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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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in the past week....


a most amazing Rainbow Bridge coin with assorted goodies - thanks Karma!


a Team DonutDog personal - glad to help, love the packing!


a couple "Walddusche in Gleisweiler" cache geocoins - thanks for the trade, minz!


a very purple geocoin Nerd - thanks for the trade, Smort78!


a very green geocoin Nerd, and a goodie - thanks for the trade Tadpole379!


a cool California Highway Patrol geocoin - thanks CLAMM!


a pretty Pennypacker Roadtrip


a pair of yellow/blue Deaf Awareness coins


woohoo! another paycheck gone!

:) :) :unsure:

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I got a.....




Blue glitter topped....


Thank you, SCC!!


Naomi :antenna:


Naomi you STILL have your tree up??? Boy you must have been hoping for one of these! :antenna:




Hehehe! Yeppers, I swore I wouldn't take it down until I got one of those little sweeties! :laughing:


I guess the Elf in Charge finally heard my plea and decided to send me one after all!


Whew, I am ready for this tree to come down now :antenna:


Naomi :antenna:

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We have not posted for literally ages and have a whole heap of magnificent coins still unactivated, :laughing: and today we recieved some lilly pad dwellers. very cool - one set to keep, one set as a gift and 1 silver to release.


As I am at home of a forced day off -I feel some catch up work coming on. :antenna:

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Holy smokes what a big haul after the weekend!!! Two trades a week apart from Germany arrived rubber-banded together along with two more state-side trades. A very good coin day :huh:


-Templar Antique Gold

-Templar Antique Silver

-Templar Antique Copper - OOooooooh!!! :D


-Stone of Rosetta Antique Gold

-Stone of Rosetta Antique Silver

-Stone of Rosetta Antique Copper (x2) - Memories of Art History I come flooding back! B)


-Deutsche Biercoin Antique Gold LE

-Deutsche Biercoin Antique Silver

-Deutsche Biercoin Antique Copper LE - Now who couldn't love this one?! ;)


-Großherzogtum Baden GC "Antique Gold

-Großherzogtum Baden GC "Antique Copper" LE - Beautiful and classy... tough to be that! :D


-Lord of the Cache "Polished Gold"

-Lord of the Cache "Gold"

-Lord of the Cache "Polished Silver"

-Lord of the Cache "Silver"

-Lord of the Ccahe "Black Nickel" - Lighter and smaller than I thought, but well done overall. :ph34r:


-Round Tuit Shiny Copper (x2) - Long story, but I should be more careful when I trade to make sure I keep at least one of my own designs in the house ;)


-Big Bear Cache Event - Had a couple reserved, but lost them in the shuffle of pre-baby madness. Thanks for the trade Lori!


-Finland 2006 - Been trying to pin one of these down for a looong time now, thanks for trading!

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This week in the mailbox:


-Rainforest Jewel V1 gold

-Rainforest Jewwl V1 silver


-Frozen Buns Frosty Silver

-Frozen Buns Shiny Silver

-Frozen Buns Shiny Gold

-Frozen Buns Antique Silver XLE

-Frozen Buns Shiny Copper XLE


-Pirates of Harriman IV Copper/Silver

-Pirates of Harriman IV Copper/Gold

-Pirates of Harriman IV Gold/Silver

-Pirates of Harriman IV Silver/Gold


-Cache is King Antique Gold

-Cache is King Antique Silver


-Queen of Cache Antique Gold

-Queen of Cache Antique Silver


-German Reviewer Geocoin "Antique Gold"

-German Reviewer Geocoin "Black Nickel"


-Midwets Geobash Poker Marker "Antique Gold"


-PuzzleCache Geocoin "Antique Gold "


-Signal Geocoin March 2007 "South Africa"

-Signal Geocoin June 2007 "Saudi Arabia"


-The Fox And The Hound Geocoin


-Chief's Geocoins


-White Elephant Geocoins


-Travel Express Antqiue Copper LE


-Mackey Made It XLE AE Antique Copper


-Isle of Man 2007 Gold


Jeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa :huh: and a poore mailman :ph34r:


Many thanks to Chris, Norman and Lars ;);):D

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The past few days I have received:


- 2 coins for my WEGE mission :ph34r:;)


-LE Caching pill V1 :huh: Thanks Jarrett!!


-Two Seasons of December

-Run for the Roses ;) Thanks for another great trade Dan!! :D


-rivercity's Chrismas coin, one for me and one for Beky :D Thanks so much Marilyn!!

-2 Nerds from rivercity...so cute!!

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First Anniversary Coin - very nice and different from anything we have seen before. The skyline overlay is awesome.


Christmas Snow Globe (Gold), Severn Valley Railway (Ant. Silver) and a mini Gecko.




400 Kittys.

Edited by jangor
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Today (Wed) we got one of these gorgeous sets too (not the gps coin). Thank you so much kayakerinme for the trade. It is really a beautiful set. Yours are on the way. I managed to get them out yesterday.



We also got a great Ghosts of Geocaching Past coin in a trade with slowdownracer. That is one cool coin! We loved it ever since we helped one along in its travels. Yours is on the way if you have not gotten it already?


And, we also got a great personal TeamEccs21 coin (gold) in a trade with them. I love the tree pic on that coin! Yours is on the way too if you have not gotten it already?


Thank you so much ya'll for the trades. I especially enjoy trading with the people who created the coins. You tend to learn a little more about them?

Edited by Nochipra
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No coins for such a long time... :D No money for new ones, and no trades, but I am waiting for the coins I paid a long time ago, the Rainforest Jewel V2 and the Let it snow coins which were both sent out at the beginning of last week and seem to travel very slow this time B)


But I got my Fenix L2D flashlight yesterday, a christmas present "from me to me", or better from the money I got for christmas from my grandparents. Wow, what a flashlight, sooo small, and sooo bright! :)B) I guess I have to go nightcaching tonight :D

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Some froggies hopped into the warmth of the house to get out of our first snowstorm (yeah, is was a laughable amount, but people still crash-up derby)


Froggies....... Tsun..... the Rainforest Jewels are gorgeous, wish I would have ordered all the versions, LOL!!!


I adore them!!! One is definitely mine, but what to do w/the other? It will be hard to part w/it!

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