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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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Hi all,


I finally get to add something to this page :)


This is my first lot of coins through the mail. All trades, huge thanks to Sivota. And it is my first time trading too, so a lot of firsts today :)


To me they are first class :) Looking forward to adding to to my collection.




Congratulations. They make a nice start.


I just received a wonderful care package from a very dear and generous cacher. These were donated to help with the vet bills that I have from the scare my dogs gave me last week. I have never held some of them (well actually most of them) and am in awe of this donation. You know who you are and I am ever so grateful!! :wub: Hugs to you and puppy dog kisses too across the miles!!


These will be listed on ebay over the next few weeks maybe starting this weekend along with Layla's Carpe Diem coin. Many, many thanks!!!



OMG! That's wonderful! :wub: I love this forum. You people are SO nice. :wub:


There is only one of this coin;


And yes, the small one on the coin is me, one years of age.

Above the foto is the text; Born to cache

Underneath is the text; 25-07-1962


The backside;


VERY, VERY nice. Well done, and I love the front. :)


Yay! Full mailbox today!! :)


Some trades, a purchase and a few surprises :)


Nice haul!! Special congrats on the CacheHawk! After recently trading for the CacheOwl, this one is high on my want list.


There is only one of this coin;



And yes, the small one on the coin is me, one years of age.

Above the foto is the text; Born to cache

Underneath is the text; 25-07-1962


The backside;



What a lovely coin .. congratulations :D


There is only one of this coin;



And yes, the small one on the coin is me, one years of age.

Above the foto is the text; Born to cache

Underneath is the text; 25-07-1962


The backside;



Happy Belated Birthday Jack!!!! :P


Today was my best mailbox today in years! I finally got my invitation for an interview at UK! Woohooo! :lol::lol::lol:


OK... sorry for gloating... but for real. I am super happy!


And now back to your regularly scheduled broadcasting of Drneal's mailbox.


luck enough to open the box today and found some awesome coins

check these out this was a great day.

thanks to the senders.....


WOW!!! What a great haul. I am SOOOOO jealous of the Bigfoot coin. Congrats


In yesterday's mail, some purchases and trades thanks to Vannelle and E&Cplus3




Wow! I shipped those on the 14th! Guess the mail is still backlogged.


just getting settled back in from a weekend at the mwgb...all coins were dipped not once, but twice into my mailbox...






a hot, but great weekend with many geocaching friends, the highlight of which, was late nights in area 51 jut talking and taking in the sights (okay, I and a few others made our trip to the tiki bar, but that's another post.) there was also a rare creature sighting, but that also remains another post!






I got these two AWESOME coins in the coin spotlight mission I got in the mail this week!


The first is a personal coin (only one made) of my Kaylee monster! The other was my most sought after coin in a beautiful hand painted frame, matted with a spotlight background and the mission name and date. Way more then I could have ever expected!


Look what I found in my mailbox today...........................


Look, look, look!



































Look what I found in my mailbox today...........................


Look, look, look!


:wub: where did you get this lovely coin? It looks like my Kaylee Monster!!



































Look what I found in my mailbox today...........................


Look, look, look!


:wub: where did you get this lovely coin? It looks like my Kaylee Monster!!



It's a bernese mountain dog



































Look what I found in my mailbox today...........................


Look, look, look!


:wub: where did you get this lovely coin? It looks like my Kaylee Monster!!


It's a Bernese Mountain dog...a trade sort of.




:wub: where did you get this lovely coin? It looks like my Kaylee Monster!!



It's a bernese mountain dog




I think sheltiedogshowlover has got a new "most sought after coin" :lol::lol::lol::lol:


:wub: where did you get this lovely coin? It looks like my Kaylee Monster!!



It's a bernese mountain dog




I think sheltiedogshowlover has got a new "most sought after coin" :lol::lol::lol::lol:


:lol: You may be correct!! Love this coin! I know it's a berner not a black tri aussie but they do look very similar as pups. Everyone always asks if Kaylee is a bernese mountain dog puppy till I point out the lack of tail. :D


just getting settled back in from a weekend at the mwgb...all coins were dipped not once, but twice into my mailbox...


a hot, but great weekend with many geocaching friends, the highlight of which, was late nights in area 51 just talking and taking in the sights (okay, I and a few others made our trip to the tiki bar, but that's another post.) there was also a rare creature sighting, but that also remains another post!




Time for an important update...a picture of the rare creature has emerged and has been sent to me.....coin to follow!



Look what I found in my mailbox today...........................


Look, look, look!


:wub: where did you get this lovely coin? It looks like my Kaylee Monster!!


It's a Bernese Mountain dog...a trade sort of.




Can you tell us a little bit more about this very nice coin? Didn't have a chance to come to the forum until we came home from the Bash and here is that great coin that I've never seen before :o Back on the road tomorrow for a few days, hope I won't miss anything :huh:


I also temped the power of the Federal government. I placed the coins I got a MWGB in the mailbox, so far my door have not be broken down. Here is the picture.




Got to go, I hear someone at the front door.


Congrats EVERYONE!!!! Beautiful coins!!! :)

I've been without internet for far too long.

So many beautiful/awesome coins! Too many to comment on!!!


my coins for the week..the trades outnumber the purchases!






What is the coin next to the Venetian mask?


Congrats EVERYONE!!!! Beautiful coins!!! :)

I've been without internet for far too long.

So many beautiful/awesome coins! Too many to comment on!!!


my coins for the week..the trades outnumber the purchases!






What is the coin next to the Venetian mask?


welcome back! it's the tribal wheels geocoin



I received today 362 PGCachers Group Coins I will take some pictures of the AE edition (only 20 made) in the morning


If you have one too many you can send on to me :P


I also temped the power of the Federal government. I placed the coins I got a MWGB in the mailbox, so far my door have not be broken down. Here is the picture.




Got to go, I hear someone at the front door.


How much did the mystery coins go for?


Past month-ish......what a good month-ish :)





I need the name of those coins. I would love to get the dragon one mainly.


That's Colonel H. George Cachington Dragon



Correct!! :)

Colonel Cachington's Dragon and Colonel Cachington's Unicorn. Absolutely beautiful!! I can't believe I was able to get them :)


Wow, nice coins! You have definitely had a GREAT month-ish! :P


Hey Chuck, that's the GPS Maze Canada coin. Can you believe I did the maze, signed the log...then didn't even look to see if they were selling one? I got one off another Calgary cacher recently for trade. I don't know if you can get them anywhere else. I wish I had some to trade. The back has a MOOSE :)

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