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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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A couple of big packages were waiting for me when I got home today. :D


1 x Antique Copper Rainbow Bridge :P

1 x Two-Tone Satin Silver/Black Nickel Rainbow Bridge :D


24 x The Geocoin Nerds v2 - tom4props green glitter on shiny gold B)


... and a MysteryNerd (see second picture) :D



A Pile o' v2 Nerds



The MysteryNerd says, "Gather round my fellow Nerds."



The tom4props green glitter on gold Nerd

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After staying nearly the whole week in bed or on the sofa with a really bad cold, finally there is some coin mail arriving here :D


Yesterday I got:

- Highland Geofairy (white/blue) :P


And a wonderful package from Nochipra B)

- Naughty or nice coin (this time it arrived, thank you again!!!) I guess I am on the "Nice" list :DB)

- Accessibly coin and pin :D

- What's in your mailbox V1 :D

- Flying V coin (green) :D Those coins look so much better than on the pictures :D

- and some candies and chocolate kisses :D

Thanks sooo much Nora for this great package, it really made my day!!!! B):D:D


And today the package from Crowesfeat30 arrived (I don't know how you did it Sarah, but it really made it at lightspeed compared to all the other packages... I am still waiting for some that were send out weeks before yours :D ):

- Four Musketeers Coin Cardinal Version (red) I hope I can send you the coin for this trade soon, I still don't have it... :D

- Earth Turtle 2007 Antique Silver :D Thanks for the trade!!!

- Crowesfeat30 Personal Coin ant. Bronze :D In my opinion these turned out great!

- Crowesfeat30 Personal Coin ant. Silver :D I was surprised to find this one in my package, too, thanks a lot!!! :D

Thanks again for the great trades, Sarah!!! :D

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And, if that wasn't enough, I got a pair of Geocaching Jedi coins for our event!!


Wow, I really needed that!! What a WONDERFUL way to brighten a day!! When the maillady pulled into my drive, I shouted at her "better not be more bad news", she assured me it wasn't!! She was RIGHT!!


THANK-YOU Luke Skywalker!!!!!! These coins will definitely make the event even more special!!!


What a sweet deal Rockin Roddy. I am glad you got a couple of Geocaching Jedi coins for your event.

That is enough to brighten anyones day. Now, if only I could make the event! :(


Hey Daredevle...another reason to come over for the Lazy Hayes Days II event! We were out last night working on the 5/5 (yes, I finally felt good enough to head out again) and had reason to pause near the shoreline of the large lake which the cache is located. Well Daredevle, while resting there, we watched at least 4 MONSTER Muskie swimming within 6' of shore!! These fish were ALL of 4' long, it looked as if you could ride them! Their backs and tails stuck out of the water looking much like a small shark...or alligator!!


Since the legal minimum for these in this lake is 44", I'd guess you could have a bit of fun trying for your limit!!! We're heading back out tonight with our fishing gear!!!


As for coins....well, not much this morning...but it's early! ;)

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The mailman made a comment today, about all the packages I've been getting. :)


1 x 2008 Maine Pirate Quest Event (Satin Gold)

1 x OTT Team Roulette Geocoin

1 x WWSD What Would Signal Do? (AB)

1 x WWSD What Would Signal Do? (AS LE)

3 x May 2006 - Pyramid Proof

2 x Abomination Book

1 x July GCC Spy Geocoin

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Yesterday I got a most unexpected package from Croft house Cachers :D

Thanks so much for the notes and pictures! I love them :) (I thought thank you notes were a lost art)

Also, I love the coin, I had given up trying to trade for that one, so it's really much appreciated :D

I got a GC10000, a New Beginning (the one with the cat coming through the Canadian flag) :D:)

thanks again, all of you Croft house Cachers!

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Today started out GREAT!! Sky was blue, sun was shining and it was Earthday...what more could one ask for?? Oh, a CITO event!! Well, feeling my "green" self today (OK, and because the flat tire on my motorcycle was fixed....), I decided I'd take a tour to an event some 90 miles or so from home. You can't take a ride on a dusty bike, can you?? Not through the heart of Detroit and on to Belle Isle, certainly not!! So I spent the first few hours of the morning polishing my Kaw up and removing the grimey fingerprints left behind by the mechanics (did you know you have to remove the exhaust to repair the rear tire??? :unsure: ).


Finally I was off for Belle Isle, some Nerds in hand to give to my friends. The ride was great up until the road construction and closed exits...I kinda got lost for a bit (and not in the best areas of Detroit I might add). Finally finding a road I recognized, I was on my way, just one more turn and....BANG. I suddenly felt like I was on ice, the rear end was all over the place...another FLAT...right in the middle of vice central (drugs, "ladies" etc). I was fortunate, only one car nearly hit me before I could regain control and pull into a scary looking gas station!


I spent the next few hours playing phone tag with friends' voice mails while standing guard over my bike (this was no easy task either...)...FINALLY a real voice answers the phone and a friend from home is heading out via the long way (don't ask). 4 hours later...and a sunburn...my friend arrives with a truck and ropes, we get the bike on the truck and head on home. This ordeal started at 10am this morning...I just got home...it's 10pm. The highlight of the day was when the junkie smacked a lady who then tried to slice him with a broken bottle...until I opened my mail.....


Final unemployment check ;):blink:

college tuition for KAboom :D

and a bubbler from WILDCAT KELLY?? :lol::D:D


OMG...WHAT IS THIS?? I opened the bubbler and pull out a message, I unfold it once and a coin falls out, then I unfold it again and find another coin. I read the message first, and I must say, I was moved to tears. Near the bottom of the message was explanation for the two coins...WOW! I then looked at the coins for the first time...a "Don't Fence Me In" (silver) and a "Don't Fence Me In" (black nickel)! Only 50 of each metal were made, these were both 26's! :huh::D:D One will be kept by me THANK-YOU!!! I think the other coin will be given to the Lazy Hayes Days II event to be used as a prize! I feel this is what best carries on the spirit of your gift!


The joy this has brought to my heart is beyond words, I am in shock and feel very honored...THANK-YOU!! What a miraculous ending to a crazy day!!! B) Email will be on it's way, my friend!!

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"college tuition for KAboom

and a bubbler from WILDCAT KELLY??


OMG...WHAT IS THIS?? I opened the bubbler and pull out a message, I unfold it once and a coin falls out, then I unfold it again and find another coin. I read the message first, and I must say, I was moved to tears. Near the bottom of the message was explanation for the two coins...WOW! I then looked at the coins for the first time...a "Don't Fence Me In" (silver) and a "Don't Fence Me In" (black nickel)! Only 50 of each metal were made, these were both 26's! One will be kept by me THANK-YOU!!! I think the other coin will be given to the Lazy Hayes Days II event to be used as a prize! I feel this is what best carries on the spirit of your gift!


The joy this has brought to my heart is beyond words, I am in shock and feel very honored...THANK-YOU!! What a miraculous ending to a crazy day!!! Email will be on it's way, my friend!!"


This is tremendous news. Yes the coin is GREAT But college tuition! KAboom is very fortunate :unsure:


O.K. as for the coins WOW ! ! ! I bet that is why you got 2 of them . One for yourself and one for your event. ( I'm sorry, but I don't think I've heard of this name before - Wildcat Kelly) BUT ain't she/he TERRIFIC as are YOU, Rod :blink: !



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Today started out GREAT!! Sky was blue, sun was shining and it was Earthday...what more could one ask for?? Oh, a CITO event!! Well, feeling my "green" self today (OK, and because the flat tire on my motorcycle was fixed....), I decided I'd take a tour to an event some 90 miles or so from home. You can't take a ride on a dusty bike, can you?? Not through the heart of Detroit and on to Belle Isle, certainly not!! So I spent the first few hours of the morning polishing my Kaw up and removing the grimey fingerprints left behind by the mechanics (did you know you have to remove the exhaust to repair the rear tire??? :blink: ).


Finally I was off for Belle Isle, some Nerds in hand to give to my friends. The ride was great up until the road construction and closed exits...I kinda got lost for a bit (and not in the best areas of Detroit I might add). Finally finding a road I recognized, I was on my way, just one more turn and....BANG. I suddenly felt like I was on ice, the rear end was all over the place...another FLAT...right in the middle of vice central (drugs, "ladies" etc). I was fortunate, only one car nearly hit me before I could regain control and pull into a scary looking gas station!


I spent the next few hours playing phone tag with friends' voice mails while standing guard over my bike (this was no easy task either...)...FINALLY a real voice answers the phone and a friend from home is heading out via the long way (don't ask). 4 hours later...and a sunburn...my friend arrives with a truck and ropes, we get the bike on the truck and head on home. This ordeal started at 10am this morning...I just got home...it's 10pm. The highlight of the day was when the junkie smacked a lady who then tried to slice him with a broken bottle...until I opened my mail.....


Final unemployment check ;):D

college tuition for KAboom :D

and a bubbler from WILDCAT KELLY?? :lol::D:D


OMG...WHAT IS THIS?? I opened the bubbler and pull out a message, I unfold it once and a coin falls out, then I unfold it again and find another coin. I read the message first, and I must say, I was moved to tears. Near the bottom of the message was explanation for the two coins...WOW! I then looked at the coins for the first time...a "Don't Fence Me In" (silver) and a "Don't Fence Me In" (black nickel)! Only 50 of each metal were made, these were both 26's! :huh::unsure::D One will be kept by me THANK-YOU!!! I think the other coin will be given to the Lazy Hayes Days II event to be used as a prize! I feel this is what best carries on the spirit of your gift!


The joy this has brought to my heart is beyond words, I am in shock and feel very honored...THANK-YOU!! What a miraculous ending to a crazy day!!! B) Email will be on it's way, my friend!!


I'm so glad your day ended on a high note!! Sorry to hear about the rest of your day - thats rough!! Thinking of you.

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We got our Nerds! We didn't get too many, but we dig the ones we got!


Thanks to those who helped us out getting them! :)


AND just How many did you get :) ?


We could only afford 5/each, but we like 'em :)


In yesterday's mail, no OTT Roulette coin (mailman, you're killing me!), but got one of the coolest coins now in our collection, a silver Jellyfish.


Thanks much for the trade :D

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We got our Nerds! We didn't get too many, but we dig the ones we got!


Thanks to those who helped us out getting them! :)


AND just How many did you get :) ?


We could only afford 5/each, but we like 'em :)


In yesterday's mail, no OTT Roulette coin (mailman, you're killing me!), but got one of the coolest coins now in our collection, a silver Jellyfish.


Thanks much for the trade :D


Each...each what? :)


Let me know how many "each" is and I'll send each of you one of mine!! Don't hold your breath waiting for them or anything and you might even find need to remind me (I have a memory problem resulting from a car/bicycle accident)...but I'd be honored to share mine with you!

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A great coin day today :)


Got my OverTheEdge coin from the fun contest last week


Got my Chocolate mission with some really good Cadbury chocolate from New Zealand...why don't they sell the good stuff over here??? Coins included in the mission package were an Official GeoCache coin and a Canadian Cacher coin. The chocolate is great....maybe a couple missions a year of that sort??? :)

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We got our Nerds! We didn't get too many, but we dig the ones we got!


Thanks to those who helped us out getting them! :D


AND just How many did you get :) ?


We could only afford 5/each, but we like 'em :)


In yesterday's mail, no OTT Roulette coin (mailman, you're killing me!), but got one of the coolest coins now in our collection, a silver Jellyfish.


Thanks much for the trade :)


Each...each what? :)


Let me know how many "each" is and I'll send each of you one of mine!! Don't hold your breath waiting for them or anything and you might even find need to remind me (I have a memory problem resulting from a car/bicycle accident)...but I'd be honored to share mine with you!


I meant that each of us (me, mightyzinn and redegg) only could afford 5 nerds per person :) Which unfortunately leaves us with zip in regards to traders :)

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We got our Nerds! We didn't get too many, but we dig the ones we got!


Thanks to those who helped us out getting them! :D


AND just How many did you get :) ?


We could only afford 5/each, but we like 'em :)


In yesterday's mail, no OTT Roulette coin (mailman, you're killing me!), but got one of the coolest coins now in our collection, a silver Jellyfish.


Thanks much for the trade :)


Each...each what? :D


Let me know how many "each" is and I'll send each of you one of mine!! Don't hold your breath waiting for them or anything and you might even find need to remind me (I have a memory problem resulting from a car/bicycle accident)...but I'd be honored to share mine with you!


Accident :) When did This happen? I hope you're alright :) . I don't know who you were referring to. But , intolerable was stating that he got 5 "nerds v2" and I was hoping he had an extra for me :)

P.S. Did you ever get your "Markta" coin?

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We got our Nerds! We didn't get too many, but we dig the ones we got!


Thanks to those who helped us out getting them! B)


AND just How many did you get :ph34r: ?


We could only afford 5/each, but we like 'em B)


In yesterday's mail, no OTT Roulette coin (mailman, you're killing me!), but got one of the coolest coins now in our collection, a silver Jellyfish.


Thanks much for the trade B)


Each...each what? B)


Let me know how many "each" is and I'll send each of you one of mine!! Don't hold your breath waiting for them or anything and you might even find need to remind me (I have a memory problem resulting from a car/bicycle accident)...but I'd be honored to share mine with you!


Accident :P When did This happen? I hope you're alright B) . I don't know who you were referring to. But , intolerable was stating that he got 5 "nerds v2" and I was hoping he had an extra for me B)

P.S. Did you ever get your "Markta" coin?


About 7 years or so ago Fairyhoney...and except for memory loss, I'm fine!! THANKS! I was hit by a lady while crossing the road (long story, but not my fault) on my mountain bike. When I awoke, the ambulance had just pulled up...I refused care. I definitely should have gone as the delay in help really hurt me. Stupid?? Certainly, but I was yonger and "tougher" then...what a mistake.


YES< I did get the Markta coin, but I see you never got my email! Now I feel horrible! THAN K-YOU for that beautiful coin!! I love it!


Intolerable, remind me in a few days or so that I'm supposed to send you coinage...mine are currently on the back of my motorcycle...which is in the shop. Another long story! :(

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