walk around naked that's his business.


If Nudecacher wants to walk around naked, that's his business.


If Nudecacher wants to walk around naked in PUBLIC, that's the PUBLIC'S business.


What you do on your property on your time is your business. Run around naked. Smoke dope. Have sex with animals. Who cares?


Just don't do it a half block from the courthouse.

Posted (edited)
It's a lifestyle decision.

What can't be called a "lifestyle decision" these days? Any list of such "decisions" would include everything from "Bible-thumping" to "serial murder." Sometimes a stunt is just a stunt.


EDIT: This has appeared more than once in this thread now, so I will append it to this post in support of the contention that we are not discussing a "lifestyle decison" but rather a mere stunt:


NudeCacher is not nude all the time. If he is in a park or in an area with people, at least as I understand it, he does not disrobe. It does not take more then a few seconds to get his signature shot and then he redresses so the chance of anyone "catching him in the act" is quite remote. I have also seen examples of logs where he DNF a cache due to to many people around and he could not sign the cache in the manner he intended to.
Edited by Skovar
Early on in the thread Parrot Bob(?) makes this post

What's with the name calling? That's hardly necessary. Grow up already.


Not at all. In fact, I've stayed at clothing optional resorts in the United States and in Australia. I've visited and participated in clothing optional beaches in those countries as well as Sint Maarten and Anguilla. I have no aversion whatsoever to nakedness in any way, shape, or form.


That's correct, I have.


Later on he makes this post


My FIRST real beef with this topic is that I think it is a thinly-veiled attempt to promote an agenda (complete with links shamelessly plugging the Naturist Society) disguised as a geocaching topic because that just so happened to be the activity he was engaging in at the time of his arrest.


So he will stay at a Naturist resort but then he also has issues with the Naturist life style.


Exactly WHERE did I say I have a problem with the Naturist lifestyle? What I have a problem with is using a GEOCACHING forum to PROMOTE it. If I want to read about the naturist lifestyle, I'll hop over to sunclad.com or some other Naturist forum.


He appears to be confusing the Naturist life style with people the engage in criminal activity. But he has stayed at naturist resorts, places that promote the activity he has problems with. I think Parrot Bob is very confused.


And I think JackieVegas has problems with reading comprehension. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Posted (edited)
From the Forum Guidelines:


Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly, and all posts and posters must respect the integrity of the site.


Also, this is another reminder to stay on-topic, which most of you are doing. If you have a problem with the thread, please skip it.

Family friend forums but NOT family friendly caches. I'm so glad I wasn't caching with my 8 year old daughter looking for this at the same time as nudecacher.


Maybe parents should rethink taking their children along caching. From the attitude of many posters it seems nudity in public is A-okay forgetting that some children may not be prepared to see naked adult men unexpectedly. Why are some patting this kind of behavior on the back?

I just would like to respond to this. As I have been reading the responces it is fairly obvious that all the people who have met Gary both on the trail and at events are for the vast majority alowing of what he does. I would however like to clear at least one point.


NudeCacher is not nude all the time. If he is in a park or in an area with people, at least as I understand it, he does not disrobe. It does not take more then a few seconds to get his signature shot and then he redresses so the chance of anyone "catching him in the act" is quite remote. I have also seen examples of logs where he DNF a cache due to to many people around and he could not sign the cache in the manner he intended to.


Above all I will say that NC does not preach or push his activities, yes he is a bit of an anomoly and that is why so many of us are aware of him, but he is both responcible and consiterate while exersizing his freedoms. IF YOU CHECK THE LOCAL FORUMS THIS IS A TOPIC WE HAVE DISCUSSED FOR QUITE A WHILE NC WAS SIMPLY TRYING TO HELP OTHERS NOT PROMOTE HIS ACTIVITY.


Gary I am very glad that you were not unjustly prosicuted.

Edited by andrewrj
Maybe parents should rethink taking their children along caching. From the attitude of many posters it seems nudity in public is A-okay forgetting that some children may not be prepared to see naked adult men unexpectedly. Why are some patting this kind of behavior on the back?

Personally, I have no problem with nudity... but as a parent this is my first concern also. Thank you for saying it.


Children need and do better with proper preparation for any change. Especially for something they have never seen or done before.


My 2 cents worth...



Maybe Nudecacher can sell something like this to pay the legal bills



Where would a nudist pin that button?!? :lol:

He could pin it to his sack ...


Quiggles, I did not say anything foul. It's quite possible a nude guy carries around more than one sack. ;)


I'm just going to voice my support for nudecacher... I dont see myself doing such - I think it has to do with a woodland cache that I wore shorts on, and came back looking like I was in a fight with a dozen alley cats, due to all the briars.


A number of years ago, while stationed in Germany, I visited a number of nude beaches. When I tell stories of my experiences, almost EVERYONE associates a sexual theme to such a place. I found that to NOT be the case while I was there. I found the setting to be very non-sexual.


It seems, that as a whole, we in the US are extremely uptight about nudity and equate it to sex.


Personally, I'm about as embarrassed about our reaction to the "costume failure", as I am to the whole Iraq issue. I dont think either (as well as many other topics) helps our image to the rest of the world.


I'm not so sure we are truly a "free" country, as compared to some of the "repressed" or 3rd world countries. It seems like anyone who tries to exercise freedoms, are viewed as criminals, rebels, or malcontents.


I applaud those who stand for our freedoms!


Cache on!

I bet if it was a nice looking female you wouldn't complain.


El Diablo

I would question the overall sanity of any person out walking nude in any context. Nudity is best left for your home or areas like beaches that have been clearly posted.


Even the animals in the woods have the decency to grow hair.

Personally, I'm about as embarrassed about our reaction to the "costume failure", as I am to the whole Iraq issue. I dont think either (as well as many other topics) helps our image to the rest of the world.

It was a "wardrobe malfunction," but I agree with you that that situation was greatly overblown. A woman's breast, however, is not genitalia, so comparing Nudecacher's activity to a mother breastfeeding her child in a public place (a comparison someone made earlier in the thread) is specious.

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