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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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Good Afternoon Everyone!

Just jumping back into Geocaching, and have been lurking in this forum. I have an innocent obsession with Geocoins as well as path tags. Don't have many, but starting to aquire, so I have a question. Is there an address database with everyones address? I would love to receive suprises, but would like to send them also to "introduce" myself to this great group! How do you get the address to send a coin to? How do you put yours in the mix?


While I would be estatic to have everyone tell me that they would send me their address for a coin, i am really just wondering if there is a database? Sorry for rambling, and I apologize if this has been asked prior. Did a search and came up empty handed! Thanks!




Good Afternoon Everyone!

Just jumping back into Geocaching, and have been lurking in this forum. I have an innocent obsession with Geocoins as well as path tags. Don't have many, but starting to aquire, so I have a question. Is there an address database with everyones address? I would love to receive suprises, but would like to send them also to "introduce" myself to this great group! How do you get the address to send a coin to? How do you put yours in the mix?


While I would be estatic to have everyone tell me that they would send me their address for a coin, i am really just wondering if there is a database? Sorry for rambling, and I apologize if this has been asked prior. Did a search and came up empty handed! Thanks!




I was wondering this too! :blink:


Good Afternoon Everyone!

Just jumping back into Geocaching, and have been lurking in this forum. I have an innocent obsession with Geocoins as well as path tags. Don't have many, but starting to aquire, so I have a question. Is there an address database with everyones address? I would love to receive suprises, but would like to send them also to "introduce" myself to this great group! How do you get the address to send a coin to? How do you put yours in the mix?


While I would be estatic to have everyone tell me that they would send me their address for a coin, i am really just wondering if there is a database? Sorry for rambling, and I apologize if this has been asked prior. Did a search and came up empty handed! Thanks!




I was wondering this too! :blink:


There is a google geocoin address spreadsheet. You need an invite to see and join it though. E-mail me your e-mail address and I will send you an invite.


Good Afternoon Everyone!

Just jumping back into Geocaching, and have been lurking in this forum. I have an innocent obsession with Geocoins as well as path tags. Don't have many, but starting to aquire, so I have a question. Is there an address database with everyones address? I would love to receive suprises, but would like to send them also to "introduce" myself to this great group! How do you get the address to send a coin to? How do you put yours in the mix?


While I would be estatic to have everyone tell me that they would send me their address for a coin, i am really just wondering if there is a database? Sorry for rambling, and I apologize if this has been asked prior. Did a search and came up empty handed! Thanks!




I was wondering this too! :blink:


There is a google geocoin address spreadsheet. You need an invite to see and join it though. E-mail me your e-mail address and I will send you an invite.


I think i"m good now :huh: Thanks for your help everyone!


When I left the house, no mail. I came home to find a box and two bubblers sitting on my desk...good sized box was from Bronner's!! (Anyone who loves Christmas might recognize that name)!! Now, imagine my surprise since I haven't been to Bronner's in years!!


I open the box first, inside I find the source of my gift as well as a GREAT Advent Calendar!! THANK YOU, my friend!! I had posted about those in the Traditions thread and today was gifted one! Well done!!


Next was a bubbler from Crake, inside are my Write Shop Robert Bike Awareness coins!! Nice!!! I like the size and the keychain!! These will go out soon!!


And last is a bit of a mystery to me. It's from The Geocoin Club:


Signal CITO 2007 (yellow trash bag shaped coin)

Feb 2006

March 2006

April 2006

May 2006

June 2006

Signal the Frog World Geocaching Series 1 USA

Signal the Frog World Geocaching Series 2 The Netherlands

Signal the Frog World Geocaching Series 4 Germany

Signal the Frog World Geocaching Series 5 Canada


WOW, I don't know what to say about that, I don't know who to THANK!! So, THANK YOU whoever sent this little package, very nice indeed!!


A GREAT mail day here, what a nice surprise all around!


I received my Dragonfly Talisman coins today - they are BEAUTIFUL Tsun! I just love them and so, so, so glad my dear husband managed to get some! And the added little gift was lovely...I have been giving so many of mine away in missions and extras in special trades, well, I am going to hang on to this one for sure. Took me awhile to figure out what "version" it was...I guess I should have clued into the colours - duh!


Thanks again!



I got a holiday lobster and a blue angel in the mail today.


One from hollora and the other from WascoZooKeeper.


I also got a Red Cross pin as a special surprise.


Many thanks to both of you!!!


Today we received the 'package' coins we ordered from T n T. It is so neat to have been able to personalize them. We were also bitten by the G O' Coin Bug today!

I love visiting the mailbox during the holidays! : )


BIG HUGS to the following:


*tooey who is always sending me little trinkets from Scotland just because. Thank you!


*A Mitt who has integrity, thanks for being honest when most people would have kept them <_<


*Lori Darlin who is always trying to help someone else, thanks a million!


*bluemotmot the silent and behind the scenes person. If I were wealthy money wise, I would treat you to a Montana trip. You are one very special person, thanks so much for your generosity.


*summerandnana the Fimo queen! Sent me a Tristin in a stocking clay figurine much like what others are getting. You got some talent woman! Thank you so much, that made me grin like a Grizzly with a river full of spawning salmon.


Thanks for making the geocoin world a fun place to be :mad:


Just opened an envelope I miss in the mailbox yesterday. smile_peaceandlove.gif A Imagine Peace Geocoin. uglypeace.gif I`ve seen the pictures online but seeing one in person blows those pictures away. dance.gif

And the card it came with is great also.thumbsup4kk.gif

Thank you so much for the wonderful coin & card. thank4mh.gif


Not all received today, but i'm very happy the trading system is working!

Thanks Chief20r2 and E.caballus voor trading the winter scenery and de beautifull mustang coin.

In the Ducht forum I found a coin which i can not name yet, because it is a xmas present for my niece. It also is not in the picture.

The owner voluntered to bring it in person. Once inside it became clear it was a real collector and had loads of coins to trade! So we traded another 2 coins and he added his personal Wilg coin and the euro 5th anniversey coin. Thanks again.

On the third row a new pathtag transporter with my pathtag. Fun because this one can now travel!

Oeps, forget one! Last weekend i managed to solve a Dutch xmas puzzle and was rewarded with a ketelbinkie coin from Delta123 I'm sorry it is not on the picture.




Met the mail lady at the box this morning (she was running late lol) and was handed a tax program for the computer as well as an envelope from Santa's l'il helper (007BigD). Inside was his great personal in silver...#41 and a silver penny sig coin!!! THANK YOU very much Dave, gotta love that!




Just opened an envelope I miss in the mailbox yesterday. smile_peaceandlove.gif A Imagine Peace Geocoin. uglypeace.gif I`ve seen the pictures online but seeing one in person blows those pictures away. dance.gif

And the card it came with is great also.thumbsup4kk.gif

Thank you so much for the wonderful coin & card. thank4mh.gif


awesome! you SO deserve this coin for all you do and your wonderful, kind presence here.




BIG HUGS to the following:


*tooey who is always sending me little trinkets from Scotland just because. Thank you!


*A Mitt who has integrity, thanks for being honest when most people would have kept them <_<


*Lori Darlin who is always trying to help someone else, thanks a million!


*bluemotmot the silent and behind the scenes person. If I were wealthy money wise, I would treat you to a Montana trip. You are one very special person, thanks so much for your generosity.


*summerandnana the Fimo queen! Sent me a Tristin in a stocking clay figurine much like what others are getting. You got some talent woman! Thank you so much, that made me grin like a Grizzly with a river full of spawning salmon.


Thanks for making the geocoin world a fun place to be :mad:


Steph, I couldn't have said it better! Valerie and Lori are just exceptional women out there in the world!


And thanks, also to Joni for the pathtag and Christmas card!!!




:laughing: Look what i found in my mailbox :laughing:




Thanks Sivota for this very big surprise, you make me blush, smile and happy :ph34r:






Sivota you have done a lot for me this year, i am happy that we have met :lol:


Thanks for believing and helping with the smile misssion. :P


And thanks for this big Christmas surprise, you get a big hug from me B)


Merry Christmas and a very good 2009 <_<


Thank you my friend :mad:



From a trade to DaFunkyFrogs.


It is an AE copper with copper glitter! This coin looks fantastic! Also like the handmade frog lanyard/keyring and all the little paper frogs jumping out when I opened the package. I think the little frogs are trying to take over my desk, I keep finding them everywhere....


Thanks for an awesome trade Bruce!!!


Met the mail lady at the box this morning (she was running late lol) and was handed a tax program for the computer as well as an envelope from Santa's l'il helper (007BigD). Inside was his great personal in silver...#41 and a silver penny sig coin!!! THANK YOU very much Dave, gotta love that!




HEY! Me too! Very cool gift. I got number 006 and 6. Was very excited. Thank you so much BigD!


Guess what was in my mailbox today? NOTHING!!!

Ah Ha, I have not received one single puffie since I got hit with a snowball days ago!


Are the snowballs cursed? ;)


:blink: Please let me know so I can throw some dirty snow at someone else.


I just want puffies!


Mail came even though my box was FILLED with snow THANKS to the plows!The kind mail lady simply brushed the snow away and loaded the box with CHRISTMAS CHEER!! A card from some friends and another from LadyBee4T...hmmmm, what's this??


Upon opening, a nice note inside said someone wanted me to have a gift and to NOT say "Bah Humbug", I guess I did say that a while back, didn't I?? ;) Opened gift to find the GREAT Nielsenc Christmas coin I had hoped would disappear from her list (it was tempting me soooo)!! WOW, THANKS my mystery gift giving friend!! MUCH appreciated, I love this coin!!


THANKS also Beverly!! No bah humbug from me this great day!!


Oh, oh, oh! I've been walking on clouds for the last hour, since I got my heart's desire coin in the mail!!!




I can't believe I have this coin!


Thanks so much to NOSNOW and Shadow's Friend! Ya'll are awesome!!!!




Oh, oh, oh! I've been walking on clouds for the last hour, since I got my heart's desire coin in the mail!!!




I can't believe I have this coin!


Thanks so much to NOSNOW and Shadow's Friend! Ya'll are awesome!!!!




Wow, that's a neat coin!


I GOT ONE, I GOT ONE!!!.....wait a minute....



Look at this beautiful present!!!



Whats inside???



Ooooooh Fluffy!!! :D ... I like it already!



OH MY, its Signal!!! I LOVE THIS GUY!!!...Could it be?~ MY FIRST ORNAMENT!!!



Mmmmmm...Taste like Chicken!!! ;)



Daddy told me how special this was...he even said its BETTER than a Geocoin :lol: ... I love my present, its my first ornament for my first Christmas! ;)

Mommy asked "did she know I like frogs"...Daddy just rolled his eyes and said "Yes Sweetpea...she did" :blink:


Thank You Charlene!!!... I love my Signal Stocking SO MUCH!!! Now to keep it from ending up in Daddys Treasures! :D



Posted (edited)

Oh my word, what a beautiful beautiful girl!!


Yeah... I know! ;) Trust me... I am addicted to her!!! ...even with her snotty nose and dirty knees! :blink:


Thanks Lenny!

Edited by 007BigD

No puffies (love that word), but


I got my official notice of student-ness, like I am officially a student... I've already taken a mess of classes and put deposits in for 6 more classes in the next months. But it's totally cool to be official now!! ;)


Oh my word, what a beautiful beautiful girl!!


Yeah... I know! ;) Trust me... I am addicted to her!!! ...even with her snotty nose and dirty knees! :blink:


Thanks Lenny!


That girl has got the most beautiful blue eyes! Gorgeous kid!


No puffies (love that word), but


I got my official notice of student-ness, like I am officially a student... I've already taken a mess of classes and put deposits in for 6 more classes in the next months. But it's totally cool to be official now!! :D

CONGRATS LENNY!!! :lol: ... Definatley somethin special in the mailbox! Now that your officially a student... Youll be learnin instead of postin! ;)


The class I wanted to take doesnt offer a night class :blink: ...Got the flyer in "My Mailbox" that said so :D

Posted (edited)

I am on cloud 9 today!!!woohoo!! Our shipment came today...bright and early. It's too early to tell if everything is ok and where exactly are those coins in the grand scheme of things but yeah!!!! They are here somewhere...

Yesterday in the mail THE coin I have been wanting since I started trading...Stonehenge Ultimate Mystery!!! (thanks CLAMM) Also a beautiful Copper medusa coin and 3 Aussie flag micros. I wish I had bought more...



And now, we also have sofas! No more watching tv while sitting in the kayaks....yahooo!

Edited by gardengorilla
Posted (edited)

yesterday I got 6 look twice coins from crake,,for Roberts cointest,,,and 4 coins I bought 2 path tag transporters with the path tags( in both colors witch are for trade..) and caching ace coin (for collection), and a fortune favors the bold coin(for collection) 10 coins in my mail box in 1 day thats the highest thus far!!



Edited by DJ.J.ROCK
Posted (edited)

I got some coinage today. Got my 500 finds coin that I ordered. 11 caches to go and I will be there. Also got my coins from BrokenW. Love that Caching around the clock and cant believe how big that puzzle set is. Very cool day.



Edited by Sparticus06

I am so happy - I finally got some mail! :blink:


* A cute little Christmas Card from that wonderful bringer of smiles - geo.error! Thankyou dear girl!! :)


* And from one of the most amazing, highly regarded, generous spirited and friendly geocachers it has been my pleasure to know - a HUGE Christmas Package 'just because'. Thankyou BlueMotmot, not only have you proven that packages can get here from the US in 9 days in the silly season, <_< but that there are still truly generous, thoughtful people about! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! :)

Posted (edited)

Oh my word, what a beautiful beautiful girl!!


Yeah... I know! :) Trust me... I am addicted to her!!! ...even with her snotty nose and dirty knees! :)


Thanks Lenny!


WOW 007BigD, she sure is getting big. And What a beautiful little girl!!! The addiction is pretty bad here too. I can never seem to get enough of my little one. Here is a recent picture of my youngest one Alexandra.




Edit to say, nothing in my mailbox yet. But thats OK, She makes me smile all day long, even when my mailbox is empty!!

Edited by dardevle
Posted (edited)

Yahoo, a mailbox surprise!


A Christmas card and a "Tis the Season 2008" coin from sweetlife. A cool Christmas coin with a hole in it...how on earth they knew that the other yooper had gotten me a new jeep for Christmas I don't know but that coin went directly onto my keychain as a really cool reminder for when I got it. ;)


Thanks much Barry & Valarie!

Edited by usyoopers

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