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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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I got today

2 canine cacher

2 bronze buffalo wings

2 sivler buffalo wings

and 10 NY wooden nickels, 10 for $4 and included shipping! putting these in caches. finially a coin that didn't hurt the pocketbook. :(


Finally a good day....

Pcfrog, Santa Cruz, Washington, Alaska, Red Ring S/A, Colorado, California wooden nickels, and Marky & Joanie smashed pennies. :D:D:(


Should have more goodness coming tomorrow... :(

....(Kealia I could just kiss you, but your wife would probably kick my butt... thank you!)

C'mon, is this a face you could really kiss? :(


Glad you're happy AG.

Posted (edited)
C'mon, is this a face you could really kiss?  :(


Glad you're happy AG.

Thankfully you don't really look like THAT :( or I might have to amend my comment to "a pat on the back" instead, lol.

Edited by AtlantaGal
Ah hahaaaa !! I got a Joe Forg coin today !!!! My victory dance in the middle of the road ina rainstorm was frank testimony to my glee.


to anyone waiting on theirs, its a BEAUTIFUL thing. Just make sure you visit joefrog.org - NOT joefrog.com. BIG difference between the two.

He said he would trade me one but the coin I'm trading won't be here for waaaaay too long! I think he has one of the BEST coins out there. Sigh..... it's going to be a very long wait to get the coin I'm trading but it will be awesome on the day his coin arrives. :(


Oh man! Nothing here. :D I am jealous! I want my Kansas and New Mexico coins. :lol:


I just got stinky bills. :P


Maybe the coins will come tomorrow. I will be watching for the mailman and checking the box. :)

Posted (edited)

RCGDS/Nuts for me today....


SSSHHHHH Don't tell anyone, the artwork for the Wyoming Geocoin was in my email box this afternoon.....

Edited by WYlostinMA

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